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Forum Post: Occupy Philly is going downhill, and is not efficiently run as other occupy movements....send help please

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by jhoffman (22)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

on 5 a clock sunday occupy philly is going to get evicted. We learned about this friday, but the way the GA is structured nothing got done, and people began to break off and form their own groups. It is poorly organized, and getting proposals into the GA is difficult. My friend from Mass came down and pointed out how they need to do a better job of community outreach. For example his occupy movement works close with the unions, and lawyers, and they have a police liaison. They have been able to communicate with the city, and put restraining order against the cops. Meanwhile occupy philly is not doing so well, they haven't reach out to the police, their GA is a mess, and their awareness about the issues isn't the best in the world. I go down their to educate people, but right now we need numbers.



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[-] 1 points by jhoffman (22) 13 years ago

The movement doesnt have any intellectuals. The people who left are waiting for something reasonable to happen .

[-] 1 points by Innervision (180) 13 years ago

I say take your numbers and get behind the 99Declaration. This OWS movement, is taking on water and you don't want to drown with it.

Go on line and read about having a Constitutional Convention in July 2012. I'm going to put my efforts there,from now on, because OWS is too disorganized!

Why get pepper sprayed or jailed, for a movement that has no clear message?