Forum Post: Occupy People Are Nowhere Near Nazis!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 10:57 a.m. EST by arealpolitik
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have heard enough accusations from too many of The Far Right Wing Conservatives in this country that the Occupy Wall Street are Nazis and Communists and all sorts of filthy and foul things and I am going to actually sit here at this computer and tell whoever wants to listen what Nazis really are (Were) and let them make their own decisions.
Before I get started on that, however, let me mention that many of the same people who are uttering these utterly non-sensical and hypocritical remarks about The Occupy Wall Street People are supposed to be "Christians" of some kind and are supposed to be operating on a higher spiritual plane than to simply assume that these folks out there in the streets are some kind of vermin or something.
So, as far as certain Presidential Candidates go and some of the so-called news channels (Noise Channels) go, I am pretty sure they are trying to stir up public prejudice for some reason when they should be trying to find out what the Occupiers really are about.
These Occupy Wall Street People are not simple street "Rabble." These are unemployed folks, and professional people and ex-military people.
These are medical and dental people, some state representatives, ex-cops, ex-Marines, all levels of ethnicity-- and, folks, do not forget that the movement has spread around the globe now. It is not just an "American" thing now. It is world wide. That, in my way of thinking is one Hell of a lot of "Communists and Hippies and Nazis!"
So exactly what is a Nazi anyway? I think we should take a close look at what a Nazi really is so we can make the proper comparisons if we are going to occupy ourselves with senseless mud-slinging.
Nazis tend to be ultra nationalistic and have a superiority complex. Nazi ideology was totally obsessed with the "Exceptionalism" of its country. In the mind of the Nazis, their country and their citizens were absolutely superior to all others.
If you take a close look at that ugly thing that calls itself "Christian Conservatism" in The United States today, what do you notice about it?
In my opinion, the Far Right Wing "Christian" Conservatives in America have been on an ultra-nationalistic kick for a long time now, waving their Bibles and Flags at every opportunity and playing the "God Bless America" card for all it's worth.
The so-called"Tea Party" with their hate rhetoric and their signs calling for armed insurrection and revolution were absolutely hyper-nationalistic at their fiery little rallies. Does this begin to get a little scary to you? Are there some similarities emerging here that we don't really dare to imagine?
Are there horrors hidden in the belly of some political failures and malcontents...
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Wow... spin away moron. Do you think anyone believes your bs?
Marxist and communist, lol you are a joke. The last time I looked the protests were being held by American students, unemployed Nurses and most people that cannot find a job due to corporations holding the economy hostage.
Wake-up spin-moron, look outside your window. One out of five homes on your street are in foreclosure. 40% of older Americans are frozen out of the workplace, college grads are working at McDonalds.
Stupid is as stupid speaks... To say that these concerned citizens are Marxist or communist redicals is just too stupid. If you are going to spin lies, at least try something new.
George Lucas No Longer Owns The Storm Troopers
I am definitely not a Nazi and I support OWS. Standing up to corruption, criminality and joblessness, does not make one a member of the Nazi Party, it simply makes one rational. Why should I support four hundred individuals having more wealth, than half the United States, while the two most highly educated generations of Americans in US history are told, by mere College graduates, that advanced degrees mean nothing!Where I am told by mere College graduates that my MBA means nothing! Where PhD graduates are told that they have no marketable skills! I am best off, in a USA, where we have a growing middle class, a USA where we have a growing population and where the working class, can move up into the middle class. I am not best off in a USA where we continue to concentration wealth and income, in the hands of a few families. Paris Hilton can just deal with my having a career, a family and a future and if she can't, tough sh-t. Enough is enough, already.
The one huge and obvious difference between The Tea Party and OWS is very obvious on this page. This forum reflects the views of EVERYONE.
The Tea Party's FB pages and social links do not allow free expression of all The People. If you do not agree with their right-wing extremist views they do not let you join in the discussion.
To me, this says so much...
No you are more like the fools the Nazis used to gain power ... ;) keep up the great work the next tyrant will come in your name :)
Actually, the ultra rich are more like the fools that created the opportunity for Vlad Putin, to take power in Russia. Concentrating wealth and income is a prerequisite for a charismatic security leader or a dictatorship; as in,The Roman Empire, The PRC, Nazi Germany, Castro's Cuba, The Soviet Union, The Russian Federation, etc. Why, do you believe that Medical Doctors and Investment Bankers are going to end up running the USA, after there is no middle class? Do you believe that some medical doctor is making a half a million dollars or a million dollars a year in Russia or China? The rich will be nothing, eventually, under the ultra rich New World Order.
The upper middle class and the rich will be done away with, just like the middle class. The ultra rich will take the wealth and income of the upper middle class and the rich, then the ultra rich, without security connections, will be wiped out or imprisoned, by the ultra rich with security connections. This is the natural order of things, when you consolidate wealth and income, into the hands of a few individuals. Growing the US middle class is the best defense against the USA ending up like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. You are either a billionaire or a future victim of the New World Order, pick a side.
Don't believe me? Go ask a doctor, from Russia or China, to tell you what Globalist paradise will be like, for the rich, in the USA; when the ultra rich turn the USA into a China or a Russia. Do you believe that entrepreneurship will save the day? Good! That is the approach that Castro went with, to deal with joblessness, in Cuba! He allows everyone to start a restaurant, right in their own home! We can be like Castro's paradise, right here in the USA, at this rate! [grin]
Fools come in many forms, like an song from the 90's if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything, you have to be you own man not a puppet on a string, NEVER COMPROMISE with what is RIGHT, and defend your family name (your self worth, your honor, your dignity)
There is a German proverb, roughly translated, "The strong man is strongest when he stands alone." I wonder if that is true? The rich need to realize that they are not going to be in on the ultra rich joke, the rich are going to be part of the punch line. Unfortunately, the useful idiots of the ultra rich, always think that they will be the exception to the rule. The ultra rich do not want what the middle class has, the ultra rich want everything; absolutely everything.
But then you make a very valid point, because what you say is try the strong are strongest when he is alone, so the ultra rich are in way keep in check from getting to strong by competition of their ultra rich rivals, that why its illegal to form a cartel or monopolize the market. So who do we know that make billions from the collapse of their competitors and or entire economic system? Hint they are closer to your movement then you know ;)
Well, actually, I believe that the main beneficiary would, in the long run, be an oligarch with CIA or other security ties, willing to advance the middle class, at the expense of the ultra rich trust fund babies. Frankly, I would support the CIA putting a Putin type in, if I would get the lifestyle, I should have had, before the rich, stole my future. I would not hesitate to cooperate with an American Putin. I went through a lot of misery that little rich punks, with connections, cannot understand. I would help the CIA and the military round up the rich and shoot them down in the street, if my alternative is to be jobless, poverty stricken and to starve in the street. I don't blame the men and women working wth Putin, because many of them would be poor as hell, if the rich scum, the US Government supported, actually ran Russia.
And that doesn't sound the lest bit like what happened in Germany with the Nazi party?
The lesson of all of these dictatorships is don't f-ck with the people. In Nazi Germany, innocent people, namely Jews, were blamed for the actions of the big shots; innocent Jews were singled out. There is no doubt that we can follow the trail and identify the Wall Street bankers, corrupt politicians and the ultra rich individuals responsible for what is going on in the USA; the joblessness, the corruption and the criminality. Every one of these individuals should sit in a prison cell, for what they did to this country. It goes without saying, that if my choice is be homeless and starve to death, in the street, then it will be a joy and a song for me to help stand by the US Government and help an American Putin type straighten out a bunch of anti- American, ego maniac, Globalist, trust fund losers.
If the rich try to kill us in the street, for protesting peacefully, for seeking equality and justice, for our generation, for our unwillingness to give up our standard of living, I will definitely join the people, in the street and set my life aside, for the American middle class, for myself and my way of life, as my uncle did, the uncle I am named after, fighting against Communists in Vietnam. I don't believe that Americans have a duty to fight for foreigners, in fact I think foreigners should do their own damn fighting, but every American should be willing to fight on US soil and die, if need be, for the American people; including politicians and billionaires. Anyone unwilling to fight for the USA, on US soil, should be executed, on the spot, in the event of a war against the American people, fought on US soil, unless they previously served in the US military or they are severely handicapped, if you ask me. I was highly critical of my best friend, going into the Marines and fighting in Iraq, though.
I am also highly critical of fighting Al Qaeda, in foreign countries, since they are just going to end up using single cell tactics and waiting out the USA, just like the P.I.R.A. waited out the British. Still, if anyone decides to kill us in the streets, right here in NY, welI don't give a sh-t if they are appointed by G-d, I will stand by my people and fight for the survival of the American people, against any and all adversaries, foreign or domestic. Any group or agency starts killing us in the street, mowing us down, to put down our Civil Rights movement is getting f-cked and f-cked hard; so are the rich scum behind them; just like the Russians, I am descended from would f-ck a little murdering Tzar up. Like Putin would f-ck a little murdering Tzar up.
I sure do admire Putin, greatly and I tell you, were he in power, in the USA, this country would be a million times better off, than with the dogs and prostitutes we have in office. He won a war, with a second rate army, in 72 hours and MBAs have appropriate careers in Russia. Billionaires, looking to destroy Russia, go to prison, where they belong. Obama isn't half the man, Putin is and Obama will never be considered a great leader, like Putin. As a Russian Jewish American, I am proud of Putin and I like the way he treated Bush like a dog, when he told Bush how 186 Russian peace keepers repelled the pathetic Georgian military. I like the way he put that punk Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky right in a prison cell, where that scum bag thief belongs.
It is a shame that the USA is not blessed with real men, like Putin , in the US Congress or White House. It is a shame that Russia isn't blessed with the gifted American middle class and the standard of living that the middle class created, through hard work. Russia dreams of living a life, like the American middle class live, the life US trust fund babies want to destroy, in this country. The very people, the Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky apologists, the rich and ultra rich, in the USA, want to destroy. F-ck the American rich, calling me a Nazi? My relatives defeated the Nazis, while the relatives of American I -Bankers ran for their lives! P-ssies that hid behind my family and our blood! [grin]
Yes, I do not consider Globalist, anti-middle class a-holes, the American people. I consider them traitors to our Nation, not in the term of art sense, but in a general sense. If you don't care if India has the jobs and American suffer, you don't count as an American, in my book. The lesson is, never stand between a man and his life, unless you are ready to lose yours. Had the Nazis just killed the actual men and women responsible for the First World War and the conditions that Jews and gentiles suffered through, as a result, I would have called them heroes, but they killed innocent men and women, many of them true patriots of the former Central Powers. I cannot respect that they killed the innocent, including German Jewish veterans of the First World War.
You see this is where I will have to disagree, the cure to our economic woes is not totalitarianism, you see if we put an American Putin into office who's to say that he will not just keep hold of the power, and "silence" his rivals, because absolute power corrupts absolutely. Then we will just have the same problem with a different face.
I believe that too much government control and regulation is at fault. Because normally when the capitalist system is over strained it would of collapsed and and equalize the total amount of demand with the amount of supply, but instead of a short some times profound recession that will purge its self of the unproductive and in efficient corporations, the government will come in under an act of common good to bail out these failed companies and banks prolonging the suffering of the entire econmical system.
In the name of the common good a government would create regulations on the company, bank or individuals. This is when you have corporations finding loop holes or exemptions in the laws to protect their standard of living. While the individual who doesn't have the resources or the time to find all of these loop holes and their standard of living is downgraded.
The cure certainly isn't totalitarianism. The cure is getting rid of the Globalist, anti American, trust fund scum, running this country, presently and putting in real, Pro American, men and women, with backbones and a moral compass. We shall see how logical and responsive our Government is, to the will of the people, our plight and our need to end thirty years of crime, corruption and anti middle class policies. In the end, if they will not budge, I will take a military dictatorship, over the ultra rich getting the last laugh, any day.
If our lives are going to be ruined, then ruin their lives, as well. [grin] I am not interested in the, so called, New World Order and in the end, I want my future and I don't care what becomes of the scum, looking to destroy my future. I don't care if their lives end happy or sad, I really don't have a preference, it is up to them, really, those motherf-ckers don't care about my life and I don't care about their lives; just as long as I get the life I struggled for; an upper middle class life, a life, that is modest, by the decadent standards of billionaires, the life no rich trust fund scum bag was ever denied, because mommy and daddy coughed up a career connection. I don't care if the American people kiss the rich or kill the rich. I am indifferent, just as the rich are indifferent to me and my situation. Sad tales of totalitarianism look silly next to giving up your future and standard of living, just so the rich can have a little bit more. End of story.
Last time I checked, most of the people part of OWS in Zuccotti park ARE Jewish. Not exactly a Nazi friendly crowd.
lol, spin away... The truth is most of the Jewish persuasion are in the tall buildings looking down on the crowd. True, there are people from all religious and ethnic persuasions that are disenchanted with the corporate take-over of America. To be used then set aside when profit is no longer there. My beef is not with any religious or ethnicity, it is with the consistent corporate take-over of America, and the banks who profit from supporting them.
If you want the heart of American pride to come back. If you want small business to again reign supreme. Try shutting down a few Wal-Marts, Lowes, and other large corporations that not only ship the manufacturing of their goods overseas but then take-over small businesses by the creation of their behemoth retail chains.
For every Super Wal Mart closed, three hundred small businesses can be created and actually compete...
I can see that, except that Jewish persuasion comment. While I do know a few people who work on Wall Street, only one is Jewish; two are of the Italian persuasion, two are of the South Asian persuasion, and a the rest are all Asian.
There are plenty of black people in the crowd too. Don't you watch any of the video's on youtube?
Feels like I do this all day. There are plenty of every type of person at the Occupations down here in South Florida and in Zuccotti Park. Don't know much about what is going on in LA, but the % of black people in the US is about 10%. But, yes, I do agree with the level of oppression that they face is greater.
Definitely not Nazis, but definitely marxists and communists are leading this organization. They are even following the Rules for Radicals written by a notorious Marxist. The video played yesterday of Angela Davis is of a notorious Marxist, and she had the people's mic parroting her every crazy word.
A Nazi is a National Socialist.
Many in the OWS movement are socialists, and there is a real streak of nationalism. I think that calling the OWSers National Socialists may not be too far from the truth.
please research the core values of the national socialists in germany. you will find that their ideas were much different from the ows. the nazis would have sent most ows people to the concentration camps. they were against freedom and diversity. they might have even put you in a camp simply for expressing an opinion they didn't like.
Hahahaha. Good one! Might work on the ignorant out there, but not anyone who actually knows their history.
They must be graduates from the Glenn Beck School of Distorted History :)
Sad, but true.
Yeah, pray tell me your history. As far as I know, National Socialism rose out of the great economic difficulties after World War I.
There is also a great hatred of the wealthy (Jews) in the movement.
there is no hatred of jews in ows. please don't mistake misinformation written on this forum for the beliefs of ows.
the nazi movement was a reaction to the unrealistic war reparation that germany had to pay to the allies after ww1. it crippled the country and led to social unrest which was exploited by hitler.
It's not my history. I don't own it. It's what I was taught in high school and college. And what is in the history books that is agreed upon by most historians and most human beings on the planet.
What you are doing is purposely confusing their name with the wrong ideology. The name of the NAZI party was the National Socialist German Workers' Party. However, the word Socialist was in name only, it was used to trick German's into feeling that the party was acceptable. In fact, it was a fascist party that did not allow dissent and was unique in that it incorporated biological racism and antisemitism.
Hatred of the wealthy and hatred of Jews are two different things. Where is your evidence of this 'great' hatred of the Jews?
But, of course, you know all this already.
This poster doesn't know much about history or the true roots of Nazism. They are just another political hack. The OWS "movement" is a close to Nazism as the TEA Party is, which is to say that neither are anything like it. Nazism, racism, fascism etc have been improperly used for so long that their true meanings (and bite) have been lost. Thus poster is obviously just another hard-left liberal that dislikes (hates?) those who hold a different view of what freedom and liberty look like.
Have you ever been to a Tea Party rally?
While the people that want to speak nationally for the Tea Party have lost me totally, the local Tea Party groups have had a tendency to stay on message.
And what was that message? STOP SPENDING MONEY WE DON'T HAVE.
That was it. Just stop spending money we don't have.
It was the same thing I emailed daily to the White House when Bush was in office. was my first stop on the internet every day.
People get the Nazi and communist talk about OWS from protestors signs that promote those kinds of things. Less with the Nazi crap, but there is a lot of communists, socialists (real not pretend) and those that want to tear apart the country and remake it in their own image.
While you can keep your own hatred and ignorance should you like too, if you let it drop for half a second, you would find that many many many of the Tea Party (local groups) are still just demanding that the Government stop spending money we don't have.
But hey that's just me. I am trying to keep my mind open, but posts like this make me a bit crazy.
You know, the so-called "OWS" is occupying private land in NY and saying it now belongs to them. Across the country, occupiers have taken over public areas denying the rights of the rest of those citizens to use and enjoy those parks that they pay for.
Don't get quite so high and mighty. Well, do as you please - it is your right to say what you will, and I would defend that right to the death. Not quite sure you would do the same for someone that says they back the Tea Party.
The Tea Party is filled with right-wing extremist. I joined when they began till I realized the take-over. There is no room within their movement for compromise or a centrist view. This makes them extremist since they refuse to litigate, discuss or compromise. It is their way or the highway...
the "Parks" these people are taking over like Zucotti, Frank Ogawa Plaza (Oakland), and Legislative Plaza (Nashville)...are tiny. They're urban, public spaces, mostly paved/cemented, not "parks" in any literal sense. It's not like they fenced off Yellowstone (though if only we could), or kept people from being able to see Mt. Rushmore. Seriously, Zucotti is small enough that you walk past it in under a minute, and if you stand on your toes you see from one end of it to the other. Someone has to stand on their smoke break, maybe hear a GA in progress, small price to pay. I have little sympathy.
Most of the Plutofascist Zombies who are lamenting the loss of these "public parks" etc...are 1%ers and their hangers on and sycophants who, under ordinary circumstances would not be caught dead in any of the public spaces on any given weekday.