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Forum Post: Occupy PEACE. Israel and Palestine.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:50 p.m. EST by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה
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The 1%:

The media. Since the beginning of the Zionist movement, the media described the other side as a evil bully. The Zionist media showed Arabs as pogrom makers, the Arab media has showed the Zionist as colonialists. Today we have the exact same situation; all around us the media is telling us the other side is a terrorist\occupier. The media is the source of war. How can there be peace if both sides are brainwashed by the media that the other side is violent, cruel, and evil.

The politicians The Israeli – Palestinian conflict is a hot topic around the world. For years the Israeli\Palestinian leaders have spread propaganda on each other to gain support.

In the UN, both Abu Mazen and Benjamin Netanyahu tried to show that they are the victims and that the other is evil. They pathetically begged the world to believe them that they are right, that they do want peace and negotiations and that the other does not. “We are ready for negotiations, we are ready for peace!” both of them declared. But its all lies, no one really wants peace. How can there be peace if each side is thinking only but his needs, and not about the other’s needs.

The fanatics We have fanatics on both sides. People that truly think that the other is in-humane. People that believe in a constant war, believe in bloodshed. Believe in every thing we are afraid of. But paradoxical, these people are supported by us and leading us. These people fool us to hate one another.


Im am looking for an Palestinian partner (im Israeli) to open a page on facebook with....



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[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Gilad Shilat says he wants to work for peace, even though Hamas had him for a long time. Good for him.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

How is the Israel/Palestinian conflict related to the OWS issue?

[-] 1 points by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה 13 years ago

As I am Israeli, i will focus mostly on the Israeli prespective, altough im sure the Palestinian one is similar.

1) most of the Israeli taxes are going not only to the rich, but do the millatary and settelements. 2) The Israeli\Palestinian media is brainwashing the people to hate one another. This is very similar to what the OWS issue is fighting against.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

I read about the tent meetings that are taking place in Israel. Started sometime before OWS but very similar to the movement. Are you saying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a way to divert attention from the real issues?

[-] 1 points by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה 13 years ago

Not at all. Im saying the Israeli\Palestinian conflict is a part of this real issue.

[-] 1 points by FuManchu (619) 13 years ago

how so? One is about expanding and occupying land for whatever reasons. Some claim religious and some claim right due to ancestors. The other is about corruption in the government. Is the occupation taking away money that could otherwise be used productively?

[-] 1 points by deanchuk (7) from זכרון יעקב, חפה 13 years ago

Youll be suprised to know that both the settelements and the funding to orthodox jews which dont pay taxes nor work is due to political corruption.

And again ill remind you the topic about the media which is controlled by interests against the people...