Forum Post: Occupy our mind
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 8:53 a.m. EST by Thetruth
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I've been staying at the occupy wall street movement. Seeing it spread globally in this way has worried me. I've put all the pieces together. This movement will grow till it's so big and the message of solidarity and we being the 99% will grow so big the powers that be will have to answer the people. The answer will be one world government. It is inevitable. Please people understand this was all started for that purpose. Everything that is happening now was predicted in the book of revelations. Not even being a Jesus freak. Just read it and you will know. Everything happening was fore told. Please people know that there is nothing we can do to stop it. I just hope we the people dont suffer. But that is also inevitable.
First, it is "Book of Revelation." But good effort (you can always tell the serious from the faux fanatics this way, works every time).
Second, no one is advocating one-world government - ever.
Last, this is the most exciting opportunity in the past decade of real people uniting for fairness and justice.
Well excuse me of a typo. I was an atheist till 5 months ago so excuse me. I don't doubt it is exciting I was there for 8 days protesting and sleeping there. But learning what I learned led me to this
Those of Us who know this to be true ........ also know that most people are oblivious to it and ignore it when they are told.