Forum Post: Occupy NOW
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 30, 2012, 2:54 p.m. EST by jdjohn1990
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let me start by saying that i hope they you all safe and well. I hope everyone maintains through this storm. Now, i want to remind you of the words of Winston Churchill who said "an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Now, there are layers of danger. One which effects our well being and one that effects our wallets. Now, the threat to humanity passes and the opportunity arises to Occupy. When you are done helping your neighbor, you must help occupy and protest the reconstruction of Wall-Street.
Looking at those buildings on WS it doesn't look like they'll need reconstruction.
I like your priorities. "When you are done helping your neighbor," then . . .
Photos and video from hurricane Sandy
"Give it ur best, Sandy" haha. Gotta love it.
Hmm, I missed that one.
On one of the photos?
Bloody annoying screen show; you have to keep scrolling down to see the images.
Image 4? I don't see it.
4 of 66. Someone spray painted it on the boards.
Clearly two sets of images.
One for Australia, and one for America.
4 of 62 shows a guy in front of a flattened house washed up on the road.
Portland, Oregon Prepares for Pre-Election Anti-Austerity Protest
On November 3rd Portland community and labor groups will declare "enough is enough" by organizing a first for the U.S. - a large demonstration against government austerity cuts.
The protest takes aim at the governmental policy of austerity — where public deficits on a city, state, and federal level are being addressed by “cuts only" budgets, resulting in continued de-funding of education, health care, transportation, and other vital public services, combined with an attack on public sector workers.
The pre-election date of the protest is no accident, but an intentional action that, in part, aims to bring awareness to the post-election cuts slated to “fix” the national deficit. Although Democrats and Republicans are still wrangling over a specific dollar amount of cuts, they do agree that at least $4 trillion in cuts — including social programs like Medicare, education and likely Social Security — are "necessary" ($4 trillion is Obama's proposal; Paul Ryan's is $6 trillion).
Winston Churchill also said "the best arguement against Democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter".
I would suggest postponing the election for a week or two. There needs to be more time to determine the extent of damage from the hurricane. Neither party is in a position to suggest this so why don't we?
I think that would be ideal, although i can't imagine it happening. Either way the next week is sure to be eventful
OWS is going to do what democrats and republicans do so well- nothing.
OWS isn't going to say hey, let's postpone the election for a short time. They'll blame the democrats/republicans and the system. They already blamed the system for the hurricane so they think they're above it all.
I'm looking at the damage there and most people seem to be taking it in stride. It's up to them if they think they can vote next week;
What is the point of your youtube link? To me it shows that this kind of talk coming from a man of color is just as bad as it coming from a white(?) man.
Are you stupid, willfully ignorant or a liar?
R U Blind? Turn about is not fair play - it is an extension of the problem.
That talk would be as bad coming from a white man - as it all too often does.
Thank God it seems that there are more sane people of color in this country to work hand in hand with their white(?) brothers and sisters. We are all of us Gods children.
Prove it.; Show me the minute nd the second where Jeremiah Wright advocates doing harm to any innocent person-- you liar!
Didn't say that he did - do not put words in my mouth. It is apparent that you have some personal growing to do.
He lays out some things that whites in America in general need to look at and apologize for and try to make well about. That's what you refuse to see in your willful ignorance and arrogance.
U are perpetuating a lie a lie of hate. Get over yourself and join humanity. What the hell does anyone have to apologize to you about - other then the assholes who abuse others ( and they abuse people of all color including white - as abusers are abusers - and they come in all colors ) - white people in general have nothing to apologize to you for.
asshole you are dismissed.
Look in the mirror as you say that - then work on getting past your useless hate/prejudice/racism.
Wait a minute - R U like a recovering alcoholic or something? R U a recovering abuser? R U trying to make up for your personal failures before you found enlightenment? If so - do not attribute your past failings to others you do not know and have never met. Your past is that - YOURs.
Lol. Sorry, I'm a Pagan. Christianity is not my thing.