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Forum Post: Occupy New Years Eve - Times Square

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:46 a.m. EST by WarmItUp (301)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The one place where we can be most visible is Times Square on New Years Eve. Start making your giant banners now and plan to get where the cameras can see you. Every year a million people gather, it is televised on almost every station in countries all over the world. Imagine 30,000 banners being televised, what a sight that will be. Start planning now and get everyone you know involved. They will not let you into times square with signs on sticks, they will have to be made of cloth and brought in a backpack. We have two months to plan so lets make it something the world will never forget! (the sidelines of the Macy's Thanksgiving parade is a highly televised event as well so be there with big banners also.)



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[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

That's a great idea. Of course it won't actually change anything.

We EXERCISE our voice in democracy by petitioning our representatives, INFORMING them of our 'take' on their work.

Gatherings like the one you propose are great for us... we need inspiration. WE NEED INSPIRATION TO WORK FOR CHANGE, not for nothing, for WORK.

(fyi... i'm unemployed, so pls don't read anything that's not there)

[-] 0 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

Sorry to hear you are unemployed. I wish you success in finding rewarding work. Your statement "it won't actually change anything" is a little bit pessimistic. Of course we won't see overnight change from a bunch of banners, but that is a short view of what needs to happen. Before we begin petitioning our representatives, we need to have a critical mass of voters who support the movement, I still talk to too many people who are unfamiliar with our varied messages. So the more widely televised we can get this thing the more supporters will be on board when we hit the critical mass point there will be no other option but for our representatives to listen to us if they want to get reelected. We must not lose hope, we must have these conversations with our friends and family and let them know how these issues are not abstract, they really effect us (in your case unemployment) people are more willing to sympathize if they can see that a real human being is being hurt by bad policies. sometimes politics is so abstract, lets make it real. Come out on New Years with a big banner that says "I'm unemployed someone please hire me" show your intention of wanting to work. People are calling all unemployed people lazy! It is disgusting. I know you are not lazy. Good luck

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

Regarding your statement: "Before we begin petitioning our representatives, we need to have a critical mass of voters who support the movement, I still talk to too many people who are unfamiliar with our varied messages."


YOU ARE WRONG. Well spoken, but simply WRONG.

For anyone who CHOOSES to exercise their Right to Be Heard by their Representatives. Please visit votesmart.org, just type in you zip code and you'll see who represents you, as well as what they are doing (or more often NOT doing.)

[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

Sorry if that came across wrong I did not mean to downplay petitioning representatives, I was just trying to say that it is really important to have major numbers behind you as most representatives are really paying attention to polling numbers for how to proceed with policy making as they are trying to appeal to the most number of voters rather than the best ideas of a few voters. We can't underestimate the power of energizing a base of supporters.

[-] 2 points by JOHNUSACITIZEN (62) 13 years ago

Regarding: "We can't underestimate the power of energizing a base of supporters."

I agree, but passion only enboldens, it does not empower us.

We are individuals. We inspire one another, but WE ACT AS INDIVIDUALS ACCORDING TO OUR OWN AIMS.

This is the nature of democracy.


Talking and relfecting are important... but unfortunately change nothing.

We don't need some amazingly awesome battle plan to START WORKING NOW ON THE OBVIOUS MASSIVE PROBLEMS WE FACE. Start working now in small ways, and through that struggle (it is a struggle to be heard by them) LEARN and device better ways, both individually and collectively.

Struggle to change this nation, this world for the better. Talk all you want, as long as you leave SOME time to actually ACT.

votesmart.org can help here - USE IT and all resources (Tea Party has MUCH useful information--not a member or sympathizer)

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

This is a great idea. A well-coordinated plan perfectly executed would be great publicity. Non-violent of course. And have plenty of people there with cell phones to take our own pictures since the MSM will try their best to censor the message. Remember the seven second delay for television broadcasts.

[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

Yes, well coordinated is the key

[-] 1 points by WarmItUp (301) 13 years ago

Occupy 2012!


[-] 0 points by RexDiamond (585) from Idabel, OK 13 years ago

That will be the most televised live brawl beat down of the century. You people start shouting your nonsense with all those drunken people trying to celebrate the New Year- game over OWS.