Forum Post: Occupy needs Billions of dollars.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 11:04 a.m. EST by USCitizenVoter
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If you loons need millions of dollars then go out and earn it!!!! Oh wait you folks want to take the money from the evil rich and line your pockets. OWS loons example of the "evil rich" is someone that makes 125,000 thousand or more per year
Before asking for billions of dollars , Id like to see where the current donations to OWS have gone and who is managing them. The finance group notes on the NYCGA site are vague at best. Transparency is something that was discussed in the early stages of OWS and as soon as the money rolled in, that concept was lost. From what I have read, donations are way down. That in itself tells me alot.
They absolutely have to go to a different level, but I am not sure what it is other than getting to congress. I'm in my mid 50's, with a 22 yr old son, so I talk with people of all ages about the issues. I also live in NYC in the heart of all this, so Im seeing it first hand. It's just mayhem at this point. I just don't know how anything will get resolved at this rate. I was just watching the live thread on whats going on downtown . People running all over... into the streets.. yelling screaming causing a ruckus. This is so not the way to make positive change. Oh yes they are getting attention alright, but it's negative.
I fully agree with the national debt issue. It is completely out of hand and yes the next generation ( our kids ) are going to be saddled with it. My son also is working . College was not his thing, which I agreed with after a year at community college. Thankfully he took my advice and got himself into the trades. He was lucky enough to get into the Teamsters union, but frankly thats another mess, as there isn't always full time work. In between the hours there, he has his own small business doing personal training. It is certainly not easy for this generation, but I also don't feel its hopeless. I do think changes can and will be made , but OWS has got to get someone as the face of the movement so there is someone to stand behind. All this non leadership stuff is just a free for all at this point. One thing I would love to see, as I have mentioned on other threads is somehow working with the banks and mortgage folks in getting alot of these abandoned homes into livable shape ( legally). It will put people to work, get folks back into homes with realistic loans they can afford and get the economy moving again .
Yes, they do.
OWS needs to incorporate.
Yeah. These guys don't like structure. Or work. This flies in the face of OWS.
Yes, because the bulk of these guys can't. The whole problem is they are trying to use 60's tactics in 2011. What they don't realize, is after the 60's were over, hair got cut, and these guys went on to be anywhere between bums on the street(not a whole lot) to this magical "1%"(more likely). Why, do you ask?? Because the hippies were in college the whole time. These guys don't even wanna(or can't, for some reason) pay back their debtors(most are unemployed or students). If they want any chance, the whole thing needs to be restructured. They don't have a view(there are too many they want to address), no leader(because in their own words,"they don't want to be like corporations/government), and no real point. You can yell and scream about something, that doesn't make it change. They still don't get that.
Middle class votes for what?? That's why the middle class doesn't care. If you had a message, real funds to get a candidate in some where local(because that's where you can make real change, people would be more responsive. Sometimes the good things make it to the news, most times they don't. It's not because they are biased(let it go for this part), but because(like a lot of videos put up by supporters), it shows the OWS people acting like dicks because they think they can. That's why people like me don't support. To make things clear. I'm not with you, but I'm not against you either. I'm just watching.
What happy middle class is left? Who out there's not angry at the mess we've gotten into.
I never used the word happy, nor implied it. People don't like it. Some use it as a motivator, others use it to hold them down. It's up to you if you choose one or the other
Yawn I choose bored
The thing is every time I go to the bookstore I see a new book written by some insider on wall street that slams the irresponsible trading and the risks these guys were taking. I've read at least 10. I can't be the only one cause there's a new one every week. I'm sure many of those readers are pretty upset and now have some understanding of how we got into the mess we are in even though they are to busy to go live in a tent somewhere. I think there's more support for some of the OWS ideas than you think.
That's Russell's paradox.
A wealthy anti-wealth protest organization would prostest against -- itself?
lol ORP. Occupy Russells Paradox.
Better get a high paying job to support a monument like that.