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Forum Post: Occupy My Ass!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:36 p.m. EST by OccoMiaz (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


I demand that organizations like 'Occupy Wall Street' stop pretending to represent me, my views, and the views of my fellow citizens. I believe a revolution is necessary, but do not believe that the Occupy Wall Street movement is possible of it. Quite on the contrary, I believe that the Occupy Wall Street movement is opposed to real revolution and is simply 'putting on a face' for its own benefit and well-being. I believe its leaders are currently making money off of this 'movement': profitting on the naivety of people who very understandably aren't happy about the way things are but do not know how to change things on their own.



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[-] 1 points by ltjaxson (184) 13 years ago

I think you meant to post this on Sing-Sing's website...

[-] 1 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

I'm interested! Where is your ass located? How many of us do you think will fit in there?

Your ass will likely be a much warmer place to occupy during the winter months than the streets of NYC.

Sign me up!

[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Literally, factually, or accurately?

[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 13 years ago

Be careful what you say - someone may decide to occupy your ass...

[-] 1 points by theOnlineGovernmentDotcom (97) 13 years ago

haha I was going to make a similar joke

[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 13 years ago

Beat you to it - lol. Hey I looked at your webpage and I wanna know what can we do? What do you suggest?

[-] 1 points by theOnlineGovernmentDotcom (97) 13 years ago

Hi, I don't know. I would have to raise a lot of money to implement my idea. Maybe I need to put a donate button on there and give it a fair try. Its hard to find the time.

[-] 1 points by alwayzabull (228) 13 years ago

You are funny, dude.

[-] 1 points by IlliniCornfields (71) from Elmhurst, IL 13 years ago

I think we should keep our sense of humor no matter how frustrated we get - right?

[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

I think you are putting a lot of effort into reading everyone's minds and bank accounts, I don't think that is going to be effective in the end.

Also, Occupy my ass, from a writing perspective, as in what the words mean, although it sounds tough in some automatic kind of way, actually means you would like something to be put up your butt, so you might want to come up with a new slogan.

Unless, of course, that is what you would like. Because although I'm not into that, I'm sure some people would be, and you never know if one is standing behind you and can read, but is maybe deaf or something, so couldn't hear you when you try to explain that it was a metaphor and not what you actually wanted.

[-] 1 points by TheRealCitizensUnited (33) 13 years ago

The great thing about America is that you get to decide whether you are represented by OWS or not. You still have your own voice to represent your own views to whomever you like, just as you are doing now. You don't need to demand anything from them unless you are giving them some kind of authority and power that they never asked you for. As one of your fellow citizens you mention, they do speak for me, so I think it is up to each of us to decide our own position towards, against or within the movement. The rest of your post is what my mother always called just "planting seeds of discontent". This last part makes you sound like you don't know anything about the movement since there are no leaders and makes you smell like a troll since you are trying to incite violence, if I interpret your post correctly.

[-] 1 points by joshicola (7) from Seattle, WA 13 years ago

With any human organization this is not only possible, but inevitable. That is why a conversation like #OWS exists. To help us understand ourselves and what it takes to have a real and effective "Revolution".