Forum Post: Occupy Movement Must go Truly Global
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 9:32 a.m. EST by corp1946
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Occupy movements across the world - have a look at what your fellow protestors in other countries are doing and talk together!!! there should be forums linking all these sites together, you have different demands country to country, but the end objective is in essence the same..the London site - OK so you can arrange protests for the same day, but you need to start speaking with one voice too, that's how you'll really capture the imagination and gain more momentum and, ultimately, power. As the BBC says: "if you ask 50 people why they're here and what they want you will get 50 answers." Cohesion and understanding are needed to take this to the next level...
You are God do! Lincoln you do! Washington, you do!
Couldn't agree more - but the good news is, it is spreading.