Forum Post: Occupy Movement Influences Court Decision
Posted 12 years ago on June 18, 2012, 6:11 p.m. EST by tenantx
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The Occupy movement has scored a big win in court. A New York State Appellate Court judge has ruled that NYC loft tenants don't have to pay rent if their building is not compliant with the NYC Loft Law. Credit for this goes directly to the Occupy Movement and the environment it has created. These justices did not decide in favor of the greedy and corrupt landlord even though many cases of this kind have been heard by the courts but they have never issued a ruling like this. It simply states that the tenant in question doesn't owe rent and won't owe rent until the building is compliant. It also says that no tenant in a non-compliant building has to pay until the building complies with the law. Here's a link to the decision
I wish you the best Francis.
Thank you ... the plan at this point is to do public interest work (not exactly where the $$ is, but it's where I'd like to be).
IMD Building owners don't have to provide nearly anything. The fact that these people don't fix these properties is a testament to their greed.
Sounds to me like you've never been in a NY Court Francis. Judges err on the side of what will have the least fallout for themselves.
I plead guilty (I'm a new lawyer, licensed in CT, swear into NY next month), so maybe you're right (and I probably shouldn't have been so presumptuous). Oh well, perfect I'm not :)
I mean, as a lawyer, if you truly think that judges are influenced by anything besides the law and precedent (and the principles embodied by the common law & our constitution), I'm afraid to say, you're wrong (and where they're influenced by anything else ... we would call that judicial impropriety, legislating from the bench, etc.).
I can tell you from personal experience that many of those laws go WAY above and beyond what would be considered decent living conditions.
Look for rents to rise up more now.