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Forum Post: Occupy movement: clear as mud

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 4:33 a.m. EST by Arkady (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As a casual but interested observer of the occupy movement, I am struck by the lack of clarity in the movement's goals... This is a weakness of the group compared to the smaller but stronger tea party movement. Maybe goals have been defined, but the message isn't reaching the general public... Money stream media hasnt exactly been supportive. Either way, it is difficult to express support for occupiers since it is difficult to pinpoint their aims, aside from general discontent about money and government. I would like to suggest the following to increase the effectiveness of the occupy movement: consolidate the group's energy around a central demand that is clearly defined and can be addressed through legislation. Casino Jack, anyone? If we can harness Anger and turn it into votes to force big business and campaign contributions out of politics, that will go far in improving the political climate and the plight of the average American. We should give our

legislators a salary that befits their contribution to society and gives them enough security to be above the typical bribe and vote scheme, and in return, our legislators should vote against the legalized bribery system of the political status quo. Would one trust the recommendations of a financially insecure surgeon? Of course not. Likewise, it is a good bet that a legislator will place their personal well being before the public good. So let's ensure the well being of the legislator and free them from the dependency on big business handouts. Let's make the goal of the occupy movements around the world to get business money out of politics. The message is simple and clear and can be effected through some type of legislation. The supreme court was wrong. Make the message clear and people will follow. Get Business Money Out of Politics!



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[-] 2 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

As a casual but interested observer of the occupy movement, I am struck by the lack of clarity in the movement's goals

This isn't too surprising to hear people repeating, since it's a talking point repeated over and over and over verbatim by all mainstream media, trying to hammer it into everyone's mind by sheer repetition. I could put together a clip with almost every news anchor in the country repeating each other practically word for word on this - and few if any divergent viewpoints at all, because it isn't a democratic media, it's a choir.

It's true OWS has few specific points or recommendations. It's not a political party - it is an appeal to common sense. But can you define common sense? Either you have it or you don't, it can't be explained to someone who doesn't have any, in any way that they could comprehend.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

I am completely happy to see OWS/99% become a political party if our grievances are not addressed, which is the current status. The occupation phase of the movement, the 1st Amendment right to peaceably assemble, has succeeded. OWS MUST exercise it's 1st Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances which common sense tells people is the next step to achieving it's goals. The process of drafting The List isn't as complicated as some would lead one to believe. And HAVING A LIST is more important than what is on the list so there's no point endlessly debating the contents. OWS is becoming guilty of fiddling while Rome burns.

[-] 1 points by Peretyatkov (241) from город Пенза, Пензенская область 13 years ago

It seems to me clearer and more understandable than Nardialog - nothing at all! How to bring it to the public, I wrote about it. In that post, rather than answers - questions. But the answer I will give here. The only way to communicate ideas to people - participated in the elections.

[-] 1 points by MitchK (305) 13 years ago

MOST people on this site or on the "streets" the "voicers" have NO CLUE WHY THEY ARE HERE/THERE...they just repeat what they hear..do not look into why this was all sarted..have no clue what they are arguing about...one should KNOW what one is for or against before speaking on it for themselves or others...Here is a post I posted that sums it up and what people should know before openning their mouths either for or against...

Forum Post: The #1 reason for the protest/movement:egtrra/jgtrra

This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There is 1 and only 1 basic point this protest or movement was started over. The issue is in the title of my post. Now the 2nd point brought out is really just a runoff from this basic 1 issue above. Those are the only 2 issues this whole movement was going after ORIGINALLY.Now everything is popping up,stuff that has nothing to do with what the creaters started this for,such as Student loans (stop whinning pay your bills),No jobs ( I know there are hundreds if people want to work for what is offered them not what their ego,pride and greed feel they deserve and or want NOT NEED),as three people down in Zucotti park told me the unemployment should be extended( they had the nerve to say the 99% means that govt only gave 99 weeks of federal ext on unemployment,no lie this is what I was told by protesters). Back to why I am posting. As I said above is the #1 reason this was started. Being you are a protester or a "mover" of the movement than you should be able to explain this issue,in laymen terms for the 99% to understand,infact even for the 1% to understand,you are the VOICES of the movement.Break it down,the pros/cons,the fair way to change it to benefit EVERYONE not just the 99% or the 1% but the 100% as a whole and remember not just have to change it fairly have it make sense for the people to understand and moneterialy for the country as a whole you also have to make it withstand a substantial period of time so as in 5 years we do not say oooops that was a mistake,blame,,,hmmmm whoever we feel just NOT US. So how many of you are going to explain/breakdown/change/rectify it, the #1 issue,my title above?

[-] 1 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." (Thomas Jefferson)”

The question I have for all patriots from both the right and left is not how we should organize what we consider the best form of government, but rather how do we actually take back our present government?

Thomas Jefferson recognized that ‘lethargy’ would herald the loss of our freedom, but there was simply no way for him to see that ‘consumer addiction’ would maintain that ‘lethargy’. While it is obvious that members of the global elite such as those represented on Wall Street are clearly willing to risk an entire global economic meltdown to satisfy their addiction to ‘monetary wealth’ it is equally obvious that it could not be done without the complicity of those addicted to consumerism.

There is plenty of blame to go around for all of us. Today is Black Friday. Did you resist the temptation to purchase? It is not only the act of consumerism that is the problem but also the method of purchase: credit and debit cards.

We can do the ‘blame game’ till hell freezes over, but that will not get our government back. If we take the words of Thomas Jefferson at a literal level we are talking about armed insurrection, a battle that the common man cannot win. However, insurrection is simply “organized opposition to authority”. Eventually a tactical insurrection using non-violent methods can win back our government. It requires a united front of both the left and right. We have plenty examples of this type of insurrection that actually worked, such as the The Indigo revolt in Bengal in 1859 or the more famous insurrection of India against the British.

We can get our government back, but we have to unite. Ignore the labels we use to categorize our self and others. Look for a united front in achieving objectives, such as moratoriums on purchase or purchase in cash only. Its a start.

[-] 1 points by Helsinki (34) 13 years ago

You are not the first to suggest this as a goal. It's a good goal, because effective politics will not be achieved as long as politicians are patronised by big business.

However, there could be some real problems with that proposal. The thing that stops many many people running for political office is funds. Remove the funding obstacle and you might have thousands applying for each post and having to fund each one, which would place a massive burden on taxpayers. The other problem then is being bombarded by media messages from thousands of candidates for each post. Can you imagine the number of people who could try to run for President? It would be like a national lottery!

In one way, funding also shows a degree of popular support, which helps to get candidates with genuine popular appeal into the ring.

Maybe there are answers to these problems?