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Forum Post: Occupy Mass Transit Indoctrination

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 9:37 p.m. EST by windowsrefund (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here in NYC/NJ, every nook and cranny of our public transportation system is littered with FEMA/DHS funded material designed to indoctrinate and condition us to accept the growing police state. The public has been groomed to accept their bags being searched by thugs who could care less about our 4th amendment while broadcast messages and signs show us how to suspect everyone as being a possible terrorist. Go to Penn Station or Grand Central Terminal on any given day and you'll see U.S. soldiers armed providing "aid and support" to our police force.

As a person who values liberty and freedom, I don't want troops on our streets. I do not want to suspect my neighbors as being terrorists. I do not take comfort that the "authorities" are spying on our every move with endless seas of cameras and snooping technology. I am not foolish enough to believe for a moment that it's about what may be in my bag and know the real point to unconstitutional property searches are about training the dozens of people walking by who watch each person learn how to lick boots.


Let us mark and tag this fear-mongering propaganda for what it is. Every sign and solicitation should be marked:




Use a (bumper) sticker if it can be made, paint, marker, or whatever you can. Do not remove the material but instead, use it as your canvas. Let's wake the people up already. Let us actually follow through on the "See something, say something" campaign. I see a massive conditioning exercise delibrately being cast onto us which grows every day. We need to shine a light on it.

Tag the propanda

Do NOT consent to subway searches.

Obviously, we should be doing this every day but I suppose kicking it off on a specific date would yield the greatest impact.

That said, I'll nominate Monday, December 19th.

Occupy Mass Transit Indoctrination.

Are we go?



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[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

bump for the 19th

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

Time to demand an audit of the pentagon and DHS

[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

Why drift off topic though?

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

not off topic. an audit would show our governments complicity and association with the same organisations they use as an excuse to take away our rights.

Iraq, we placed sadam in power and provided him with arms

Osama, CIA asset

the list goes on and on the only way to demilitarize our country is to show how it became militarized and show how private companies are being used to circumvent protections that limit military action on our soil.

[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

The topic here is educating the people via direct action. Are you onboard for the 19th?

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

you rally think fking with people going back and forth to work is going to make them remove the materials? the contract for corporations providing transportation services require complicity. that doesn't take into account systems provided by the government. slapping your neighbor in the face is no incentive to get them to back you up. you guys wana let some dumb shits make you all look clueless, be my guest. otherwise, i suggest you take it to the source, as i said. audit the pentagon and DHS. they are the source of the material, not Fred who is going to his minimum wage job.

[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

bump for Dec 19th.

[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

Also, please do NOT consent to subway searches on this day (well, you shouldn't be consenting any day actually). This is no different than what happens at the airport with TSA. It's not good enough to say "oh it's random" and "Oh I've only been stopped once". Have a little respect for our 4th amendment. If we can't respect our own freedoms, at least have a little respect for mine. Every time someone consents to a subway search, we all suffer because our 4th amendment is just a little more destroyed.

December 19, shine light on the DHS/Fema/Big Brother/Ministry of Truth/Militainment/Police State that is NYC/NJ.

Resist and expose.

[-] 1 points by windowsrefund (13) 13 years ago

Bump for December 19th day of action. Call the mass indoctrination blitz out for what it is by tagging, labeling the posters DHS is shoving down our throats every day as we ride the subways, busses, PATH, and trains. Every time you see a poster that shows them snooping on us, or of cops "protecting us" (by violating us), or trying to recruit ignorant youth into the military, tag it with "THIS IS THE POLICE STATE" or just simply "INDOCTRINATION"

Every advertisement selling flu shots

Every poster telling us to spy on each other

Every piece of propaganda used to keep us confused, scared, and blindly trusting the "authorities". We must restore our sense of dignity.

December 19th?

[-] 1 points by sovaye (259) 13 years ago

December 19th it is!

[-] 1 points by CobyART5 (59) 13 years ago

Article 5 ~ This is how we go about getting the rest of our rights back.



[-] 1 points by mattc72 (1) 13 years ago

We are go!!!