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Forum Post: occupy lsx##IMPORTANT

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:25 a.m. EST by Roplltrep (0) from Burton Joyce, England
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notice how the bill of rights in england says lawes and liberties of the subject, it does not say lawes and liberties of the man..like thomas paines declaration of man or men...people...//////clearly this is to say they might as well write lawes and liberties of the government authority a slave again...............illegally or the lawes and liberties of the state.....its all a con.! the authority as ive said is master of slaves...from old dictinary's of law pre 1930 before illegal redefined,.a dicatorship of a few elected men controlled dicatorship as john stuart mills said! what else well in 1634 childs went to courts of law and got help he had his laws,policies put into power one man,this was before government was formed,but the courts of law are,were and still are government.....this was democracy in forced legally....today a few elected men illegally do there things,not peoples..its a dicatorship,we have power NOT THEM!if you want things changed its that easy....its called the petition of right folks!even one man can do it,fact....where ever you are england,france,ect,america,blackstone said these rights can never be removed even as government is first made.....the courts are government always were,ITS TIME TO RISE UP!



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