Forum Post: Occupy Las Vegas Protest Against Obama
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 3:07 p.m. EST by judyg
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm very concerned about a protest planned for tomorrow against Obama. This is contrary to the stated policy (by attacking an individual), completely muddies the message of what we're about, confirms the naysayers comments about us having no focus, and, if picked up by national media, would be great fodder for Fox News and Republicans.
I've argued against this and at this time it's still going forward tomorrow.
Does OWS have any contact and/or influence with OLV to try to stop this?
Why shouldn't they protest Obama ? He was bought by the banks and has govern as such.
Viva Las Vegas!
Don't worry, Occupiers will still vote for Obama before they would ever consider voting for a rebublican. Those votes are safe.