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Forum Post: Occupy Jupiter! Get behind our new protest movement!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:58 p.m. EST by ArrestAllCEOS (115)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

12.5% of the planets have 71% of the mass



"Sooner or later, you have enough mass." - Barack Obama

"No planet gets massive on its own!" - Elizabeth Warren

"Hey, I'm not massive. I'm for equal distribution of mass." - Micheal Moore

The solar system is unfair! Why do some planets, like Jupiter, have so much mass and others, like Mercury, have so little? Is it because Mercury is mostly black? Join the #OCCUPY JUPITER movement and demand a more equal solar system!

Not just mass, but MOONS as well! Jupiter exploits other planets by opulently displaying more and bigger moons. Such flashes of inequality can be seen with the naked eye. This cannot go unobserved any longer. It's absolutely indecent!



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[-] 1 points by DouglasG (57) 13 years ago

So far I have not seen on the news one constructive point via the media coming out of the OWS movement which would accomplish what is desired to increase the amount of taxation on the 1%. As a retired IRS Agent I can tell you that if you want to get at the fat cats being the corporations here is an ironclad way to do it. There does exist a federal tax directed exactly at the problem herein in the USA which is never enforced. If a corporation witholds too much earnings it is subject to a tax called the Accumulated Earnings Tax. It is explained at Internal Revenue Code Section: " Sec. 531. Imposition of accumulated earnings tax

  In addition to other taxes imposed by this chapter, there is
hereby imposed for each taxable year on the accumulated taxable
income (as defined in section 535) of each corporation described in
section 532, an accumulated earnings tax equal to 15 percent of the 
accumulated taxable income.."  Anyone can call the IRS toll free number and have it explained then you can call the Office of the White House and ask the question as to why the IRS is not enforcing this law on the Corporations for whom the media states that they are holding onto trillions of dollars not spending into the economy to create jobs.  I can tell you the IRS is not enforcing the law because the law does not have enough meat into it and it has not been enforced because of that thus making the law a joke.  The OWS movement will absolutely grab the attention of the world wide media if it focuses on the AET and makes it a World Wide buzz in protest signs and does interviews regarding it with the business news programs of Fox Business Channel and NBC's Business Channel and CNN.  If you make the AET a household term instead of Herman Cain's stupid 999 = 9% sales tax = regressive taxation of poor and compete with that you can get it to become a part of the Republican Presidential candidate debates especially with Michelle Bachman who should be aware of it being a former tax attorney.  Do you think Herman even knows what the AET is?  You don't so find out about it because it could force corporations to start spending their cash hoards to create jobs and end force the stopping of foreclosures because Corporation HATE and FEAR the AET when an IRS Agent brings it up in an audit examination.  Put some muscle in your arguments.  In addition sound off to the White House on the issue of taxing: "Unreasonable Compensation" being paid to Corporate Officers wherein "Reasonable Compensation" should = what the President of the USA makes and let the IRS go after all amounts in excess of that be considered as "unreasonable" = not deductible by the corporations on their tax returns of income tax purposes.  WALL STREET will definitely not like that one and discuss that in interviews you give with the business networks.  REPOST this if you understand this tax talk.  If you don't ask questions for further explanation.
[-] 1 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

The process of planetary formation is a good analogy to that of capital formation.

The big get bigger, and the biggest get bigger faster.

[-] 1 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

I think we should just throw all the planets into the sun, so that the richest body of all can just keep getting more rich. Then somehow by some unknown process, the Sun will trickle down mass into new planets! I love right-wing physics!

We call it "rising-tide" astronomy!

[-] 1 points by classicliberal (312) 13 years ago

I don't feel like working for my mass so give me his.

[-] 0 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

I think Michael Moore has some extra mass to redistribute

[-] 0 points by ArrestAllCEOS (115) 13 years ago

Thank you everyone for supporting Occupy Jupiter. We can't let the inequality of our universe be unknown for any longer

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

I think Wall Street is behind this those evil billionaires and CEO are not paying thier fair share, granted I don't pay anything but those guys are cheating somehow.