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Forum Post: Occupy Ivy League Universities

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 9:19 a.m. EST by sylvester (0)
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Unless one has big bucks or daddy can pull some strings, Ivy League universities can't be touched by the rest of us.
They are part of the problem. Why should rich people's kids get in when other kids who are smarter can't afford the tuition that should be FREE!!!!! Why should celeBRATies kids go there? Because daddy/mommy give big donations to the institutions.



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[-] 1 points by TarigAnter (33) from Khartoum, Khartoum 13 years ago

From my long experience in dealing with governments in more than a dozen of them I assure you that if you slash more than half of government officials or the so-called public dis-service and throw them to the streets you will definitely get better, effective and efficient administrations.

I am sure they are the source of corruption and corporate greed support. I have never seen in my long life any government department or an office functioning properly. They are excesses, idles, and the antithesis of innovation, ethics and productivity.

People must have regular and uninterrupted access to monitor what are going on in any government office, low or high, including the judiciary, the police, the security, and the military.

When you deal personally with a successful private business you feel your power as a valued customer even if it was unethical business. But when I personally deal with any government office I feel their arrogance and wickedness; I wish I could spit on their faces.

The public service anywhere in the world is ten times it’s optimal size, and they are very good in employing the failures and the dishonest for life.

To Occupy Wall Street and bring social, political, and economic justice people must axe useless officials first.