Forum Post: Occupy Is Getting The Upper Hand Here Again On This Forum
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 6:12 a.m. EST by GypsyKing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am glad to see that the dialogue for truth is finally wearying and exausting the platatudes of those who would spread false ideology and division. Lets own this site again that carries this movements name! Please all occupiers barrage this forum with your convictions and ignore the trolls.
I agree! I think there are way too many people that post on this site that forget what this is really about. It's about the people taking back this country. The ruling class are corporations and the politicians that the corporations fund.
Exactly, but with all their money they can't drown out the voice of the people! We must barrage this site with anything that comes to mind and simply drown them out. I don;t care if all you have to say is what you saw on the street today, post it!
It's sad when others profit off of others suffering. Pharmaceuticals - big money made off of people's illnesses Banks - charge interest first, principal later
Thanks,keep posting!
No,it's about sending 20 people to Egypt to monitor elections.
The trolls are sad little people. I just saw a collection of stupid posts. I went right ahead and stated my opinions. So far I explained it shouldn't be legal build dirty factories abroad, and hire slave labor to a self described "outsourcer". That people who work should paid enough they don't need the tax payers to support them with food stamps. That the 1% are not discriminated against, the 99% are as evidenced by crimes statistically more likely to be committed by the 1% carry lighter sentences usually carried in quite cushy facilities, while crimes statically more like to occur in the 99% carry far harsher sentences. I was thinking these trolls must have been sent by the Tea Party. They often portray themselves as successful business people with no money worries except that of paying taxes. They seem to follow around republicans believing they are rich enough to be given favorable legislation for their efforts. If the party lowed their taxes then they couldn't get their vote by claiming they would. If a little thing like paying taxes impoverishes you, perhaps you are in fact under paid. If WellsFargo can make Billions and not pay taxes and get government subsidies why aren't they the target of people complaining about people who don't pay taxes? The party is over for the 1%, the whole world is standing up and saying "NO!" Its not just America, it didn't start with America and it won't end with America. Its people all over the world.
Danm right!
Please define "troll".
People whose intent is disruption/diversion/derision, without any intent to engage in serous dialogue.
Your welcome.
Especially ignore the trolls.
Well fed trolls are a terrible waste of pixels. Their goal is to divert, distract and dilute the message and motivations of the dedicated. Don't let them.
Boycott the right-wing OWS forum trolls!
Exactly, thanks. And keep sending in your messages. We need to hear from the poeple to drown out these psudo-educated pawns of monied interests!
I have to admit that I too am often more tempted than I should be to respond to their crap throwing. But in the long run I know that staying focused on the goals and purpose of OWS and these information and education forums is the best way to counter the trolls.
Damn right, lets flumox them with reason. As Mark Twain said, "When indoubt tell the truth. It will astound your friends, and confound your enemies!"
Boycott? Ignore, sure, but boycott? They're not selling stuff.