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Forum Post: #Occupy is an Ecosystem, not a political party

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 12:58 p.m. EST by samgimbel (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I've written a quick analysis of the problems OWS has in getting through to the media. I'm also interested in team-writing this blog about OWS, so PM me if you're interested:




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[-] 0 points by kellywankenobi (11) 13 years ago

@samgimbel..... proving a point? that is what you think I'm doing? I'm protesting YOU and your ilk. You are not helping anything with your bitch fest. in fact most of the points you idiots are protesting have no legitimacy.....wholesale occupation in front of peoples homes, businesses, schools, sidewalks, bridges, streets, parks for months....at this point you selfish stupid idiot, you are disrupting lives to the point of businesses suffering, peoples livelihoods being destroyed, peoples peace being robbed.... Here are some people and things you need to protest....barney frank, senator pelosi, harry reed, OBAMA, the fed, obama care, the 4 almost 5 trillion dollars obama and a not too long ago democrat majority controlled congress pissed away solving nothing. obama has spent more money by trillions then any other president in a shorter amount of time and has taken us to the brink of total financial collapse....the stakes are very high you fucking tool.....people like you are fucking traitors disguised as legitimate protestors....

[-] -1 points by kellywankenobi (11) 13 years ago

HERE IS MY PHILOSOPHY BRANIAC.....I am a Conservative who really just wants to be left the fuck alone but is called to action when left or right wing ideologues step out line....

lazy whining easily offended politically correct socialistic liberals who support a stoned utopia run by a tyrannical world government in control of everything which is magically all knowing, loves killing babies, wasting trillions and trillions of dollars on entitlements that solve very little if anything and has actually contributed to the destruction of the family, hates God, me mentioning God and is in the process of outlawing God under the guise of how offensive God seems to be to only a hand full of people has me convinced the world as we know it is over.....

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of it's victims may be the most oppressive~~~ C.S. Lewis .....this would be a good philosophy to consider especially now before you fuckers get to carried away!

[-] 1 points by samgimbel (3) 13 years ago

If you wish to be left alone, why are you on this forum? I understand that you're little more than a troll at this point because of your anger, but why do you assume all these things? I get the sense that you think you're proving a point, but you're really just proving to those who you dislike that you cannot be reasoned with. I would consider that before continuing to post here.

[-] -1 points by kellywankenobi (11) 13 years ago

how about go away.....look for work, go to work, try to live a decent life by the sweat of your brow instead of handouts for yourself or others....social justice is a dead end for equality....there is no such thing and never will be...there is only as fair a playing field as life can give and rising to the occasion if it is hard....no excuses!!!!! there is also compassion for those truly unfortunate but.....grow up..... the fantasy world of your movements wanted utopia is a distraction and sucks the air out of any real discussion on the solutions to the crisis we face

[-] 1 points by samgimbel (3) 13 years ago

I'd love to have an offline conversation with you about what your beliefs are. It seems like you are very passionate about something, but I'm not sure what that is. However, if it's motivating you to say such nasty things then I'm sure it's worth hearing. Please PM me if you're interested in discussing with me further. I'm 100% open to it.

[-] -1 points by kellywankenobi (11) 13 years ago

Wow....your just such a smarty pants visionary aren't you? Actually you are a drone....... stupid, dumb, and wrong about everything you say. YOU along with others is why your movement will die on the ash heap of history as an embarrassing footnote on whining immature fake "utopian dreaming" babies that DO NOT TAKE into account how many your holes your logic has and how impossible the implementation of your philosophy is....what makes you dangerous is your effort for this make believe world will be hi-jacked by real socialists that will implement at best a soft tyranny or more likely a hard tyranny that will rob freedom.....you do not have the first inkling of history, precedent, or what stupidity you represent! You make me sick to my stomach....

[-] 1 points by samgimbel (3) 13 years ago

Or, you could provide constructive criticism. Up to you.