Forum Post: Occupy Inspired me! I made a song for the Movement!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:33 a.m. EST by Jdnero
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Here's my song. Please listen and pass it on! I would love to be the official Occupy Artist (for lack of a better term)! I also just want to know what you all think of the song. I'd also be down to perform this at anything you guys may want me to perform it @. I truly hope this song can be heard by all who are involved. Peace. "Occupy Music"
Nice work. I'd like to share this song with you (I did not write it)
It's called I'm With You
I do not know this artist and have nothing to gain from this. I think the song is a perfect match for the movement, whether the writer intentionally did so or not.
Thank you
Make sure to put Nkrumah Tinsley in the video as the main hero.