Forum Post: Occupy Humane Values
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 11:14 a.m. EST by Durandus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
At the heart of our Struggle, worldwide, against Corporatism and the alliance of Politics and Wealth (essentially Fascism), is the issue of Humane Values vs inhumane values. We should know by now that the Camp of inhumane values is ensconsed in the seats of Power whose aim and practice is the worlds and The Peoples utter enslavement.
The simplest and most immediate, direct Attack upon this monolith of inhumanity is Non-Cooperation, which We may most easily agree upon and work together to implement; and the most immediate angle of attack is to Withdraw support of the fulcrum of power in this system: Commercialism and Consumerism. Shall we vote? Indeed! Vote with your lifestyle, vote with you wallet.
This is how We may pool our resources in at least one line of Attack we may ALL enjoin and accomplish: Do Not buy any, any, any Corporate sponsored goods or services. Do Not attend or financially support ANY Corporate sponsored Entertainment. Withdraw support...boycott, boycott, boycott...Do Not Spend. This is how we may immediately band together for One Aim:
Starve the Beast!!!
You know not spending may also be a way for poor people to get you know, not poor.
Per the usual tactic of the Enemy, people are indoctrinated to adopt interests that are contrary to their own welfare. Witness those who support political policies in the name of Family Values and Free Enterprise while Corporatism pulls the rug out from underneath them, smashing their Unions, shipping their jobs overseas, starving the education system their children depend upon for preparing for Opportunity in the Market Place, deregulating environmental controls on pollution resulting in the poisoning of their Water and Air and Soil...the list goes on and on.
Occupy would be well applied to its program of educating the people on the hypocricy of Corporatism and the long list of abuses that this machine, this Beast, exacts upon them. Occupy needs to concentrate its efforts here, among other projects, creating a Library of Abuses drawn from the worldwide experience of the People who face this mortal threat. From that Narrative can be launched many other alliances, drawn from many other alliances who have done much of the heaving lifting to compile this history...then barrage the public stage with this Theme and Evidence relentlessly. They will awake, but the truth must be propogandized before Corporatism gets ahead of this curve and launch their next worldwide diversion: War and more War. They are preparing, and they will not let this Education program get ahead of their plans, if they have anything to say about it...and they DO.
The greatest danger to the success of Occupiers across the globe in their effort to overthrow this fascist regime (Political manipulation in cahoots with Corporatism) is the temptation to divert the energies of Occupy from this Program of Education on the abuses of Corporatism in alliance with the State into misbegotten aims of political reformation and representation, as well-intended as these may be, among other diversions that do not directly drive this Program.
This should be understood as THE goal of Occupy, which can act as something of a buffer against the Enemy's mischaracterization of the movement under a thousand auspices, which they are well prepared to perform...and they are experts at this. This Program can act as a Refuge from such attack, in the sense that Occupy can assert as their principle Aim...not political programs, legislative changes, social re-engineering philosophies and the like which all can be countered effectively by a thousand tongues of contradiction, muddying the waters for the great Middle who are so easily distracted by such diversionary contra-dictions (counter arguement, accusations, mischaracterizations, etc).
But if Occupy can principally concentrate its Identity, its Purpose, its social relevance to The People on this basis, the Enemy will have to engage on the Facts and have no or fewer avenues of diversion to distort the Message. If Occupy can do this shrewdly, the time will come when the consequences of Enlightenment will reap the very results many seek through the conventional social and political policy changes that, too many now, wish to jump into with both feet.
My advise:...slow down and don't get ahead of your own must build, based on the Facts and the Truth that Occupy still and now has the opportunity to propogate on the Real and Evident Enemy: Corporatism/Political alliance. People have to have clear, historical evidence and demonstration of the mountain of abuses this Beast is guilty of before they will be energized enough to band together for concerted effort of the kind that is necessary for the methods of change many, rightly, seek through means just described.
Let's not try run before we learn how to walk, and let us not walk so fast that we leave behind the Many that are needed in order to break this Beast's stranglehold on the Earth. Occupiers, and those in Occupy who are in a position of Intelligence and Resources to launch this Program, must take this fact dearly to heart...that the Consensus they seek, and require for success, must be cultivated among The People upon whom this overthrow of Corporatism ultimately depends; for it is not enough, though quite beautiful, for Occupy to arrive at Consensus among their own Company...but it must be accomplished across the Globe with those who do not now share cooperation and devotion to the Cause.
Without this, Occupy will be swallowed by diversion and weakened in momentum...after all, the momentum gains strength from success, and success depends upon Awakening to the Truth and the Facts about the evil of Corporatism...and there is more than enough Historical Evidence to maintain and support this momentum, if Occupy does not let itself by drawn into good, but premature engagement on secondary or tertiary angles of attack. The time will soon come for those...but the time is not yet now.
To be perfectly honest that is such a large amount of text that it is actually difficult to read and I am just being honest without any intent to troll. Am I actually wrong with my original statement?
I wouldn't say you are wrong in your original statement. I appreciate your honesty, and's a large amount of text, relatively speaking.
Ok thank you for your honesty as well.
Durandus, Will we be able to freely choose to do/not do all these things, or will OWS force our compliance? The way of OWS, so far, is to force others to compliance. By the way, do you happen to know anything about this movement?
I have been with since October and have tried to keep to this same Theme, not because I so much disagree with the many good ideas and programs of Direct Action that others suggest and are animated by...I support every effort that contributes to the cultivation of understanding on the abuses of Corporatism and the capture of our Political system, but on the principle of horizontal leadership, I believe I have at least the right to the Stage of Contribution to what I believe is a shared Cause of Occupy. You can judge whether I am mistaken and offer me the benefit of your superior understanding, if you deign to condescent to my ignorance on that point. I'll hear you out.
But I think that every member of Occupy, or those who support the overthrow and undermining of this Beast, need to have a respectful hearing in these initial stages; and to throw an ideational fence up around Occupy and say: "This far and not farther, or this and not that" is a temptation to failure that Occupy, as a global momentum, can ill affort to indulge...a temptation to the trappings of Leadership that holds grave dangers.
Occupiers, whether they identify with the "movement" as their 'own' or that for which they hold a core sympathy, need to be MORE careful about the danger you express here as if Occupy too soon decides upon what is or is not to be the Focus of Direct Action, it will unwittingly disclude Methods that, in the end, will turn out to have been serious missed opportunities for Concensus. How to resolve that challenge, or to avoid that fault, now faces Occupy...and in the spirit of horizontal cooperation, I wish to chime-in on what I perceive to be at issue. It's up to the Company of Occupy to consider whether my warning, and that of similar others on this point, is well advised. I think that it is, but I'm not going to lampoon or question other's motives for wanting to pin-down a Program they believe is of paramount importance...I'm merely pleading my own concerns, in what I think are the interests of Humane Values and Strategy going forward.
Are you suggesting that I DON'T know anything about 'this' movement? Because I think I have been, thus far, pretty clear about what I mean when I characterize the important ideas I believe are relevant to IT. What do you think? I mean, if you think I'm ignorant or just another diversion from the most useful tactics that are being discussed among the ostensive Leaders of Occupy, I'd be glad to entertain your critique and respond accordingly.
If on that account I am run out of town because I am not welcome, or my qualifications and suggestions are demonstrably off-the-mark, I will not reply with aggressive denunciation. I am one of those who have been conscious of the alliance I mention in this post for the period of my academic studies at the University, and I know that there are many academics that share the observation and earnestly hope to engage the Public on this issue for change; but I also know that if the spirit we cultivate in academia is to be abused here, such persons as they and myself will have no recourse but return to our studies and our own programs of attack upon the Beast and leave Occupy more-or-less to hammer out its own solutions and programs to address the same issue...wishing well upon our withdrawal. Such is the nature of authoritarian insistancy upon its own, sometimes if not often, misguided sense of importance and perspective. I believe that many hope that not be the eventual outcome; thus, here I am, here I stand...I can do not other, here; but I can do other, such as I suggest, elsewhere...with or without Occupy.
Perhaps I should re-assert the emphasis I have made between the distinction of Humane Values, which I believe are central to the Care and interests of Occupy, over against the inhumane values of Corporatism that I believe is the inspiration at the heart of Occupy's Protest. I assert that this distinction should act as a 'yardstick' when evaluating propositions and ideas arising from the discourse among Occupiers...I think it will be very helpful to adopt this perspective; perhaps others wish to pick that assertion apart and demonstrate to me how I am mistaken in that. I'd be very interested to see that reasonably it a challenge.
Thank you. Poor spend too much income on restaurant food, gas-station type drinks and rent. Get a roommate, pack your food, carry your drink from home. SELL half your crap while you're at it.
Have you done that?
Yes! I have already begun. It is a slow transformation. But it is achievable. Consumerism is an extremely powerful weapon if used correctly. If consumers unite we can exhibit a powerful force (we don't realize it, but we have already). This is a great new years resolution. Resolve to live a simpler lifestyle. What do we really need to be happy?
Here are the kings of inhumane values! They are the Lords of the Dirty Fucks!
The Revolution starts here!
Boycott circuses for their cruelty. Elephants do not belong in circuses.
Exactly, starve the beast that is a minimum wage job. Allow govt to create meaningful jobs, not these telemarketing, restaurant, retail slave jobs.
Occupy the border, dry up some of the over supply of unskilled workers, and then watch supply and demand work in favor of higher wages for a change.
Don't you mean "exhibit", "practice", or "insist upon" humane values? Why does everything now have to be "occupy" even when use the word is nonsensical? Is it just to symbolism the confusion of the protesters? One of you loons even wrote "occupy earth". OK, I am. Now what?
To Occupy Humane Values, of course, is just to say that Occupy should be embodying these, discussing these, exemplifying these, and propogandizing these in their Direct Actions. There's something to be said about the humane values in discourse as well, including courtesy, respect, and just a little bit of deference to the good-intentions, albeit imperfectly stated, of those who post here.
I see the absence of that here frequently and it speaks volumes about the brutal nature of some who apparently prefer hacking on the integrity of others out of their own conceived self-importance...Censored (above) being a case in point.
In defence of those who use the term Occupy, such as in Occupy Earth, it doesn't take much empathy to understand what they are driving at, and as Censored (above) is obviously struggling with the rationale for such manner of speaking, I may be able to assist through the jumbled maze of their halting perceptions.
This would go without saying to anyone with a modicum of social instinct, but what is meant by such a saying is this: Corporatism has laid claim upon the Earth as its own, private possession to exploit and ruin for its own, private benefit to the exclusion of the Humane Interests of The People. So to say: Occupy Earth is merely to say: Take back the Earth from the clutches of paracitical, psychopathic Corporatism (fascism). To me, that's very obvious; and I hardly expect that Censored will care to reply with any kind of moderate, humane feelings, to my explanation, only proving the distinction I am aiming at when I say: Occupy Humane Values, evidently absent in this Censored's soul.
It's still just ridiculous. Sorry, I have to go. I need to Occupy dinner.
Mocking how others choose to speak, especially when it obvious that their manner is tending toward abstraction, is bit like picking a fight with someone's accent or the tilt in their inflections or any other petty idiosyncracy. I mean, if you can't take just a moment to get past your own hyper-critical bent of mind you've done nothing but admit that you are irrationally pugnaceous...tempermental...irrascable...and probably not fit for social discourse. Can you imagine being invited to a dinner party and picking a fight with your host on their use of the term, knowing that they are fully aware of their own, hyperbolic, manner of speaking? You'd be asked to leave and likely be shunned as a curmudgeon, antisocial, and obnoxiously offensive.
I guess I expect something more genereous from someone who, ostensibly, is here to contribute to the dialogue in a MEANINGFUL manner; but that's obviously too much to ask, given the demonstration that THIS is not why Censored is here. I'm not as surprised as I pretend...the instinct to kick against the thorns is pretty strong here...the sense being like one trying to sell roses in a fish market.
Now become a delegate to the NGA (site almost ready)
Go ask yourself what you gonna do without God and money. Our founding fathers did it. They lived by natures law which they wrote down for us to their best of their ability in our Constitution and bill of rights. Had we followed those rules we wouldn't be in constant conflict and wars with other countries. They were enlightened man with light years ahead in their way of thinking. They knew God is not a thing you can define and feed to the masses and money is just something we use as a transfer for goods sold and received. In other words you been bought and paid for and now you pay again because you to lazy to educate yourself on how the law works.
I'd like to make sense of what you've posted here, but I have a sense that you're flailing about and would, and likely will, reply again off-topic, greedily massaging your ego as if you said or are saying anything. Quite a spectacle. This must be par for the course on this forum...miss the mark, flail about, ad hominem attacks, mockery, rude and intrusive a romper room for the viceous, which is symptomatic of a style of quasi-cultural discourse you'd expect to find in any kind of shouting match.
I have to reasonably suppose those who engage on that level of brutal ignorance from their own heart are not sympathetic to the core, humane values of Occupy; don't understand nor cherish those values, and are consequently unwilling, unable, to exhibit those values. Otherwise I'd expect at least some pointed comment on an alternative, or why the recommendation here is off-the-mark instead of...go eat're uneducated...or you're not of God...or you don't know the law or Constitution, and other like forms of abberation from those humane values I am advocating, not to mention wholly irrelevant to the subject of this post.
These aggressive posters come off as clear lunatics, the lunatic fringe, responsible for so much of the utter degredation of our cultural discourse in America, acting like its a war to the death; which I expect they will ultimately have, even if it means eating each other's hearts out.
These are your thoughts not mine. Educated people do not resort to your kind of language. When is the last time you had a reality check? Some of us people simply refuse to be Israels bitch and that's final. Now go eat your heart out smarty pants.
True to form...your comments have nothing to do with this post topic. If you want to rant about Israelis and their American shills you should start your own echo chamber. I eat from my heart all the time...tastes like honey...and I got a little flake of yours...tastes like rotten chicken.
Lol. Rotten chicken for a rotten person, you ask for it. I don't eat from my heart I eat from a plate. Chill and put some humor in your life. Its all just a game.
You think that the enslavement of Mankind by the alliance of Corporatism with the State is a game? You have now betrayed the utter callousness of your own heart, inured to the cry of the world's death pains and chains of deprevation. You could not have better demonstrated how appropriate your presence on this Forum, in this posting, is. Only a demoniac could consider suffering and death to be a game, someone with no empathy...a virtual psychopath. Thanks for the stand here as a Proof of the very kind of inhumanity I meant to undermine in this post...thanks for showing have done me a huge favor.
And what does any of this have to do with the subject of this post? You come parading in here with your purile self-importance slinging arrows in every direction trying to provoke the kind of animosity that seethes in your own deranged brain in the hope that you can walk away confident that I have as equally embicilic an understanding of the world as you do? And you think this is provacative?
If you want to eat shit, I suggest you reread your own post a couple times and get a good taste of your own idiocy. Your wasting your breath, fighting with your own shadow...but go ahead, keep belching your obnoxious soul upon the wall for everyone to see what demonic rage and an evil heart looks like. You're a disgrace and smear upon the face of humanity, as amusing as a murder scene and equally brutal. You belong in a cage.
Oh, and I forgot to replied exactly as I predicted you would. Does that bother you that you are so predictable?
ad hominum attacks are characteristic of the addle-brained who are either frustrated that they have no intelligent contributions to make, either to society or to others who differ in their opinions from them, or are merely trolling for attention on the coat-tails of those who do. Wipe your left a pool of snot behind.
Yet you resort to the same ad hominum attacks! LMAO!
Take your logic to the extreme with what was written, forest dweller.
A little touch of hysteria to compliment your snotty appropriate!
I have something for you....some birch bark and sassafras tea. Soothing, refreshing, and boils up real good in tin cups over an open fire. All you need to bring is fire.
So now you are stalking me. In the world of the civilized, your behavior is patently criminal, as must be your heart. What you have done is demon-strate the obsession of a very lonely soul desperate for attention and crying out for approval. Do you want someone to ad a plus to your comment so you can feel the more confirmed in your violent aggression? Would that make you feel justified, that someone pats you on the back for being a crude harasser of the innocent? Does that make you feel important and proud that you can so easily swim in the gutter, covered in shit and stinking like a hog that instinctively eats its own babies if its hungry? You're a spectacle the angels themselves must shudder at...unholy, unclean, debased to the core, predatorial, viceous, slathering at the mouth for blood and howling like a possessed maniac at shadows on the wall. The fire of hell is upon your lips and obviously consuming your soul...a child of perdition...this much is obvious...thanks for the morbid witness.
Wow, you are a thin skinned one. It took the others at least 3 days.
The opposite of thin skinned would be calloused heart. We needn't guess which you are, at least.
As you wish.