Forum Post: Occupy Hollywood Now!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 9:10 p.m. EST by figero
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Plenty of 1 percenters there ! Tired of skyrocketing movie tickets? tired of the rip off at the concession stand? I say start a new movement OHN!
The problem there is that many of the Hollywood elite are occupying Occupy. They want to be radical chic and behind the velvet rope at the same time. Talk about having your cake and eating it, lol!
The funniest one is multi-millionaire Michael "I am SOOO NOT the 1%" Moore.
Hell No. Dont want to upset the rich liberals there. We love to read about them in People magazine and hear how liberal they are and love the LITTLE PEOPLE that bow to them.
Me vale verga.
Yes !!!
Who knew OWS and TPB had so many of the same objectives?...
We could also make our own hollywood. It's already happening via youtube. Can't wait to see OWS, The Movie starring Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and the casts of the Matrix and Fight Club.
Or just stop going to the movies...
just like OWS wants to stop patronizing the banks
Non sequitur.