Forum Post: OCCUPY HARLEM All are welcome occupy Harlem friday oct 28 2011 630pm
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:07 a.m. EST by harlemworldorder
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OCCUPY HARLEM MOBILIZATION!!! We stand in solidarity with Occupiers of Wall Street
Friday, October 28, 2011 6:30 – 9:30 PM St. Philip’s Church 204 West 134th Street (Adam Clayton Powell Blvd)
A call to Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants to occupy their communities against predatory investors, displacement, privatization and state repression. Let us assert our Dignity! WE MUST DEFEND OUR COMMUNITIES! THIS IS OUR STRUGGLE, THIS IS OUR MOMENT IN HISTORY. THIS IS PEOPLE’S POWER!
We stand in solidarity with all of our brothers and sisters occupying cities, towns and neighborhoods in the United States. We stand in solidarity with poor and working class people across the globe rising up against criminal predatory finance capital that has no regard for humanity, that has no regard for Mother Earth.
Wall Street, the epicenter of international finance capital, began its financial prosperity with slave profiteering firms, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, Wachovia Bank and Bank of America. In fact, Wall Street and most of the city’s financial district were built on the burial ground of captured Africans forced into genocidal free labor for centuries, a crime against humanity. The legacy of that crime against humanity manifested today in Jim Crow mass incarceration, a crisis of massive Black unemployment and the greatest loss of wealth for people of color from subprime lending frauds estimated between $164 billion and $213 billion.
Finance capital plutocrats have always controlled the US political system. They threaten and received a $16 trillion bank bailout, the greatest thief of taxpayers’ money in modern US history. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg because the banks have an estimated $700 trillion of worthless derivatives, the BULL in the china shop that might very well bring down Wall Street.
Let us, the 99 percent, build a united people’s movement of the poor, the working class and the middle class to reign in the one percent. ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!
Join us for this Occupy Harlem mobilization with guest speakers and the occupy site to be announced.
Endorsements: Harlem Fightback Against War at Home & Abroad, People Organization for Progress, International Action Center, United National Anti-war Coalition, All African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), Kwame Ture Institute, Jersey City Peace Movement, Pakistan Solidarity Network, Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, BAYAN USA, DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving) and more to be announced.
Telephone: 646-812-5188 Website:
OCCUPY HARLEM MOBILIZATION!!! We stand in solidarity with Occupiers of Wall Street
Friday, October 28, 2011 6:30 – 9:30 PM St. Philip’s Church 204 West 134th Street (Adam Clayton Powell Blvd)
This is amazing that anyone could see this important action as racist in any way. OWS has done an incredible job of aiming our attention and power at multiple targets, like health care (including the criminal closing of St. Vincent's Hospital in the West Village, which a developer wants to raze so he can build luxury condominiums); highlighting foreclosures; criminals on Wall Street; vast income inequality; student loans; the homeless. I'm not black or Latino, but I'm really, really glad that OWS is making bringing racism to the fore in its indefatigable campaign against the capitalist system. One of the most important jobs of the revolutionary movement is educating millions of people to see that their fate and interests are linked to those of brothers and sisters in other strata. It's the ruling class that divides and conquers, tries to set undocumented immigrants against workers, tries to convince us we're stealing jobs from each other, etc., in order to divert us from the real enemy--the .01%. This action shows deep understanding of the root of the problems we face and that OWS is reaching out to some of the most oppressed in our society. Keep up the great work!