Forum Post: OCcupy Government .... A Plan For Democracy, seeks ideas and input
Posted 7 years ago on Nov. 30, 2017, 9:45 a.m. EST by gsw
from Woodbridge Township, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Oligarchy is strengthening and extending its power in Congress, State Legislatures, Presidential Cabinet, and the Supreme Court. It rewards its friends from its vast supply of funds and It punishes defectors. For example, if an elected official does not obey the Oligarchy, at the next election the Oligarchy will select and finance another, and ensure loss by the first. This threat alone often ensures compliance. It explains things like lockstep voting by officials who have accepted campaign finance, taken gifts, been promised future rewards, or ignored threats, and it explains some votes that to ordinary People may appear as leading to an irrational and unconscionable American nightmare.
Note that wealth and capitalism per se are not mentioned because they are not an essential part of the Problem and are vital to the People’s economic success.
The central problem is therefore how can the People gain sufficient control that they can make government more responsive in a timely manner to their key wishes instead of the Oligarchy’s wishes?
TO find Out More, and What Can be done click here
Quick, everyone call whotehouse and demand trump vetoe this transfer of wealth from us to the rich! Share (202) 456-1111 Phone number More about The White House Write or Call the White House | The White House (.gov) › contact › write... Call the President. PHONE NUMBERS. Comments: 202-456-1111. Switchboard: 202-456-1414.
PHones only open 9-4 Mon-Fri eastern time.
Here is email to president link
A little known term that everyone needs to know = Democide
And is another subject of outreach to educate the public - those who are near ready to hear it and give it some consideration anyway:
This continuing program Called Trickle Down Economics - which pushes the face of the general public further and further into suffocating mud - has a little known term that describes pretty accurately what it is all about:
Democide;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYmNjZWRsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDQjQ5ODFfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1512284916/RO=10/ …
U need 2 know this term!
52 against the tax bill, 25percent support the tax bill. CBS News.
how bout we get a basic Medicaid for all and call it a tax cut, or food stamps for all, call it a tax cut
Wealth Care moves another step closer to being a done deal:
Yep - the fuckers released the amended bill just hours before calling a vote on it. No time to read it no chance to argue it at all! Now it will go back to Congress. What are the chances it does not garner enough votes there? Slim to none.
Massive boycotts of certain companies and products. Minimalism. ...we can cut their purse strings. Make what you have last...BARTER for goods with others... subvert the system. Shop only from small business with no subsidiaries or financial bloodlines. Cancel accounts, move to credit unions and smaller banks. Move to amend.
HOw about boycott the corporation owned government, who,is stealing my taxes to give to the rich.
I can still deduct that as theft????
106‘‘(B) all such losses shall be treated as 1 losses from sales or exchanges of capital assets. 2 ‘‘(2) D EFINITIONS OF PERSONAL CASUALTY
3 GAIN AND PERSONAL CASUALTY LOSS .—For pur- 4 poses of this subsection— 5 ‘‘(A) P ERSONAL CASUALTY LOSS .—The 6 term ‘personal casualty loss’ means any loss of 7 property not connected with a trade or business 8 or a transaction entered into for profit, if such 9 loss arises from fire, storm, shipwreck, or other 10 casualty, or from thefts
Yes, twinkle, but government should at least provide a balancing force and mitigation of the ravages of oligarchic crony capitalism, with a safety nets, healthcare, and education, which this enexamned tax proposal eviscerates, and, Instead the congress showers More on the wealthy, a quote will provide "rocket fuel" .... Believe me, will cost me a fortune, believe me." Don Trump
It seems reverse Robin Hood, who,would have guessed such behavior from our leaders
This is the whole point of retaking government = to stop it from catering to the wealthy few and have it cater to (instead) the best interests of all of the population and the world on which we depend on for life.
Drumpf saying that the wealth care tax legislation will cost him a bundle - has got to be one of the most blatant lies EVER told to the public!
Maybe, possibly, we need a rallying solution, a plan, some vision of something better, and hope with a plan for a better future, with citizen input, as here, when we had a democracy dream, at our historic early years This plan provides a biopsy of the main problem, a crooked government beholden to the rich plutocrats, and no one looking out for people. We need a newer system, which has the true health and welfare of all the country at its focus, of the people, for the people. Truly.
Maybe this unifying vision or plan or focus and solution was not given or available at heyday of ows.
Your point - is exactly why the DNC establishment embraced Bernie and his 2016 campaign platform = it was for the common individual - it was solid support to the poor the working poor and all of the middle class - it was even for the wealthy few as they would have prospered off of everyone else s new found prosperity. But Bernie and his platform scared the hell out of the wealthy few and they had to shut him down and tried to use him to get his supporters to support sHillary Rotten Republican Clinton instead - she never did sell the majority of the public that she actually supported the campaign that she tried to steal from Bernie and present to the public as her own. The public did not buy her lip service campaign and said HELL NO - and that left the white supremacists with an open field to elect the insane ManBaby.
If the DNC had been true and had stuck by Bernie and his campaign - we would be looking at a whole different reality than we are now.
Never understood why they didn't run a unifying ticket, the snobs of dnc don't care for the people. Lip service for power
The establishment of the DNC is almost as bad as the GOP - catering almost exclusively to the same wealthy few - which is why they tried to shove sHillary Rotten Republican Clinton down the Public's throat. The DNC really has become conservative/republican light and still try to say that they are more Centrist than Right.
We are in a real shit storm.
Trickle down (golden shower): From Shit, Feed. I'd say that we are in a turkey storm. Christmas is around the corner so "stuffing the turkeys" can still be done just in time.
Boycotting Wallmart for abuse of employees would be OUTSTANDING ! I am sure many others could be included in that category as well as for off-shoring jobs and treasure Hoards.
More Power To Modern Day Boycotts!
Their plan is a smart phone checkout system anyway...they don't want employees. They want to be a supply house like Amazon. We need to strengthen unions....and spread them fast. So when we are all thrust out of work and replaces by a smartphone who will be left to buy their crap?
That is an issue that apparently the wealthy few have never considered. To this very point in time - they seem very happy to kill their consumer base!
We most definitely need to support local small business where-ever possible.
Note that wealth and capitalism per se are not mentioned because they are not an essential part of the Problem and are vital to the People’s economic success.
The many issues confronting the nation face a single core Problem: The Oligarchy damages our Constitution and our Democracy far faster than the People, acting through Congress, can make repairs. How can the People compel the Congress to repair and serve the People’s interests in a timely and effective manner or find a better approach?
The central problem is therefore how can the People gain sufficient control that they can make government more responsive in a timely manner to their key wishes instead of the Oligarchy’s wishes?
EXactly. COngress has forgotten the important Middle Class.
It's all about showing the donor class, on the news even this precise moment, that GOP and The other shamed Party serve the master, the 1 percet........
And those in the middle are struggling. Middle-income Iowans have seen their wages stagnate since the late 1970s, while incomes for Iowans making $1 million or more have grown, data shows.
The middle class is more a state of mind than an actual social stratum. While there is no “typical” Iowa family, the median household income in this state is $53,183, according to the U.S. Census.
The tax reform bill passed by the U.S. Senate early Saturday is not geared toward significantly helping these households. The 18 million American households earning $50,000 to $75,000 annually would see a tax reduction of only about $500 in 2019, according to an analysis of the legislation from the Joint Committee on Taxation. A decade later, some in that income bracket will be payin
NOw NOT COVERED ! $10,000 out of pocket not covered by insurance, which I also pay for,
Sectiom .1308.Repeal of medical expense deduction.
I hoped for a credit for over 10000 spent towards wife's "uncovered" medical expenses of early last year, way to go fucking GOP shit for brains
O Royal f#%£ you scumbag congress GOP| God Overlooking Pissfuckers
The people if united have more power as well as resources/money (well maybe not more money - but certainly enough for a successful outcome) - Bernie proved you can run a successful campaign (to a point - and then he was betrayed by the DNC establishment) if enough of the people will support your effort.
The crux of the problem (or at least one of them) is to find other people who like Bernie - are actually dedicated to doing what is in the best interests of ALL of the people as well as for the world upon which we depend for life!
The problem as I see it - has always been that the public at large has never really tracked what happens in government = Who authors what legislation, who forwards what legislation, who the legislation affects, how the legislation affects, who votes for the legislation that is bad for the general population/world and who against it and yes conversely who does all of this in support of good healthy for ALL legislation. Tracking this information and pressuring and/or removing those in office who do not act in the general public's best interests or the world's.
Education and uniting of the masses has got to be the way we move forward to regain government for the best interests of EVERYONE as well as for the whole World.
The shit storm that happened during the 2016 campaigns for nomination and then the following shitstorm that saw an Insane Narcissistic Greedy Misogynist Racist Con-Man Thief Thug ManBaby elected to the highest office in the land, has succeeded in waking a lot of people up to say WTF and OH HELL NO.
We need to reach all of those who have awakened to awake others and all unite to take back government.
Sorry for the long (rant?) well - not really all that long - airing of part of my point of view.
Message tweeted to hopefully embrace those who have begun to awaken in red states as well as in blue states & purple:
@realDonaldTrump exemplifies everything that is wrong with t @HouseGOP @SenateGOP @GOP t only real difference being @realDonaldTrump has no social filters 2 mask just how sick he is! Look in2 Wealth Care = both the health care and tax break legislation - & acknowledge t truth!
Oligarchy gives itself billions in tax cuts, making lower class and future children pay. They have no morals to care for others, as has been scientifically shown, their brains are shrunk, frieaken grinch Scrooge party, should be called!v
Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Narcissists, Greedy and Insane are they who currently control those in government that cater to them the wealthy few! So how sick are those in office that cater to that kind of depravity?
Idiot imbeciles head in sand up trumps ignorant butt,
Illiterate unscientific shortsighted uneducated history blind parasitic baby thieving whores
Many would call me a liberal or progressive (as if that would be a bad thing) still others would call out my conservatism = wanting to save the environment. The Thing is - those in office who identify themselves as such are often neither and are instead very toxic in any which way you would or could look at them!
Myself? I don't identify as anything other than wanting what is truly best for all. I'm kind of humble that way. (it's not about me - it's about everyone! - truth out)
Flynn pleads guilty today - what ya wanna bet he does minimal time for treason.
In earlier times people got riled up by high crimes
The lenience offered to Flynn (for admitting guilt and taking a guilty plea) should only be = taking death off of the penalties for the treason to the USA that he has committed!
For Americans, it was only proper that representatives live in the localities they spoke for and that residents have the right to instruct their representatives. Americans thought it only fair that localities be represented more or less in proportion to their population. Despite its shortcomings by today's standards, the Americans' practice of actual representation was the fullest and most equal participation of the people in the processes of government that the modern world had ever seen.
Time has come for direct democracy amendment
Side note: Very few of the general population ever bothered to take note of what presented legislation and attached riders meant for them and who authored it supported it voted in support or against it.
GOP govnt passed bill written by corporations, and no person read it.....
And why I advocate a true people's branch of government, a self-representative democracy advocated in the original post. How could this even exist
Yes - not letting anyone actually see proposed legislation and then often times staying up late on a Friday to pass the shit in the dead of night has become rethuglican trade marks! Trade Mark really caught public attention with TPP.
Currently the only thing standing in the way of this legislation's passage is the fact that it will trigger massive debt - the rethuglicans have not yet found a way around that trigger.
The public needs to raise holy hell like with the wealth care health care legislation.