Forum Post: Occupy GitHub
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 4:27 a.m. EST by ScrewyL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It has come to light that there exist a number of... ahem... bugs in the source code.
Remember: the fascist agents of tyrannical oppression are Just around every corner; lurking. We must not falter, nor grow weary.
For this reason, I call upon any developer within earshot to labor tirelessly upon the problem and then send PULL requests to jart on GitHub. Tirelessly.
Link to GitHub repository: Stomping out capitalism, one line of code at a time
So far, these issues have been reported; I will add more as I become aware of them.
OccupyWallSt Outstanding Bugs:
The phrase "Ron Paul" is mangled to read "Ron Lawl" in topic titles, bodies, and comments. This is undocumented behaviour and therefore clearly out-of-spec.
Certain non-spammy words are incorrectly classified as spam, causing inconsistent rendering of the topic list on the Forum page. The specific cases in which this bug arises are presently unknown. (beta-testers welcome)
No feature exists to block users like Puzzlin who persist in private messaging you incessantly.
Thrasymaque has too many accounts, but he needs them all to contain his ego.
I will do my part... Code on, brothers!
eh, it's not my project. i'm fine letting them run it how they see fit. i have my own project.
This is great example of using the scientific method instead of David Icke-ing it! Bravissimo for moving away from conspiracy theory type thinking. You will be rewarded with a sharper mind.
I thought you established long ago that all the coders have left the building, thus who exactly is there to care? I especially like the "Lawl" thing reported as a bug, how cute.
Re-read that thread. Jart replied and said they were on a short break but will be resuming work at the end of the week. Don't David Icke it!
How's Bali today? :)
Do you ever break away?
It's hot! Too hot!