Forum Post: Occupy Gets a Super PAC
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 17, 2012, 9:36 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 17, 2012, 9:36 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Finally a thread on this subject with common sense. A SuperPAC is hypocritical and shows a huge lack of integrity by the movement.
I agree that its hypocritical. Becoming what you've been fighting against?
Also, I smell a rat. The guy that started this thing did so on his own and I don't trust it.
we're not gonna outspend the elite
It's okay, a lot of them are on our side.
How did Roseanne get that rich?
True that!
The real question is, does the super PAC have free speech rights?
The real question is 'do the ends justify the means'? Is it necessary for us to use hypocritical means to achieve our ends? My answer is no.
The real question is, is this super PAC going to disclose donors and spending?
I don't know... I asked you first. Can we have a principled discussion?
I hope so.
Alright, I will go first. Does the Occupy Wall Street super PAC deserve the right to buy campaign ads and such? I support their rights wholeheartedly.
Awesome, next, we need lobbyists :)
you can't win a ball game by claiming balls are bad
I wasn't under the impression that this was a ballgame.
Whats next Carl Rove as spokesman.
Who needs Karl Rove, we have Roy Zimmerman for a spokesperson
I don't know how anyone vaguely supports Ron Paul.
I don't know how anyone could support any of them.
I'm too stupid to understand all that stuff he says about economics. Also it doesn't fit my predetermined conclusions.
You obviously are.
Super Cool .. ;)
"Get money out of politics!" Oh wait, never mind!