Forum Post: Occupy Ft. Worth: Still missing the real culprits
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8 p.m. EST by darrenlobo
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Progressives demand that capitalism, apparently indistinguishable in their minds from corporatism, be blamed for society's ills because they have a love affair with government coercion. All that needs be done is for "the people" to somehow select their own good people to run government, which will magnanimously manipulate the entirety of society for the benefit of all. But then what of the marketplace? Government will control it all, with the same results that lead to shortages and mismanagement and forced collectivism and famines that occurred in soviet socialist Russia and communist North Korea and fascist Italy. That's because government, under every "ism" ever devised, exists to benefit the ruling class at the expense of everyone else no matter what true believers believe.