Forum Post: Occupy Fox News
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:27 p.m. EST by foxrepublican
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While Wall Street has gobbled up all the wealth, they would never have been able to do it without Fox News promoting their agenda. With Roger Ailes at the helm, they have changed the narrative of America to bow to the wealth as "job creators" and that we should all be grateful for what they give us, then we are to shut up and sit in the back of the bus. This must stop and the messenger needs to know the 99% are not going to let them change the narrative. Check out and pass along
To be fair, MSNBC and CNN also have their own agenda and political bias. Granted what Fox News does is nothing short of immoral, they are not the only ones. All of our MSM is corrupt and people are finally starting to realize it.
I can't agree more.
But Rupert Murdock's and News Corp criminal role should be mentioned in the title.
I made few videos about it: Obama fights Evil: Billionaire Murdoch Fox NEWS
Know what might work better?
Stop watching or giving attention to Fox news.
If Fox airs erroneous information, counter if with truth.
Fox routinely contradicts itself, simply trip it up under it's own weight.