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Forum Post: occupy for internet voting

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 9:49 a.m. EST by mrkryn (0)
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OCCUPY / For Internet Voting

O / fiv

America was built by scientific statesmen. They had vision.

We have non-statesmen who are forced to pick a side, and television.

Our government was patterned after the Athenians. They had 2 groups, a Senate representing business and aristocracy and a second group of required community service. That did not work because those folks communicated by horse and sail. Our second group does not work anymore because they have evolved into further representatives of business and aristocracy. The House of Representatives no longer effectively reflects the views of the average folk , instead they are servants of business and aristocracy.

Perhaps it is time for a change. Perhaps the time for internet voting has come.

We are guaranteed the right to change our system. The framers built it that way. Thomas Jefferson and his contemporaries were scientific statesman and philosophers. One of those, Ben Franklin, was in the chain that proved electricity would soon be part of everyday life.

Is it not possible we, as a nation, were built contemplating the power to communicate faster than by horse and sail? Is it not possible the second group was destined to be replaced by internet voting?

Internet voting has weaknesses. Some folks will not care. We may very well get to the same spot we’re in now some years down the road. But most participants would have more confidence in the decisions.

Are there other reasons internet voting should replace the House of Representatives?

The definition of corporation needs changing; from using the words, “person, not natural” to” non natural- non person”. Corporations have assimilated the same rights as a breathing person and word limit precludes any further definition. Instead, let us take another trip back in time.

The original intent of corporations was to protect assets, not live on beyond the life of the incorporated man. As I recall, not long ago, Bill Gates indicated he wanted Microsoft to be broken up upon his death; imposing the basic principle of forestry that old growth suppresses new growth. America works with set of 100 year old rules adapted from a set of rules written 200 years ago. Perhaps the second set needs a subtle adjustment now. Certainly the old growth needs some removal. Alas, where are the statesmen when you need one?

I like business. I am a retailer. I want my kids to have an opportunity to become aristocracy, if they decide. I like the Senate, they can pick a side. We need lobbies. We just don’t need them influencing group 2. They have TV for that. I don’t have time for committee work. Pay the committeemen enough; take one dime from lobbies and their next job will be harvesting asbestos or cleaning up hazardous waste- adapting a little from the caste system, minus the generational continuance.

I voted for Reagan twice and have spent the rest of my life making up for those two sins. Those guys stand for deregulation. . Less government is good and I agree in selected areas. Deregulation of money is not one of those selected areas. Counterfeiting is nothing more than making something of a small or no value have an appearance of greater value. During the Reagan years Savings and Loan Associations were deregulated to have the same power and flexibility as banks but were not required to join the FDIC. Six years later the American public spent a trillion dollars bailing out the S and L’s. Not long ago another form of counterfeiting was applied in a scheme known as derivatives. Paper of inflated value was sold and resold with commissions taken and spent.

That money is gone. The House let the counterfeiters do it to all of us.

Soap operas, with only the extreme poles of humanity demonstrated, are being replaced by reality TV. Perhaps the polarized soap opera in Washington DC is coming to a close as well.

“Hire me to fire me” will be the marching orders of anyone worthy of my vote for Congress.

Thank you,

Mark Ryan, founder Rainer Monks 508 Yelm Ave. W. Yelm, WA. 98597 253 334 8962



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[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 13 years ago

The ironic thing here is that if progressive, liberal people who believe in electronic voting were to vote, then they could change the system to make it whatever they wanted, like their opponents are doing anyway. Republicans are changing the way that voting works for their benefit, and their potential opponents are staying home and not voting, so that gives them the freedom to slant the system even more in their favor.

[-] 1 points by michaelbravo (222) 13 years ago

i agree but we need to vote on all the measures too not just presidents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QrDLwSgg24