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Forum Post: Occupy Employment ! - Take the Time and Do It Right

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by vets74 (344) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy Employment for the OWS Unemployed

Email and telephone conversations with Judy Dixon, who is helping coordinate the "Occupy A Job" effort this coming Monday, lead to a conclusion that this concept would be better carried out with a longer period for getting things together. A date in mid-January makes sense.

This is a good idea, despite that bashing OWS for Fox News and the NY Post figured in John Tabacco's original efforts. Leveraging OWS to connect employers with the unemployed - that is a no-brainer.

But this Monday shindig at Zuccotti did not quite make muster. Due diligence on the listed employers raises questions:

  • Intermedia Group is a search firm, not a prime employer
  • Network Placements is a search firm, not a prime employer
  • Health First shows issues with their business practices
  • Rodman & Renshaw seems to be a solid small firm that does business conferences and other services
  • Ambit Energy is another firm with multiple complaints on business practices

We can likely work with John and Derek Tabacco, surely with Judy Dixon, and put together a solid job fair with Class A companies. That can be done a month from now. Saturday, January 14th, is a more sensible option thn rushing to make December 12th.

We can also try to get this shindig under a roof for the winter. January is blizzard season for New York City.

For your information, Judy is available at this address. My impression is that she is a sensible person, a pleasure to talk to and in all likelihood a productive person with whom we can work:

Judy Dixon

Senior Director of Lifestyle Department

P3R Publicity

448 S. Canon Dr

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Keep in mind that Justice and Reconciliation are prime goals for any nonviolent movement that follows the recommendations of Dr. King and Mahatma Gandhi. Working with people such as Judy Dixon will be a strong part of our way forward. I have not spoken with John or Derek Tabacco, the originators of "Occupy A Desk Job" and "Occupy A Job." So I have no reason to believe that they would not support this effort going forward.

Getting people connected up with solid, honest jobs has to be a good thing.

Occupy Employment. That seems to deserve at the least a Group at the NYCGA site. Same time, we should think about setting up a simple (Keep It Simple Stupid) means to post up job openings and resumes online through these OWS web sites.

Posting a resume is free at such as Monster.com. But employers have to pay for their postings on all of the commercial sites. (Not at the New York State DOL site, thankfully.)

Occupy can offer free postings for employers and for workers. Similar free services are run at many Yahoo Groups, at LinkedIn, and the IT user groups. It's easy to do. The technical implementation is almost all text, minimal graphics, so the database burden is surely less than a gig. The usual plan is to take resumes in Word or Text, while the job postings are entered with a page of online assistance and either a Word or a Text for extended description.

Google indexes automatically. A search would look something like this:

  • google - truck driver site:www.nycga.net/jobs -

As always, OWS would have to depend on volunteers to moderate these resume and jobs sites. That's life. Considering the thousands of people looking to help OWS, helping people find jobs through OWS is one of the good alternatives.

Leveraging OWS to help people find jobs -- seems to me this is a worthwhile action.

These conversations will continue. Please comment.



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[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

We went out today with Brendan and the day shift to observe "Occupy A Desk" and any press coverage.

Sadly - and I mean that sincerely - the event was a dud. They didn't get a dozen job seekers and the companies were no shows for the most part. That's too bad because I would have liked to have a modest success at the least to build on for a January 14th "Occupy Employment" co-operative job fair.

Still, Derek Tabacco and I had a positive talk. He's sensible and interested in helping out when we go forward.

OWS can help one way or another getting people connected to jobs.

Second thing: we will be moving ahead to set up a Group as "Occupy Employment."

That needs five members for some reason in the house rules.

"Volunteers" will be solicited.

Real volunteers will be abused horribly... or not.

A solid once-a-month job fair out of OWS has to make for moderate-to-good service to the world. And not bad press at the same time.

But... we start it, then we gotta keep it going. Keep up the quality.

Please use the NYCGA.net site and the private message function off my page there. Of click me here, if that's not findable for you.

Thank you.

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

And now our benighted protest crew have just had to go over and do an action at Winter Garden.

Wanna guess my first in-coming communication this morning ???
