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Forum Post: Occupy Egypt: a history lesson for whatever fosters are still left.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 12:18 a.m. EST by Jonas (71)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"One of the fathering civilizations of the world was lost to men protesting their value against men who had no value. Such a blatant verity, yet it is still disregarded and completely lost for humanity’s own appraisal of understanding, thus we are forced to relive ancient history. You seek to destroy the very government that pays you to stay alive, and in turn you’ll discover that the deformation of dictation will only leave you to clearly see how evident it is that you are the source of your own instability. "




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[-] 1 points by Jonas (71) 13 years ago

Has no one anything of interest to say? Or has the numb wave of control already usurped all personal opinion?