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Forum Post: Occupy doesnt seem to be getting the same press coverage it did from a few weeks back...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 8:52 p.m. EST by thomasmiller (163)
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Just been noticing less and less news about Occupy. CNN used to have a section for it and now its gone. Walked outside just now and its chilly out even with a sweater on.

So its getting colder, the media is starting to stray away from Occupy...I believe what will happen is that Occupy will become bolder and bolder in order to get more news coverage. They will taunt and antagonize the NYPD more so they can get that juicy youtube video...I really dont think it will end well.

At some point, just like in Vancouver, someone is going to die of something and that will force the Mayor into a decision. Its only a little chilly outside right now, but in 30-60 days it will be so cold the only way to move around outside is with purpose built down winter jackets and ski-pants. There are people each winter that die from the cold here and I can imagine it happening at Zuccotti park.



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[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Well, that is the MSM. People do have a problem with playing the long game...they post fairly regularly here about action and demands. I understand the wisdom in avoiding that, but honestly, it took me a few days to wrap my brain around it. In the end, though, it leaves people feeling like they are doing nothing, and posting on the forum sometimes feels as useful as a message in a bottle tossed into the ocean. Ive considered stopping, just from the overwhelming amount of hostile and negative responses to everyone (not just myself). Its rather like being thrown back into 2nd grade, but with a bit more colorful language. I wont back down to them, though, and I still believe this movement has had a direct impact on refocusing attention to where it needs to be.