Forum Post: Occupy Denver Invades Private Property, Incites Rioting, Breaking More Laws: Tough To Keep Track Of All The OWS Crimes
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by weeicemon
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Occupy Denver breaking in to a hotel, bothering people who never did anything to them and inciting rioting. When will the police just start shooting and killing them? It's just like exterminating roaches and other infestation, no loss to society and no one would care.
add it to the list of incidents
Ok - every movement is going to have its fringe. Does that discredit everyone who is associated with it? Analogy - We can drag out the Tea Party's dirty laundry, or the parts of the coalition that Reagan brought together that wanted to restore the South to what it was like before the 1970s. That doesn't discredit the conservative movement as a whole.
Fringe? That looked to be most if not all of the "Occupy" group in Denver. lol
So they're fringe... Oakland is fringe... Atlanta is fringe... Anybody else doing anything that gets bad press is "fringe"...
Lots of fringe out there huh? ; )
don't start linking yourselves with the Tea Party. That's what you losers like to do. You need to be compared to the Nazi movement in the 1930s--do your research and that is exactly what you are-mobsters and anarchists; the Tea Party is neither.
Tea Party gets the proper licenses, approvals and pays the fees to conduct a protest. They are respectful of the laws and are orderly and legal. They stay for 1 day, clean the area BETTER than when they arrived, go home and go to work. OWS is a bunch of zombie, squatter, illegal, lazy, loser, socialist, hate-America, nazi, rapist, disgusting, filthy criminals who just want everything for free and abuse other people's property. NO COMPARISON AND DON'T EVEN TRY.
You know that you're desperate for an argument when you start comparing your opposition to Hitler.
The Tea Party has legitimate grievances - that it shares with OWS. Why is the country that we both love no longer able to provide jobs for its young people who want to work hard and play by the rules? Why are people who were good citizens and workers all their lives suddenly out on the street or falling behind on their mortgages. We're all frustrated. We point fingers in different places.
Don't call your fellow citizens Nazis. We're all in this together, whatever part of the political spectrum we identify with.
What happens when you start attacking veterans who join the movement when they come back from serving their country and no one will hire them, and they can't get proper treatment for what happened to them overseas? Are they your enemies too?
life is not fair bub. No one gets handouts. Get off your butt, work 3 jobs and then you won't have time to bitch and moan on this stupid site and chant with your loser, scumbag OWS socialsits.
It's Friday night. I work two jobs. I can't work 24/7, nor can you. We all get handouts - maybe you went to a private school, never use public infrastructure, and aren't counting on medicare or social security when you retire (I'm not). Tell me your story and how you're so independent and how you plan to stay that way if your luck turns and you find yourself out of work. And funny enough, we both find ourselves on this board, chanting in some way or another and contributing to the legitimacy of this forum and the OWS movement, you in opposition, me in support.
Of course I realize life isn't fair. Like you - in your own way (you have a view about justice too), I would like it to be more just.
me-handouts? speak for yourself bub if you take handouts. I never took a dime from anybody and worked for everything I have. Get over your sense of entitlement because an entitlement to you is a tax dollar from me and I'm no charity bub. You see this is the very reason we HAVE you people protesting. One is that most if not all of you were raised by poor parents and socialist teachers who pampered you and told you life is fair and there are no valedictorians and everyone is a winner. Wrong, there are winners and losers, life is not fair and all you can do is do your best, work hard, apply your God given skills and get over the greed. Yes OWS greed-they're greedier than WS because all they talk about is money. Not working hard, but just taking.
Second, entitlements have bankrupted this country and the world (look at the EU) and entitlements is exactly what your and your OWS loser, hate-Ameirca socialist zombies want.
FAIR-EQUALITY? I don't know what they mean, neither do you and I sure don't want some OWS loser imposing his definition on me.
Your belief about hard work and self-reliance is a theory of justice. It's a classical liberal belief about justice, but it's principled just the same.
You might want to believe you've never taken a dime from the government, or from anyone else. No man is an island. You got where you are in life because someone decided to take a chance on you in the first place. If you didn't go to school - government handout - that wouldn't have happened either.
You're not above all this. Otherwise, why don't you just turn the computer off, curse this stupid movement and the country that's going to hell, and go to bed. Every comment you post legitimates the movement - you're giving the hippies attention, right?
Come to think of it, that's a good idea. Why am I arguing with you. I need my sleep and I have to work tomorrow. Good night, weeicemon, and God Bless.
justice?--your problem my friend is your definition of justice- you have a right to justice under the law, equal opportunity and protection under the rule of law and that is it.
Also, speak for yourself--if you took handouts then that is between you and your God but don't project on to me or anyone else your guilt or your selfish need to take from others who have more than you. That is not justice--that is envy, covetous and a sin. You don't know me and, again, don't think your personal guilt, fears, envy, jealously, lack of character and desire to take other's property is characteristic of me or others.
You've confirmed for me your some product of the failed public school system taught by bitter socialist teachers who hate America and ingrained in you a sick sense of entitlement. Ignore me son but you will go through life very disappointed and will waste the life God gave you thinking you are right.
Old hippie fuck I need your help. Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit. Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig. Draw a hippies fucking like dogs. Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.
This is just more proof (in the already mountain of proof) that OWS is nothing but a leftist movement.
They only went into that Denver hotel to create trouble for conservative and right wing bloggers. Last week they attacked a conservative group meeting in D.C.
They NEVER crash or attack any left wing organizations. Let them crash and protest the Center for American Progress in Washington D.C.
That will never happen. This movement is made up primarily of leftist radicals.
absolutely--they're all posers and funded and support the left
HAHA. Those idiots will chant anything
About the funniest thing that I've seen as far as OWS goes was when some guy did the mic check thing in NYC and then got up and said:
"I am my own person..." (with expected chant back in response)
"I will not repeat what other people say" (with expected chant back in respose)
Ha ha ha. Got a link to that one?
hahhahahhahahhahahha--yeah, now it's city workers being paid to commit crimes> ROFL. Gee, why hasn't the OWS friendly media flushed that one out. ROFL, ROFL, ROFL.
it's called a False Flag operation. Educate yourself. The Status Quo has you.
Boy you know all the criminal terms don't you? So now all the crimes being committed by OWS (too many to count) are not by them but by the city. Yeah, the cities are just flush with money to do this and the press knows nothing of it. Nice try, but if THAT is your new strategy to cover up your criminal activity, better think again. ROFL!!!!
They are exercising their constitutional rights.
Is that sarcasm? You can't be serious!
Hey, let' all storm into MVSNs home and 'exercise our constitutional rights'. OK with that MVSN? I'm sure you are. C'mon everybody we're going to MVSN's home to take it over, do what we wish just like the OWSers. It's OK with MVSN, he's cool with that.
Doesn't matter whether he's cool with it or not. That shit's ours! Free speech! Freedom to assemble anywhere we want! All kinds of other free shit of his too if we take it! lol
Actually I was being sarcastic. Storm my house and you would be dead. What's your IQ?
I'd love for people like you to try and shoot at us because Id be the first to pick up a gun and fire back at you and would throw a fucking pipe bomb thru your fucking window you fucking whore!
You are a little dick chick. You need a good anal pounding.
So you aren't going to say shit to th person that called for the violence first eh? This fucking pussy movement. You people would try to reason with people as they gunned every last one of us.
your mom is awesome
fuck you
your mom did