Forum Post: Occupy 'demand/action', Transparent Government as a 'first step'
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 8:22 p.m. EST by mikesun
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I want to suggest to all of Occupy 'total transparency of all our government' as a 'demand', although I prefer the words..'actions we will be carrying out'. I will be directing this suggestion mostly to NY and Europe, but wanted to suggest it first here in my own area of Los Angeles. What I mean by 'total transparency' is that ALL 'important' meetings of government, ie 'Vice Presidential meetings with energy corporation leaders' are REQUIRED to be reccorded and disseminated to the public. Or meetings with unions, health corporations, associations, etc of any 'sides'. Why should ANY important action of our government not be carried out before our eyes, in real time, so that WE can participate? Which is also the form of Occupys 'transparent participatory democracy'. I beleive this is a logical place to start to view and analyze What and Where are the problems that need addressing. Consider the value of such government openness towards controlling not just 'illegal' behavior, but the more 'shadowy area' of frankly poor ethics and greedy behaviors. Imagine the control on individuals, corporations, and other 'power players' if what they said, what they did.....they were completely aware would be recorded, analyzed, disseminated...and kept on bite them in the ass. Imagine the 'even playing field' this would allow for the 'good actors', including Occupy, who would welcome the public's oversight. And many common members of the public might join this concept, perhaps thinking.....'Occupy I'm not sure who you are, what you want.....but on this 'transparent government thing' agree with I make this demand/action with you. I of course realize this is not a new idea, but perhaps an idea 'who's time has come'. Thank you all for your work. Power to the People.
There's more transparency than you might realize. The problem is those entrusted to be our eyes and ears - the MSM - are puppets of the Shadow Government.
My opinion is that the people who need reaching first are the masses. People need to wake up to the fact that we are regularly lied into wars. That the war on(sic) terror is conducted by the terrorists, the war on(sic) drugs is conducted by the drug lords, the corporate media is a fiction factory, etc.
A lot of people still believe Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 and was killed in Abottabad. Seriously, they do!