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Forum Post: Occupy DC - April 15, 2012 - Let's plan the BIG one!!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:02 p.m. EST by DevaGhost (0)
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They want to know what we want. We want fundamental fairness, equality and observation of the fundamental principles of a democracy. In America, is there is a more fundamental principle than, "no taxation without representation."

The citizens of the District of Columbia have no voting representation in Congress. This is fundamentally unfair, creates a fundamental inequality and is, frankly, UnAmerican.

If we have any concrete demands at all, shouldn't this be one of them? Shouldn't this be where we start the "American Spring"?

It's income tax filing day, except that it's a Sunday. It's a perfectly symbolic day and the perfect symbolic and concrete demand.



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