Forum Post: Occupy Daily Boycott
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 12:05 a.m. EST by annie
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Everyone, PLEASE friend the "Occupy Daily-Boycott" page and check daily about what store/online business not to shop from EACH DAY. This is a homegrown movement started by someone very near and dear to me. If we all band together, we can show the power of the 99%. If you choose apathy and do not act now to stop the corrupt financial control of our country, then our generation and our children will suffer GREATLY. Please help to act now, and check OCCUPY DAILY-BOYCOTT every day for which business to withold your money from each day. Let's show that it is OUR money that makes this country run. PLEASE!! Check EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Everyone, PLEASE friend the "Occupy Daily-Boycott" page and check daily about what store/online business not to shop from EACH DAY. This is a homegrown movement started by someone very near and dear to me. If we all band together, we can show the power of the 99%. If you choose apathy and do not act now to stop the corrupt financial control of our country, then our generation and our children will suffer GREATLY. Please help to act now, and check OCCUPY DAILY-BOYCOTT every day for which business to withold your money from each day. Let's show that it is OUR money that makes this country run. PLEASE!! Check EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Good one. To be effective, a boycott needs many committed persons to follow the same one at the same time. I agree that it should be posted elsewhere--in various places other than Facebook.
Yes, that's what I want but since I started the page only yesterday and we have exponentially more friends every hour...and I am a mother of 3 running this thing in my living room...what I really want is to get the attention of a larger number of people so the boycott updates could be mentioned everyday in a place people go this website!! if you have ideas or WAYS to HELP... check out the facebook page, see it's potential and do what you can...create any kind of blog or website you want to get the attention of this idea. I dont' care if its me that does it. I just think it could work and after weeks of unanswererd e-mails to various "organizers" I decided that they wouldn't be able to even consider the idea until we had NUMBERS of people. Just like the original group occupying zucotti park. we start small and we grow. there's power in people. thanks for any and all help and ideas check it out
I can't view your wall without signing in to facebook. Can you change that so it is visible to all?
Thanks annie.
We expect recent efforts to boycott products produced by companies owned or controlled by the Koch brothers, (Charles and David), (pronounced "coke"), to grow in 2011, and will eventually include an effort to have pension funds drop the company's bonds. Their company, Georgia Pacific, has $10 billion in outstanding bonds.
The organizers of the boycott are suggesting people not purchase things that their company produces, including: Brawny Towels, Dixie Cup Products, Angel Soft Toilet Paper, Mardi Gras Napkins, Quilted Northern Toilet Paper; and Stainmaster Carpets.
This company will be repeated over and over on our list to boycott as the months go by. Thank you for this info! Please also spread the word about our daily boycott. Remember this is more of a symbolic boycott that takes daily involvement and communication.
Occupy my wallet!
Boycott facebook!
Yes, don't eat, don't buy clothes and disconnect all your media services, that'll teach 'em.
I don't drink Coke, but now that you mention it, I'm getting thirsty for one. Please don't advertise your stock products here with your subliminal advertising.
Can you put it somewhere more openly accessible than the walled garden that is Facebook? Like a regular blog for example, that you can use any search engine to find, and any networked computer to engage with.
great idea. I am on it. meanwhile, if you could, please join and spread the word. I am a business owner and mother of 3 and have, in one day, mobilized 300 people to do this. i so wish I had a staff to make this happen. Any more ideas would be of great service to me, to all of us if this takes off. What I really wish would happen is that we could gain the facebook numbers to get the attention of occupytoghether or and that they would make the daily announcements. this could get huge quickly and really make an impact.
A rolling Boycott list is a really good idea. But I'm sorry I won't join Facebook, because of their history of dubious data practices. The internet is fully useful without it.
I like you idea too annie, but I also stay away from facebook. Their invasion of privacy policies are really frightening. (Boycott facebook would be nice.:))
Posting it here seems like a good place many people would see.
do YOU want to get the idea going in another way on the internet. All it would take from you would be the know how to set up a blog or website and then you could announce the daily boycott info. If you start, I will supply as much info as you need, and of course as it grows it becomes all of ours and you could work at the same idea independently. As long as we have the same company to boycott daily we need not coordinate in any other way. Occupy Daily Boycott belongs to all of us! And if this is not something you feel you can take on... do you think you can find someone who could. That's how these things get going. I am really hoping that eventually the info is on facebook, twitter and posted at the top of every Occupy website out a weather report. If you will, do what you can ...and more. Now really the time to mobilize. Thanks.
I know this isn't Facebook but I "like" this..... Let's boycott AT&T CORPORATION. Dont use the internet for the next 10 years. "Well,,,,, we cant boycott AT&T,,,, we NEED that CORPORATION,,, but not others." Boycott Apple. "Well,,,, we like our Iphone and ipads,,,,,, so no,,, not Apple" How about Mc Donalds? "Nope,,, need to take a dump there."
not interested in boycotts which have little or no meaning or strategic purpose.
"daily will never work" Here's an idea about that. Just by participating, it's working. Unless you were able to join a protest today THIS can be the way you are can add your voice today to the voices of the entire Occupy Wall Street movement. Many of us need a simple, doable protest for the 99% who can't go to Zucotti park everyday. Something we all can do to remain invested. Protesting and boycotting become a daily call to action because we have had the ACTION stripped right out of us very successfully by TV and advertising over many years. WE have felt extremely powerless. If you hear someone say one day boycotts will never work, ask them to reconsider. It doesn't hurt companies all that much, but it get attention. And it awakens the daily urge to make a difference. Try it. If we all do the daily work of boycotting and sharing with friends, we are that much closer.
again, boycotts are not a meaningful strategy for us. a do-able "protest" is not half as good as a REAL process for solving problems. Boycotts won't work until there are far more people involved. Hone your message, and quit being infantile trying to bite off things you can' t chew.
doesn't everything start small? looking through history I can't find one protest, boycott or movement that didn't begin small...including this large Occupy movement. I am not sure what's more important right now anyway. Our wheel spinning and idea formulating (when we all know that it comes down to one simple thing MONEY OUT OF POLITICS first and foremost) or our motivating ability to get more people involved. The "99%" has to start LOOKINGmore like 99% and this means giving people a way to stay invested. Truly this feels no less "infantile" than going to neighborhood meet ups with like minded people and talking about what we already know 10 different feels good and is important but no less so than the daily commitment to this tiny, but growing idea . We are a group of people who feel as you probably do about the state of things. Why is it anything but right that we have come up with a way to do something that has the potential, if only slight, to be recognized. Surely a daily boycott will never effect the company we are targeting that day but it is no less effective than other forms of protest. Large groups with black tape of their mouths "we will not be silenced" make a statement while doing very little. Were they called infantile? probably. The Indigo dye boycott started by gandhi that had people spinning to make their own cloth. This was surely considered an extreme case of "biting off more than you can chew". After all it takes a very long time to make one garment....only seconds to check facebook, share your page and boycott. Please give this a chance. The message is none other than "what did you do today?" And is as much for the protester as it is for that we are protesting. After all, we are nothing if we are unable to continue to stay motivated and inspire those who don't protest on the street everyday. After is pretty lame that when you look on the page under what can I do it says "give money" "send food and clothes" or "go to a protest". That pretty much gives everyone and out to do one thing only and walk away. We need people to be invested. Maybe you don't agree and have a better way but that doesn't mean that this way doesn't work for people who think like me. Thank you for all your time thinking about this. I appreciate all the help I can get AND I know that you must be doing daily work yourself to help the change we NEED to happen.
boycotts are not an effective strategy compared to so many others. they are a unions tactic, and this is a lot deeper than the kind of corporations who we could effect with mere boycotts. removing our money from the banks is a fine start, but thats not really a boycott as much as a finances lifestyle change.
why can't you guys pay attention and listen to the strategic work of other people? No, i am not going to give a stupid idea a chance.
Get us up to an actual instead of virtual 50 or 99 percent and maybe you would have something there. one percent of the population representing 99 percent of the population is still far too few to make a meaningful difference in a boycott.
"please give this a chance." please WAKE UP and LISTEN instead of preaching nonsensical ideas to the rest of us. After much discussion on 10 threads we al ldecided boycotts was a bad idea. But you didn't bother to back track to read all of that - some due to your own lazyness and some due to disorganization.
the matter has been discussed in depth. for 100 very good reasons, boycotts are not a meaningful strategy for the time being. please LISTEN to the REST of us instead of blindly pursuing a wreckless drain on organizational resources.
the mistake you make is that focus on the word boycott instead of the concept of DAILY. but thats ok. And i have been on numerous forums, in many meet-up and find that the closer one is to zucotti park the more the focus is ONLY on attending protests and the further you are it seems there are many people wondering what to do. Your tone is also extremely patronizing and insulting (lazy? wake up??disorganized? that necessary?) and contradicts the spirit of this movement. Maybe if we could get up to the the 50 of the 99% you speak of you would take it seriously...but people like you intentionally disuade any one from trying. What's it to you or the movement anyway? How could it possible be a waste of time for this website to engage more people by giving a job to do thats simple and reminds them to pay attention to what's going on? I am confused by your hostility.
simply put, there are 50 other smarter wiser more strategic uses of our time and organizing energy. simply put, this is to me important because so far we are losing and failing because the far more important work is not getting done. simply put, this is hardly just me speaking, this is me reporting on what many others agreed back in posts and thread its clear you didn't read.
it is obviously a waste of time with so many other pressing actions to be taken.
confused by my hostility?
i explain it, people ignore it. this is the 30th thread on this i have fielded. you all don't listen, you don't check the older threads, and when we tell you the idea has been rejected you keep going on and on and on anyhow.
yeah, i am hostile to that. Your wasting my time, and my time is precious.
great. you have better things to do, more important policy changing items on the agenda...go for it....(although i don't see the how much time and energy is wasted with such a simple endeavor...) I'll go ahead and keep talking up our little daily boycott and you will spend the 4 minutes a day you would have wasted on this doing something more world of your wiser strategies.... like arguing others ideas to death. I wonder if you were around 2 years ago when all this started. Was the idea of a protest infantile and a waste then? I think you might want to skip replying because it may be distracting to your incredibly focused assuredness and your extremely high opinion of your own opinion.
i have been working for evolutionary change against the corporate oligarchy for 20 years. like it or not, i'm the adult in the room.
the consensus from dozens of people was not to explore boycotts at least not until we have enough people to make that realistically strategically meaningful.
Rattling on about it despite us asking you to move on to something not patently stupid in essence demonstrates that you are not paying attention to what everyone else is doing or working on and are willing to simply disregard everyone else- because it is YOU who has such a high opinion of your own opinion.
continued effort in this direction is trolling. you have been given more than a fair explanation.
Boycott politicians who are most beloved by the 1% by refusing to vote for the candidate who gets the most from the big money interests. That would make a difference!
thats a good idea finally. same thing tho in different words as starting a third party.
No, not necessarily. If there are 2 candidates from the 2 parties, vote for the one whose donations came more from small contributors.
This isn't an instant cure-all, just a way of pushing in a more constructive direction. Third parties sometimes give us the worst outcome, because they allow some terrible creeps to win.
we need to clear out all the oligarchs.
Yup. That's why we need to come at this from a new angle. Make success in getting the big donations a losing strategy, not a way to win.
yes! this is right! also switching money over to credit unions.