Forum Post: Occupy Congress... Occupy the Government... A real solution...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 1:23 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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Every single Occupy movement should select the most intelligent member to run for a seat in Congress in the future elections.
That's how you get out the bullshit. Most people already know the corrupt members of congress. The only problem is no one except more corrupt people are running against them. We win on a local level when we take back our cities. You think THEY're just going to say "Okay we'll change everything" ??? Not gonna happen. When the people take back their local governments, we take back everything.
And if you disagree with Occupy, I'm sure you can agree that our government sucks and is abusing our system. You should get a group together as well. Run against the corrupt. Get them out of office.
Work with your local news to get free publicity. Start using your free time to work with charities and build a good report with the people of your city. Select that person and get their name out there.
From the crazy left to the crazy right, WE MUST UNITE.
We need to get corruption out of politics. We can't just keep bickering with each other. We must unite! We agree our government is full of frauds. From Bush to Obama our country is still on the decline.
There's a mass without roofs There's a prison to fill There's a country's soul that reads post no bills There's a strike and a line of cops outside of the mill There's a right to obey And THEY have the right to kill There's a mass without roofs There's a prison to fill There's a country's soul that reads post no bills There's a strike and a line of cops outside of the mill There's a right to obey And THEY have the right to kill.