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Forum Post: Occupy Congress, IT'S TIME!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by studentmom652 (10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am in total support of Occupy Wall Street, and despite the mainstream media's bought and paid for lack of coverage, it is working to some degree. I am in awe of the spread of an uprising that has been a long time coming. My question comes in why we aren't sitting on the steps of congress demanding they represent the people rather than the lobbyist!

I'm sure we have enough people to do this! Lobbyist walk the halls and pay off our ELECTED representatives each and every day, so why shouldn't we set up camp there and demand their attention? I want to be hopeful and believe this occupation of wall street will some how change the greed, but the greedy will never willingly stop what they are doing.

I believe this entire movement would get more attention and more change from setting up camp on the steps of congress and demanding our government be returned to the people. I don't have millions to pay off a congressman to change things, and neither do most of the 99%, but we do have 99% more people than the others! If it takes setting up camps on the steps of congress and in the doorway of each and every representative across the country, that seems to be another way to force our government to listen!

Look at the countries who have what we want, France for example. The reason they have the country they have is due to their unwillingness to be overpowered by the government they pay for. If we are to get what we need and want as a country, we have to do what they do, come out in great numbers and rise up against them. It's kind of hard to go against the people when they are in great mass outside your door.




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