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Forum Post: Occupy College - Here's Why

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 7:56 p.m. EST by thebeastchasingitstail (1912)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

From: http://www.thenation.com/article/164209/occupy-college

I grew up in a blue-collar middle-class family in Middletown, Ohio, once named an All-American City. My dad worked at the local steel factory as a machinist, and my mom was an office manager at the local orthodontist’s office. I had a good life growing up—we took vacations every year to Myrtle Beach, four kids and six suitcases crammed into a Chevy. We always had healthcare and didn’t really lack for anything. My parents were able to pay for me to go to a state college out of their own pocket. I worked only during winter and summer breaks, and that was basically so I would have money to spend on college life, not on college itself. I focused on my studies, graduated in four years and left college with zero debt.

Today, my story isn’t possible for a new generation. That steel factory, which once employed about half of the town’s workers, now has jobs for less than one-fifth. And the workers were locked out for about one year in the early 2000s.

College tuition at my alma mater has nearly tripled since I graduated in 1993.

My mom lost her job and now makes half of what she made before, and she was without healthcare for two years before becoming eligible for Medicare. Middletown, that once All-American City, was listed on Forbes’s Top 10 “Fastest-Dying Towns.”

Read more: http://www.thenation.com/article/164209/occupy-college



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[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Colleges and universities have been financialized. They no longer exist solely to educate our children. They exist to make profit, and make profit they do, for the "non-profit" colleges, too, make profit when they hoard money in their "endowments."

Everything in this country comes down to the almighty dollar these days. Nothing is sacred and we're gonna pay dearly for it in ways much bigger than money.

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''The issue of making college tuition-free has recently come to the fore in American politics, largely because the two leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have each championed it. Sanders has called for free undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities, to be financed by a tax on Wall Street speculation, while Clinton has done the same, although with some qualifications and a different funding mechanism.

''The major argument for free public college and university education is the same as for free public education in general: like the free public elementary and high schools already existing in the United States, free public higher education provides educational opportunity for all.

''Actually, until fairly recently, the United States had a free or virtually free system of public higher education. In 1862, to provide educational opportunity for the "sons of toil," the U.S. Congress passed the Morrill Act, establishing land-grant public colleges and universities on a tuition-free basis. For roughly a century thereafter, many American public colleges and universities either charged no tuition or a nominal fee for attendance. The State University of New York (SUNY) system - the largest in the nation - remained tuition-free until 1963. The University of California system, established in 1868, had free tuition until the 1980s.

''... tuition-free college makes a lot of sense, which explains why Americans established it in the first place.'' - excerpted and abridged in reply to your true comment from ...

Finally - it is no use knowing the Mere Price of something - IF people do not understand its True Value!

ad iudicium ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

The value of education is much deeper than the tuition itself or the "endowments" of these greedy institutions. The value lies in the very nature of who we want to be as a people.

I was dumbfounded during the last GOP debate when Marco Rubio said we need more welders, less philosophers. Nothing against welders, but hell, we need both. We need MORE philosophers. For goodness sake, without philosophers our society crumbles into a meaningless void of nothingness.

We need education to get back to what it is supposed to be, to strengthen the collective mind of the human race. To make us more thoughtful and insightful, to keep us moving forward in a positive way, to create a quality of life that surpasses materialism. Education is not supposed to exist just to create profit in jobs. We are losing our way if we don't support an education system that is available to all and open to the overall improvement of humanity.

The core of our very being is at risk here.

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''We need education to get back to what it is supposed to be, to strengthen the collective mind of the human race.'' Ditto & sometimes I wonder if TPTB don't really want to 'over-educate' us ... in case we start joining dots and asking some serious questions. Like: whyTF is there so much debt and what'd happen if we moved the decimal point to the right a few places?

Can any of us really consider themselves truly free - who live in:

Yes, the ''core of our being is at risk'' - from a myriad dark forces but chief amongst which is ... USURY! That's not just my opinion btw - as all the three major Abrahamic faiths clearly forbid onerous interest to be paid indefinitely and generationally. So how about - Jubilee anyone?! Also fyi .. http://strikedebt.org/

radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"University students hold anti-racism protests across US," today, 11/18/15. Of course you have to get this news from a British newspaper as I haven't heard of this anywhere else.


Our young people are waking up. Thank god. Student debt protests last week. Anti-racism protests this week. Niiiice.

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Re. ''waking up'', remember this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv0smG7ptcM - by Rep. Dennis Kucinich from Ohio? What changed already? The kids, bless 'em,really are waking up as they don't get their news and views from ''ABCNNBCBS''/Fox Spews, any more thank goodness - but alas their voting parents & worse, their grandparents, are still influenced heavily by that shit on TV. The real issues may lay here and how Bernie Sanders, Kshama Sawant & the likes of Dennis Kucinich (where he?!) tap into the non-voting majority {if we include those unable or unregistered to vote!!} IF The 99% are to succeed:

99% Solidarity to The Students! Looks like Protest Is Not Quite Dead Yet'! No Struggle = No Progress!

per aspera ad astra ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Millennials, those born between 1985 and 1997, are more than twice as likely to vote for Sanders than Clinton, leading her 54 percent to 26 percent, the NBC News-Survey Monkey poll said."


Shhh. MSM doesn't want that info to get out. You see, the thing is this: The tide is turning. These young people who find democratic socialism perfectly legitimate and welcome it, and who find a candidate, honest and not bought, like Bernie Sanders, acceptable and desirable, well... they will one day rule this country. Bernie Sanders' candidacy is making great inroads in shaping the political future of the United States.

And, solidarity to you too and to all the protesters out there who have made such a difference in awakening the nation to matters like low wages, debt, Wall Street misdeeds, socialism for corporations only, police brutality, our food supply, and environmental conservation.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

I agree that: ''The tide is turning. These young people who find democratic socialism perfectly legitimate and welcome it, and who find a candidate, honest and not bought, like Bernie Sanders, acceptable and desirable, well... they will one day rule this country. Bernie Sanders' candidacy is making great inroads in shaping the political future of the United States.'' Amen bw and per the OP, please try to consider ...

Young folk moulding their political consciousness now are The 99% Activists of tomorrow and thereafter.

spero meliora ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Banks and politicians came to love Sallie Mae. Financiers had easy access to an increasingly lucrative financial product, which the federal government guaranteed. National policymakers could also continue to indirectly aid higher education. All the state covered was the interest payments while the student was in school. That bill is far less than it would cost to underwrite colleges and universities so they would not need to continue to compete for private investors, research grants, and students."

The slow and steady growth of the banks and corporations buying our government is no where so clearly evident as in our student loan debacle.

College kids love Bernie for a reason. Now, let's hope they vote.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Money Corrupts Democracy and Critiques of Crapitalism these days .. have to start with Banks, then Corporations & then .. Plutocrats, Oligarchs & Dynastic Despots! The young are beginning to get this ever more clearly these days.Yes-''College kids love Bernie for a reason. Now, let's hope they vote.''+

No need to read them all lol - but scan if you can!!! All these dots to join but alas so li'l time!! Solidarity! The need to 'Make The Case' is as strong if not, stronger now than ever before! Love/Light/Logic 4 a bw!

ad iudicium ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"As Bernie Sanders reveals, the real rate of youth unemployment alone in the United States is at depression levels. That's right, more than half of Black youth and over a third of both Latino and white youths in the US were unemployed over the past year.

So it really shouldn't come as any surprise that nearly one out of every four American families has no net worth. Or, worse, they're buried in debt. And more than half of all Americans are one serious illness or job-loss away from disaster and homelessness. Those are alarming statistics. But what's really problematic, is that the corporate media won't talk about it. Which is a giant gift to the Republican Party - the corporate party."

People are listening and Bernie is very effectively elucidating the plight of the average American in blunt and truthful terms.

The only reason ISIS is a problem for us is because of how much money we spent on wars over the past few decades that led to the creation of ISIS and how much they want to continue to spend to fight Frankenstein.

Truth is, we can spend that money much more effectively here at home and spread goodwill throughout the world if we'd just quit being imperialists.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

The main thing about Sanders is that he's hard as nails on the issues that most directly effect The 99%! No one in U$A can come close to his understanding of the issues [ https://berniesanders.com/issues/ ] nor can they touch his authenticity & integrity!! He can't be bought!!! For insight into who'd do the buying

ad iudicium ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

MoveOn.org: "Bernie Sanders has earned our endorsement with an overwhelming 79% of votes cast" 79%, yes 79% of votes went to Bernie.

Ha ha establishment! The last laugh will be on you! Speaking of your must watch clip of Timothy Geithner, HenryPaulson, Robert Rubin (all former treasury secretaries) and Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook all laughing like crazy about income inequality and their hand in bringing it about. Laughing while real people are struggling daily to feed, house, clothe and educate their children. Disgusting.




[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

shirley shits will come after u 4 supporting t duopoly.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Will turbodog attack you now for being a partisan dem?

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Education is not supposed to exist just to create profit in jobs.- I agree 100%.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

But what about extracting and gouging profits FROM students - who all need education?!!! Is that ok or desirable?!! What are the options and how is it done elsewhere or how was it done before - Uni/College became such a cash cow for already wealthy, wealth extractors, money-lenders & - the private trusts?! Furthermore, what about the level of Parental Loans being taken out for college?This just can not go on.

''We need education to get back to what it is supposed to be, To Strengthen The Collective Mind of the human race. To make us more thoughtful and insightful, to keep us moving forward in a positive way, to create a quality of life that surpasses materialism.'' is what bw said btw and at a tangent(ish), consider:

I know that you have reservations re.Bernie with Democraps but he is the Only Pro-99%er show in town! Who else might stand up against Private Fiat Money; Fractional Reserve Lending & Compound Interest?

fiat lux ...

[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

I liked Bernie for a long time. When he joined the Dems instead of building a new option (he's not going to win, its not an election its a draft) I was pretty pissed. There goes all the energy out of activists to create the new.

When he said he would endorse The Hag if he didnt get it, I lost all respect for him. Anyone that is willing to put their name behind that, Im not looking to for leadership.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

I get the ''not election it's a draft'' point BUT I do think someone forgot to tell Bernie Sanders that!!! + You know what the Corrupt and Corporate CON-Trolled DNC is up to right now, right?!! The Crooked Mthrfkrs!

So, don't ''lose all respect for him'' too soon ... occasionally in politics .. people have to be politic and be political!!! Keep your eyes on 99% Prizes!! Ergo https://berniesanders.com/issues/ and.. 99% Solidarity!

per ardua ad astra ...

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 9 years ago

Take a 5% inflation rate (conservative) over 22 years (2015 -1993). The increase of prices at such rate over time computes to about 3. So, College tuition costs just kept pace with everything else; nothing more demanding than they have always been. So the cost of college in and of it self is really not the problem. But certainly something else. - like maybe no more decent jobs around?