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Forum Post: Occupy Christmas/Boycott Black Friday/Buy Nothing Day!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 3:15 a.m. EST by aaronwayneodonahue (48)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There are a lot of seasonal labor jobs in my city of Eau Claire, WI. Many of these jobs depend on the 4th quarter for work as much as giant corporations depend on it for profit. However, for all the commies and the greenies and the true-meaning-of-the-holida​ys-ies you might want to consider ways in which you can construct or re-invent cultural practices in your own life from the various political, economic, and social justice views that you have. So, what cool things do you plan to do with this opportunity? Buy local? Buy nothing? Adopt an illegal alien named Roger? Donate? Occupy random things around the neighborhood? Protest Black Friday at the stores? Anyone have any really fun or creative ideas?


Personally, I'm going to be "re-nailing" an effigy of Jesus to a cross again on the court house lawn. (Kidding!) If you're a religious Christian, I've heard of cute practices where people will make Jesus a Birthday cake and for some (liars) that's all they will do. Sort of sweet, I suppose. Ideas, Ideas, Festivus is always fashionable, too. Kwanzaa has already given the holiday season a lot of serious thought, and it can be adapted to a broader audience. Channukah is nice, I suppose, but some worry about getting trapped into 8 days of gift giving. Epiphany, Boxing Day, Yule, Saturnalia, etc.-- occupy it all and consider ways in which you could improve upon the traditions. Take from each what you want and discard the rest.

Here are some suggestions:

1.) Buy local.

2.) Buy small.

3.) Don't buy anything. Make gifts.

4.) Donate money to a charity in someone else's name.

5.) Buy Green.

6.) Support a small business with your purchases.

Whether you are trying to preserve the "true" meaning of Christmas or trying to make the season meaningful to you, don't let credit card debt ruin it.




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[-] 1 points by murderkingz (56) 13 years ago

"gary she's changing the words"

viva la huelga!!


[-] 1 points by stanforsomething (17) 13 years ago

Best advice that anyone can take this season...also pay CASH only. Don't give the banks one ounce of your money

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

"Buy Green"

What does that mean?

[-] 1 points by oldamerican (7) from Puyallup, WA 13 years ago

Well, November 26 is Buy-From-Small-Business day, so do that.

[-] 1 points by jenga5 (6) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

You guys are going to miss out on some KICK ASS deals!

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

You know I thought this post would be great as it would make a point.... but obviously your agenda really has nothing to do with helping OWS.... .. but that's okay....... God loves you anyways. :)

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago

How does it not have anything to do with helping OWS? One of the links sends you to a Christian website. (Check out the 'frugal' link on suggestion number 2, I think it is.) And I say right on the website, "Whether you are trying to preserve the "true" meaning of Christmas or trying to make the season meaningful to you, don't let credit card debt ruin it." And I suggest making a birthday cake for Jesus. AND, I quoted the Bible with an image of Jesus! I mean, you have to be pretty blinded by your hatred of atheists, or you're just illiterate, to think that this is an anti-theist rant.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I see no other links in this post except for the Church of Atheism.

Look it is not hatred I feel for atheists. Believe as you wish, you have a free will to do so. It is your need to belittle Christians that I find frustrating.... "liars"? You're going re-nail Christ to a cross ? Kidding or not, that is offensive to Christians.... btw in case you are confused Christmas is about Christ's birth not his death and resurrection.

Your suggestions may be good ones, but your need to make them while jabbing believers and "advertising" your atheism tells me that it isn't so much about the movement as it is about getting in the faces of the religious.

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago

The suggestions are hyperlinked to the suggestions. Two of them are Christian sites. You are a bigot. And as it happens, btw, I likely know better than you why Christians celebrate the holiday, and the many other holidays that happen around the same time. Atheists tend to know more about world religions than any other religious demographic, AND atheists tend to know more about Christianity than any other religious demographic -- including Christians. Beyond that, I have had a formal education in religious studies at a secular university. http://pewforum.org/Other-Beliefs-and-Practices/U-S-Religious-Knowledge-Survey.aspx http://theundergroundsite.com/index.php/2010/09/agnostics-atheists-score-higher-on-religion-test-than-christians-13862/ http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2010/09/why-do-atheists-know-more-about-religion/22880/ YOU are a BIGOT

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I'm sorry but there is no hyper links in the suggestions on this post.

It's very nice that you "have had a formal education in religious studies at a secular university"... too bad you didn't also take a sensitivity class, or that someone didn't teach you that arrogance isn't a very attractive quality.

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own or intolerant of people of different political views, ethnicity, race, class, religion, profession, sexuality or gender.

I am not a bigot..... I am not intolerant of your opinions, my intolerance comes when you chose to insult people for their religious beliefs, or make remarks that are insensitive and meant to express YOUR intolerance of others.

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago

Yes, they are hyperlinked at http://churchofatheism.webs.com By 'hyperlinked' I am meaning that you can click on a word in blue and it will take you to a different site. Let me spell it out for you since you are having a hard time getting this: Step 1.) Clink on the link I just gave you. Step 2.) Find the words that are blue and click on them. Some of those will take you to a Christian website. As far as your bigotry, work on that. It's not my fault you think things should be removed from the internet because they merely have the word 'atheist' in it.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I know what a hyper link is..... Let me say it again in simple words so you can understand what I said: There were no hyper links in THIS post. Your communication skills are very poor, work on that, you never indicated that the hyper links you were speaking of were contained within the link you posted.

As per usual you have attributed something to me I did not say or "think". I never said or even hinted that the word atheist should be removed from the internet.... Are you always so prone to exaggeration?

[-] 1 points by aaronwayneodonahue (48) 13 years ago

Dangling Modifier. If you didn't see them in this post, perhaps you should have infered that 'this' post was 'this' post, as in the link where the hyperlinks are that I have directed the reader to.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Done with you... this is a ridiculous argument