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Forum Post: occupy christmas song/video please pass on and spread the word!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 10:54 a.m. EST by alexasongbird (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Check this video out -- Occupy Wall Street Christmas Song by Alexa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgLeYFvpz5o&feature=share via @youtube



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[-] 1 points by klmcelroy (15) 13 years ago

DEBT US ALL (sung to the tune of Deck The Halls)

  1. Debt us all with bailout follies! Tralalala lalalala! What’s the rea - son to be jolly? Tralalala lalalala! Hundred bucks per barrel of oil! Tralala lalala lalala! Drink the Kool-Aid, Join the Chorus ! tralalala lala lala  
  2. Bomb we now our latest peril Tralala lalala lalala! Billion bucks a week? no quarrel! Tralalala lala lala! Strike them hard if they’re not for us Tralala lalala lalala! Freedom's yours, if you're conformist. Tralalala lala lala!  
  3. See the blazing world before us Tralalala lala lala ! Europe's crashing, print more dollars ! Tralala lalala lalala! Constitution's now in tatters Tralala lalala lalala! End the wars and fund what matters! Tralala lalala lalala!


  1. There is a house in Washington they call the Cap-i-tol It’s ruining the modern world, let protest flags unfurl. To curb the endless wars they cause, Let citizens unite ! O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  2. My Father was a Senator, he sent in the Marines I asked him when the wars would end . "We’ll squeeze ‘em 'til they scream" My Uncle was a General, and now he builds their planes. O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight!

  3. My Mother worked in Washington, inside the Pentagon She'd add up all the men who died, then add them up again. The General said he saw the truth , but would he tell? O NAY! O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  1. "There’s too much money in this game. Let comp'nies stake their claim." "My neighbor’s in Afghanistan, at a thousand bucks a day" The troops they send to guard his truck die for a lot less pay.
    O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  2. My brother ran for Congressman, they said: "It costs a lot. You'll take our money for this race, or else we'll have you shot." My sister is a radical, she thinks things can be changed O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  3. They say it’s called Democracy, they let us vote and wail. But rich men write the laws you see, the poor just go to jail.

Now DOD can take you in and THROW AWAY THE KEY. O tidings of civil war tonight. Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  1. There is a House in Washington, a Senate down there too The People can withhold their tax ~ that's me and you and you! As long as profits rule all else, this country's goin' to hell. O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

WALL STREET (Sung to the tune of Silent Night)

  1. Wa-all Street Where the rich meet All's not calm All's not right In the parks, the people abound Human voices protest all around Greed's disturbing the peace Greed is disturbing the peace

  2. Joblessness grows true rate ? Who knows... Where did all -- our money go? One percenters say "BAIL OUTS WERE SWELL" While the people have all gone to hell! People, come out and prot-est, Protest the DOLLAR as King.


Now, I know you think you tough, But you better keep you distance If you dealinwith a brother Knows Non-Violent Resistance You be braggin bout you juice, Dissineverybody, laughing Ha Ha, But you won’t be smiling long When you run into Satygraha Dr. King he had more power In his one little finger Than whatever you’ll let loose By pullinon that trigger Now, I really don’t think That you’re getting the whole pitcha But you’ll know it soon enough, if I get non-violent witcha Violence gets back violence, Always has, every minute, every hour But that cycle’s gonna end When it come up against Truth Power

AN OBAMANATION (To the tune of The Crystals “Da Doo Ron Ron” )

  1. They put him in the White House, and it felt so strange It took so long long, it took so long. They called it hope, and then they called it change He looked so strong, strong, he looked so strong. Yeah, my heart stood still Yes, it was a thrill But when he came to power, it was straight downhill! He do wrong wrong wrong, he do wrong wrong

  2. He knew he's doing wrong when he told those lies It was so wrong wrong, it was so wrong He spoke so quietly, but my oh my It was so wrong wrong, it was so wrong! Yeah, he caught my eye Yes, he told some lies Then ~ when he went to war It was all wrong wrong, it was all wrong!

  3. Surveillance and the torture are still goin' on, That is so wrong wrong, that is so wrong My only vote was spent on an automaton I went along long, I went along. Yes, he tortures still Yeah, and he bombs at will Now, he's dronin' on and on He do so wrong wrong, he do so wrong.

  4. He bailed out Goldman Sachs and his other pals Was that so wrong wrong, was that so wrong? He gave them dough, he had become a shill ! He went along long, he went along. Yeah, he looked so fine Yeah, fooled me one more time Now he's just like Bush, but worse! He do wrong wrong wrong, he do wrong wrong.

VIOLENT NIGHTS (sung to the tune of Silent Night)

  1. Violent nights, no respite All is bombs, all is fright Sounds of danger to mother and child Birthplace of Jesus is so defiled Wish for heavenly peace Wi-i-ll there ever be peace?

  2. Violent nights, no end in sight C'vilians quake at their plight Fires fall down from heaven afar Weapons- makers sing Alleluia ! Peace asunder is torn Will peace come Christmas morn?

OCCUPY! OCCUPY! (Sung to “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells”)

  1. Oh! Occupy! Occupy! That's the only way Oh what fun it is to tent When you cannot pay the re-e-nt!

  2. Occupy! Occupy! from Wall Street to the Fed Screw us, and we'll multiply We're in the streets tonight! HEY !