Forum Post: Occupy Burger King!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by owstag
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Today, October 26, the comrades and comradesses of the Occupy Wall Street movement will be, like, totally occupying Burger King and stuff.
They're like totally a monarchy and stuff, which is, like, bad.
We have the following demands:
Burger King must step down and face The People in a People's Court to be tried for crimes and stuff.
His Majesty will be replaced with the People's Revolutionary Burger Council, and free double bacon cheeseburgers with fries will be, like, distributed and stuff to, like, people.
We will bring back the totally awesome Jalopeno poppers they used to have.
Yeah! Awesome!
Down with kings and presidents and governments!
We need our own counsel and leader and shit!