Forum Post: Occupy Black Friday
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:54 a.m. EST by expatkay
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I love the international day of action today, and will be participating in Paris.
I would like to suggest a massive day of action in the US the day after Thanksgiving.... let's occupy black friday. The message could be "Spend a day with your family, then a day with your country."
I think this is a good day to pick because: 1. it is a day many people have off from work, 2. it will send a message to the merchants by taking shoppers away from their busiest day of the year (we need to reach people where it counts - the bottom line), and 3. it is early enough to get the word out and build up momentum.
Thank you to everyone who is protesting. Thank you to everyone who is spreading the word about the protests. And thank you to everyone for engaging in this important dialog.
I think this a great idea! I will be bringing it up at the GA of Occupy Dallas.
Thank you for your support, that is an idea worth considering seriously, I think! :)
Have you seen this? It really correlates with this movement well:
Thanks ComplexMissy for responding. Do you know how to get a new idea brought up in a breakout group if you aren't there in person?
I don't have time to watch that video right now (have to make some signs for the protest that starts in a few hours here in Paris), but will look at it this evening. Thank you for sharing.