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Forum Post: Occupy Austin is Hungry Wants Some Pizzas

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 10:50 p.m. EST by lisa (425)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Their livestream is requesting some pizzas. Pizza Land Pies 512-451-8666

Since people can remember OWS NY Media team pleas for pizza a couple weeks ago, maybe people could send some pizza out to their brothers in Austin.



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[-] 1 points by LoveToLickCum (54) 13 years ago

Get a job and buy ur pizzas

[-] 1 points by technoviking (484) 13 years ago

wow not a single helpful soul?

[-] 1 points by Scooter (38) 13 years ago

I've been both more times than I like to think about. But I have never taken the soul-destroying step of begging from strangers.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

I think that those in the movement consider the world one big community, so the strangers are just people they haven't met yet. I won't tell you that you have to start singing We Are The World, but we have to help people out.

[-] 1 points by Scooter (38) 13 years ago

Sorry, I'm not going to help out someone who wants to kill me because I don't believe Mohammed rode a horse up to the stars to talk to Allah. The world is not one big community, it's one big battleground.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

In the beginning there was one man, Adam, all people descended from him. When religion was forming everyone were Semites, then the divisions began, but everyone descended from one of three which inter-relates everyone on the earth (unless of course you have the belief that this planet is a dumping ground of the extra-terrestrials reject populations - hey some people think we are genetic rejects of bad cloning experiments; to each his own).

It's a battleground now because of sectarianism and erroneous beliefs on the parts of all people in all groups. For those who do believe in God, the ones who know the truth, they know there is only one God the same one for all the people. Even Muslim prophecy has Jesus uniting all the religions at the end. The deal with each religion was they were sent messengers to see which people would keep the laws they were given the best. Who would be most faithful. From all the groups, he will choose who he wants in the end; but he will do away with all organized religions because at some point along the line they all deviated from the original teachings. It would probably surprise you to know that at one point Muslims and Christians will fight together in a battle that will occur in Rome, their bigger enemy will be the anti-Christ. Then they will again resort to fighting each other. All the stuff happening now is leading up to a holy war that has to happen for greed to truly end.

People do not realize that yet, they think it is just a matter of reforming governments and the financial system. When there is a one world currency, and one world financial system, that is when the anti-Christ will be rising up because he who controls the money, controls the supply of resources to the world. He controls trade, exports, imports, food, distribution, commodities, (things needed to build houses and all infastructure).

Even oil, everything people use has to come to them by plane, boat, or train, or truck. All these things use fuel, oil or gas. If someone or a group of people control that, they have power over everything you need to survive.

Now in a society that runs on money, he who controls the financial system controls what you can obtain to live on. You see the connection now?

[-] 1 points by Scooter (38) 13 years ago

No, I still believe there are muslims who would like me... And you...

[-] 1 points by Scooter (38) 13 years ago

Tell you what, I'll ask a cousin who owns a pizzeria in Chicago if he can send some deep dish your way when some grungy a**hole orders a pizza but forgets to pick it up. Where should he have UPS send it?

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

Have you never been hungry or humbled?

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 13 years ago

Where the hell is your DIGNITY? Scum balls=starve.

[-] 2 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

Ohhh Ebenezer!

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

There is a tree called Moringa Oleifera that only grows in places where severe poverty is endemic. it was not God's desire for the people he knew would live in poverty in tropical areas to perish. So he put nutrient rich trees there that would help keep them alive.


He did not decree that because they were poor they should die. Yet you think that those who do not work and pay taxes should just starve and die. You would not think we should help starving people in Bangladesh or India, and the world doesn't care either, yet they survive anyway because of Moringa.

[-] 0 points by sppratam (-14) 13 years ago

I'll get ahold of Moses, see if he can conjure up some manna from heaven...