Forum Post: Occupy attacks the wrong 1% and accused of gay hate crime .
Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 9:26 a.m. EST by 1sealyon
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 9:26 a.m. EST by 1sealyon
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This thread is gay.
[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (4014) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 hours ago
Wait, you "Occupiers" FALSELY call yourselves, "The 99%". You take it upon yourselves to claim that you represent "the bottom 99% of income earners". So, thugs like these protesters ARE "members". They are part of "The 99%". that is what I resent about you people, your arrogance to claim you "represent" me when I don't want you to. Just because I am in the bottom 99& of income earners, that does not mean I agree with your beliefs, so you are either misrepresenting yourselves intentionally, or violent protesters who are in the bottom 99% of income earners are "members" of your movement.
your words not mine
They aren't "reaming" ME. I am doing quite well. I don't need/want YOU to represent me! Left wing??? No. I believe in freedom, not socialism. I believe in PERSONAL responsibility, not dependence on others. I believe in Private , Personal FREEDOm, not left wing government "taking care of me"!
Can't handle the truth huh?
You are already exposed as a division troll. Please just get a new user name and try again.
Well, it appears as though OO doesn't see things the same way the police do:
Nobody really knows what's going on here except the four people involved in the alleged incident. More will come out in due course. Nobody should infer anything about the movement, Occupy Oakland, the police department or the DA until more facts are available. That won't stop the conservatrolls from splattering it all over the place like chimps throwing their own shit, but the rest of us can keep a level head.
We all know that Occupy is being infiltrated. That's old news and nobodies buying it, so try another tool from your bag of dirty tricks.
I'm not a dirty tricks guy, Gypsy. Really. These are the posts I started:
I don't know what you think I was trying to do by posting the link to the Occupy Oakland blog but I was just updating.
Good, I'm glad to hear it. We seem to be running a confessional here today, and so by the power invested in me by no one in particular, and by the sacred mystery of the muse, presiding over the lowly conduit of the divine pen, and by the established hatred of my mother in law, I now pronounce you absolved!
Divested? Is that like a conflict of disinterest? ;-)
Glad we're cool.
Sorry - typo. I meant invested.
I figured. Just a little pun. :)
Wait, you "Occupiers" FALSELY call yourselves, "The 99%". You take it upon yourselves to claim that you represent "the bottom 99% of income earners". So, thugs like these protesters ARE "members". They are part of "The 99%". that is what I resent about you people, your arrogance to claim you "represent" me when I don't want you to. Just because I am in the bottom 99& of income earners, that does not mean I agree with your beliefs, so you are either misrepresenting yourselves intentionally, or violent protesters who are in the bottom 99% of income earners are "members" of your movement.
Any more talking points spoon fed you by your soverign masters who tell you what to say, what to think, and when to go to the john, you guless wimp?
Wow, talk about the pot and the kettle. Do you say that about everyone who has an opinion other than yours. Do you say that about everyone who feels lucky to live in this country, who is happy with his or her success and grateful for all the opportunities this country affords us?
Man, if you're not a troll, and you've been here more than a few minutes, you would have heard that same refrain about 200 times by now. And what does it mean in essence, but a simple statement of the obvious. No, 99% of the people don't agree with us. Our aim is to convince that part of the 99% who are still living well enough and unable to look far beyond their own front yard, that the middle and lower classes are being widdled away and their time is coming soon too.
By that time there will be no one to stick up for them, because you wouldn't stick up for those already suffering, homeless, forclosed and hopeless.
How is it that you guys can only see one single fact - your own current situation, and can't extrapolate any conclusions from the larger picture? Is that simply not possible for you?
Do you have any idea how boring it is to have to refute the same miopic and simplistic views over and over and over again?
That is why I call you a troll, because either you aren't capable of allowing one thought to lead to another or, more likely, you're just doing that Hitlarian thing of trying to parrot a fallacious opinion over and over again, in an attempt to brainwash people into acceptinng it as an axiom.
This guy said the exact same thing to me yesterday. It's funny how we can't represent but He can.
Huh. Why does that sound so familiar.
I just gave a return of I can represent who I want to as that is my choice like all of the other supporters here.
We are trying to work for the benefit of all, so that in itself is representative of the majority = All being All.
I mean WTF. Who can say who you or I can represent or advocate for?
They would like to make us think that they can, but I say . . . nuts.
"""""We are trying to work for the benefit of all, so that in itself is representative of the majority = All being All.""""""
No you aren't. You are trying to make our country even more socialistic by having the government put MORE restrictions on our abilities to earn money.
Angry much?
Reading the article and comments one stood out. Someone saying the girl was in the 1 percent and the men taking her money that they "think" is rightfully theres? Im the 99% with out a doubt. But what's there's is there's and what's mine is mine. They also worked to be in the 1%. That's the farthest I'm going there. But just a prime example of the sheep wanting what is not there's. If your having a difficult time accepting the 1% than instead of doing what they did, do what many other level headed peeps do and better yourself learn somthing change your lifestyle job etc
She is in the 1 %, the fraction of the population that is gay and female. That is what makes it a hate crime. The 99% persecuting the minority.
before occupy,
crime happened in Oakland
is there less or more ?
how can it be measured? apart from all the political arrests
The peaceful violence of the occupy movement! these guys and gals who attacked the lesbian where occupy protesters. Quit being an apologist for these bozos.
anyone can be an occupy protester
it's not an exclusive group
does occupy want those people to come back ?
Precisely,which is where the problem with OWS lies.OWS takes in and indirectly supports any fucking person who will protest with them regardless of who or what that person is. OWS DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE 99%.
w/o leadership, does occupy have any screening for violent members joining the movement. no.
Small adjustment to your statement. Anyone can protest. Anyone can be an Occupy OWS 99% protestor "if" they are nonviolent, non-hating of their fellow man, in it for the good of all against the greedy corrupt. Just because someone is at an event does not make them a true supporter it does not automatically make them a member.
Thank you for being here.
Wait, you "Occupiers" FALSELY call yourselves, "The 99%". You take it upon yourselves to claim that you represent "the bottom 99% of income earners". So, thugs like these protesters ARE "members". They are part of "The 99%". that is what I resent about you people, your arrogance to claim you "represent" me when I don't want you to. Just because I am in the bottom 99& of income earners, that does not mean I agree with your beliefs, so you are either misrepresenting yourselves intentionally, or violent protesters who are in the bottom 99% of income earners are "members" of your movement.
Rant on. Maybe somewhere along the way you might even make a valid point.
Though they do say that if you put enough chimps to work pounding on a type writer they might come up with a best seller.
So flail away you have at least as much chance as a room full of chimps. And your only trying to come up with a valid point - not a best seller.
I figured that my point would be too complex for an "Occupier" to understand in their world of tunnel vision. You misrepresent yourselves by saying that you are "The 99%". What can't you comprehend about that?
I understand what you are trying to say but you see you have no standing.
Would the same excuse apply if the crime was committed by, say, members of the Tea Party?
Tea party members do not claim to represent people who don't WANT to be represented by them. YOU PEOPLE take it upon yourselves to represent EVERYONE except the top 1% of income earners in the country. So yes, VIOLENT people are who you represent. Call yourselves something different, or better yet, identify yourselves as the people you DO represent. Don't call yourselves the 99%, when clearly you are NOT!
Because someone was at the OO protests, who obviously does not believe in the ethics of the Movement, commits a crime, the Movement is to blame? What is the point here?
What are you trying to do here? Put the Movement in a bad light because a couple of thugs marched with OO once?
Using this type of reasoning process, then I guess because a group of criminals at Abu Ghraib tortured and raped children, with the intent to psychologically break their parents, who were in the room, the entire US military should be disbanded immediately.
Yes, that is it. OWS attacks old women and the should stop. I agree. The US military rapes children, this was in General Antonio Taguba report on Abu Ghraib by the way, so it should be disbanded. I agree.
Man what a tax cut that we be.
I agree with you.
The actions of few people do not condemn a whole movement or group.
This forum is a lot like that. There are many thoughtful and even heart-felt posts here. They are respectful as they attempt to persuade. I even see middle ground and compromise happen.
After a time people come to believe that folks with different ideas are not evil monsters, but just look at life differently. If someone is different than we are it is tempting to insult and vilify them; to forget that they are human beings. Just like those four men did on that Oakland street.
lets be clear about this, its okay to hate gays, and other immoral people, its a crime to steal their wallet.