Forum Post: Occupy America Political Action Committee
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 12:30 a.m. EST by reydelsantos
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Everyone involved with the OWS movement should focus on making a real difference by doing the following: (1) register to vote - if you are not registered to vote, baically you don't get to play the game; (2) clean house by voting out all incumbents (republican or democrat) - this is the only way you can send a strong message that youwill not tolerate poitics as usual; (3) establish a national Occupy America Political Action Committee and target specific Congressmen and Senators for defeat - money talks and BS walks. If 50 million disgruntled Americans contributed $1 each to a national Political Action Committee that would be $50 million dollars available to defeat thse who Congressmen and Senators who would sell out to America's greedy corporations. All OWS has to do is defeat one candidate at a time. $1 a month for as long as it takes to TARGET and DEFEAT any candidate who stands in the way of true representative democracy.
The last thing OWS needs is to become prematurely mired in electoral politics. Fortunately, as anyone who is actually active in the movement as opposed to internet kibbitzers, there is very little danger of that. Try as it might OWS will not be hoodwinked into the Democratic Party. Anybody who doesn't believe that should take the time to listen to one streaming GA if they are unable to attend one in person. As sloppy as they are, nobody who ever listened or sat through a GA would ever come to the conclusion that it would, for better or worse, fall prey to electoral politics of any kind. If you don't believe that just look above this to the heading of this website. Right below it it says, "The revolution continues worldwide!" And that's not mere hyperbolic rhetoric to people who attend GAs. They really mean it which is why they are unlikely in the extremel to adopt anything resembling electoral politics. That is, besides the fact that it takes forever for a GA to decide on anything.
Help fight back against K Street with an #OccupyPAC to fund the campaigns of occupiers.
Donate today and if we don't raise $15,000 by midnight on December 25, we'll refund your money.
If #! and 2 are effective, why do you need #3?