Forum Post: "Occupy AIPAC"; Oil and the Israel Lobby, Iran and the Occupy movement
Posted 13 years ago on March 6, 2012, 7:27 p.m. EST by ShubeLMorgan2
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With the powerful one percenter lobby AIPAC beating the drums for another war, this time with Iran, and with Billions of US taxpayer dollars going to Israel this entire matter of the influence of the Israel Lobby in US politics is very relevant to the Occupy Movement. A full out war with Iran will set the movement and the US people back decades. AIPAC, Sheldon Edelson and the whole smorgasbord of pro Israel agitation in the US has to be opposed for the sake of our very well being and lives
Occupy AIPAC: Saying No to K Street Control of Congress and War on Iran
...Thanks to Citizens United, AIPAC executive committee member and casino mogul Sheldon Adelson (the 8th wealthiest person in America) and his wife forked over $10 million dollars to Newt Gingrich's super PAC in January, single-handedly keeping him in the race, and recently hinted at a potential $100 million dollar future contribution to the campaign. Gingrich has admitted that Adelson's main interest in his candidacy is because of his stance on Israel...
Oil and the Israel Lobby
January 30th, 2009 § 50 Comments
by M. Shahid Alam
In the slow evolution of US relations with Israel since 1948, as the latter mutated from a strategic liability to a strategic asset, Israel and its Jewish allies in the United States have always occupied the driver’s seat.
President Truman had shepherded the creation of Israel in 1947 not because the American establishment saw it as a strategic asset; this much is clear. “No one,” writes Cheryl Rubenberg, “not even the Israelis themselves, argues that the United States supported the creation of the Jewish state for reasons of security or national interest.”(1) Domestic politics, in an election year, was the primary force behind President Truman’s decision to support the creation of Israel. In addition, the damage to US interests due to the creation of Israel – although massive – was not immediate. This was expected to unfold slowly: and its first blows would be borne by the British who were still the paramount power in the region.
Nevertheless, soon after he had helped to create Israel, President Truman moved decisively to appear to distance the United States from the new state. Instead of committing American troops to protect Israel, when it fought against five Arab armies, he imposed an even-handed arms embargo on both sides in the conflict. Had Israel been dismantled [at birth], President Truman would have urged steps to protect the Jewish colonists in Palestine, but he would have accepted a premature end to the Zionist state as fait accompli. Zionist pressures failed to persuade President Truman to lift the arms embargo. Ironically, military deliveries from Czechoslovakia may have saved the day for Israel...
Iran is trying to defuse the crisis that Israel and its minions here are agitating for:
Further to the above, please also see :
a) "AIPAC Works for the 1 Percent", by Chris Hedges : ;
b) "Declassified : Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed", by 'RT' : ;
c) "Occupy AIPAC" (Video) : ;
d) "AIPAC - The Annual, Ritual Humiliation of US Presidents", by George Galloway : *
e) "Netanyahu's Conspiracy to Drag the U.S. to War", by Sefi Rachlevsky (Haaretz) : 'Sometime between early June and mid-August, just before the Republican nominating convention, will be the ideal moment to drag the United States into war, the planners believe.' : .
fiat pax ...
Chomsky's take on all this is sad, don't you think so?
@ '54-40' : Perhaps so but it is congruent with his time spent at the HaZore'a Kibbutz in the 1950s. pax.
It is understandable that a young Jewish boy named Noam Chomsky back then was taken with Israel. Now that he is the most listened to "anti zionist" perhaps on earth it's very shaky, with his apparent residual emotional ties to the israeli state.
Sooner or later Occupy will oppose the Israel Lobby in order to oppose war.