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Forum Post: Occupy Aipac-occupied Usa

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 12:49 p.m. EST by prosemitic (63)
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many things will just fall back in proper place when this happens. can it? it's is not antisemitic , no?



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[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

AIPAC is lobbyist group who's only interest is to send US resources to Israel and troops to the Middle East to protect little Israel. The only problem is that Israel is not little, nor does it need more resources. The US is involved in a dispute that does not concern us.

[-] 1 points by TheKing (93) 13 years ago

Join CAIR, the muslim lobby. Then you can help fight the kikes, heebs, or whatever you idiot OWSers call them.

[-] 2 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

cair or chair makes no difference to me, the wake up will make that big diiference. dont worry about me, just watch your back when it comes..may hurt though.cheers

[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

The people are slowly waking up on Israeli crimes. On the video below, a Palestinian girl tries not to cry on live TV, as Israelis expel her family from their home and happily move in.


[-] 1 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Just get your own lobby. You will get trillions from rich oil Arabs to support your lobby.

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

Right on!

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

So you condone lobbys,especially aipac? so you are agains ows too?. So no discussions are allowed about the dirty backroom deals that has turned Usa into Israel and all the mess we in now? So no attempt can be made to name the traitors to prevent another War that will spill more American blood and money, a war that will threaten Jews life in Israel too? Then ,Spanskysmojo..you are antisemitic if you want hurt to come to Jews..... Lastly,read and understand and try not to throw tantrums...it wont work no more

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Relax. no tantrum. You assume everyone is against lobbying. There is no leadership at OWS so I'm not sure anything is universal here. My problem is your view that USA is Israel. How ridiculous? That is antisemitic. I'm not into war. I'm into stopping the hate mongers and warriors of Iran. Not the people of Iran, they are good people that do not have the ability to overthrow the Nazis that run their country. Go ahead and name the traitors. No one is stopping you. Israel does not want war. That is obvious. 5 million builders and scientists surrounded by 100,000,000 blood thirsty antiJews. That is why there is war.

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

Usa has become Israel...the special sexual relationship has spawned this. It is not ridiculous, but you can keep trying to say it is not. You say you (israel) does not want war (you sure you not one of those talking head they send on tv everyday?). But it is more clear than clear can be to everyone but you...on who are the war mongers,who already has nukes...who is on the npt. It;s ok if you dont wake up, but be wary when americans wake up in one go...things will surely be messy. This is a fair advice and is not intended to appear antisemitic.

[-] 1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Someone's off his meds.

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

I'm actually a Persian descendant. But there's no way I'm supporting Sharia Law or Iran or even Palestine over Israel.

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

good for you, maybe, but i dont care actually if you are persian or a zionist jew..i am pro semitic

[-] 0 points by betuadollar (-313) 13 years ago

Well then, sucks to be you, what can I say?

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

suck me suck you then

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

I will restate what you ignore. The Jews were thrown out of Israel, not all but many. Then they were murdered by the millions. Then the world agreed that they should be allowed to have a state where their original state was. Then many Jews returned an many were born there. They built a country and grew things in the desert while their neighbors built bombs and trenches. The Jews got smart and realized that they need a strong army and the bomb, in order to live! Messy is the meaning of : the world. Your frustration and lack of facts brings statements that invoke sex instead of politics. Oh, and by the way, your last statement sounds like a class A racist saying 'I have many black friends'. Or, 'I'm not a racist but...'

[-] 0 points by patriot80 (10) 13 years ago

Spanky stop playing the victim....every group has been killed, persecuted and tortured throughout history....Bolshevik jews (Trotsky and Lenin) killed millions and millions of gentiles during the Russian Revolution. Belgium's King Leopold killed approximately 10 million Africans during his rubber raid of the Congo....

As for the Holocaust...the 6 million number is an exaggeration...Red Cross reported around 275,000 WWII jew deaths....many of the photos and testimonies are fraudulent...below I've posted a link that proves many of these "Holocaust" photos are frauds - either drawings or pictures with images added or tampered with:


Also and just as important, the number of bodies they did find where not what jews claimed....meaning if they said one gas chamber killed 60,000 people....they only found 230 bodies....it just doesn't add up when one looks at the facts. Then again, the Holohoax accomplished exactly what zionist bankers Warburg and Rothschild wanted it to, it gave the jews Israel.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Listen Iranianpatriot. There is no exaggeration when you have names and addresses documented. Fact: Anyone arguing the holocaust is an antisemite. Everyone knows that. Who was killed by the millions for their religion. No one. I feel for Africans, they've been screwed over by the Christians and Muslims alike. Red Cross. Pshaww. Go to the holocaust museum, you'll see names and addresses of the 6 million. Some of their relatives are still alive. You can ask them if they remember their grandparents. Tell them grandma's death is an exaggeration. Ridiculous. The German perpetrators admit it. Get educated. 540 concentration camps throughout Europe. I won't look at you infantile, uneducated, Iranian, antisemetic website. You are fraudulent The Germans said so. They have the pictures that they took and know are real. You've been tampered with. Perhaps your mother should have that exaggerated abortion before you cam to spew your bullshit. Bring it Grasshopper.

[-] 0 points by patriot80 (10) 13 years ago

But that's the thing...there are absolutely no names and addresses of those killed....if there are...please provide me with a list of the 6 million killed...then I will take your word. We read that Germans took immaculate records...if so, how come there are no actual records of those that died - meaning, once again, where the hell are the names of the 6 million who died? Let's see them....did their families forget about them? or stop caring? Also, each year, the number of Holocaust survivors increases...it's millions now....this is the true mark of the world's greatest fraudulent lie...

Also, stop crying the victim...I am not arab....I am white. I see you calling people antisemitic or racist...most jews are NOT true semites..they are of European or Russian (communist) descent. These are people that adopted the religion, that's why most of them appear to be white - i.e. no arab or semite blood in them whatsoever.

Think about how impossible it would be to kill 6 million jews....supposedly they would have to kill thousands and thousands every hour - 24/7 in other words...these must have been magical germans....strange that you won't look at that website....also strange that people (in some countries) are thrown in jail for debating/challenging the Holocaust....if you didn't have anything to hide you would look at both sides of the story. Why would I go to a Holocaust Museum (i.e. the Holocaust Industry - jews making money off inaccuracies and downright lies)? I will read something a jew writer or historian puts forth but of course their side of the story is going to be biased....look at Elie Wiesel, he is known as a fraud....and this is the man you want representing the Holohoax? A proven fraud.....it goes to show how racist you people are as well....you are trying to tell me I am Iranian or Arab....it proves the point that you people hate arabs....destroy zionists!!!!! An antisemite is anyone who the jews dislike or hate...anyone who disagree with a jew is an antisemite....how's that for a silencing technique?

[-] -1 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

The records are in several museums in the world. The Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem. I don't carry volumes with me. No need I know its true. The Germans do NOT dispute the facts. In fact they pay reparations. All Jews are semites. They were thrown out of Israel and many then came back. You are all mixed up. The European and Russian Jews were ALL from Israel originally. Have you heard the word Diaspora? That is a fact you cannot change, sorry. Germans were not magical. You can't imagine how they laugh at the inefficiency of the rest of the world. Best cars, best cameras...best camps. I've looked and studied all sides of the story for over 40 years. The Germans who perpetrated the crimes will put deniers in jail. Rightfully. Denial only serves the haters and the Germans want to get past that. The Jewish population of the world is what, about .2%. Why don't the haters concentrate on real issues instead of conjuring up lies of how the Jewdi knights took over Wall Street with their light sabers? You are a denier. That says you refuse to admit that this actually happened. The facts are so cold and hard. I know it's hard to swallow. 3,000 Americans died in one day, 9/11. Th Nazis were much, much better at it than the porno watching terrorists. How long were the Nazis at it? Well if they were only twice as efficient as the terrorists then 6000 per day is 2.73 years. They started in Kristalnacht in 1938 and were defeated and stopped murdering in 1945. That's 7 years with help of all the Jew jealous, hating countries like Poland, Ukraine, France, Italy and the rest. So do the math. How does it actually feel to be educated?

[-] 2 points by patriot80 (10) 13 years ago

Educated? You didn't prove anything....so all jews are semite? what about converts? I understand what Diaspora is but I have to call you out on this once again, another lying, thieving jew statement out of your mouth....European/Russia jews are descents of the slimy Khazars who have no Middle Eastern blood in them whatsoever....they claim they are descendants of the ancient Israelites but this is just another lie.....

You haven't proved anything....also important with the Holohoax is the gas and ash tests that ultimately proved negative...once again, those magical germans...they must of sprinkled pixie dust on the jews to kill them....

9/11 - Mossad Job....Netanyahu should be executed...most Americans cannot stand this pompous scumbag....than again the jews will have us believe it was arabs with BOX CUTTERS HAAAA....essentially arabs with box cutters destroyed the USA that day on 9/11....I would be more inclined to believe BIG FOOT than the box cutter zionist tall tale....

[-] -1 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

The Jews have no converts to speak of. You obviously know very, very little about Judaism. No evangelists, no missionaries. Khazars are Turkish. Turks are Muslims today. What nonsense.Shmazars. There are African tribes that claim that they are descendents of Israelites and I am more inclined to believe them. I proved EVERYTHING. No, read German testimony about how they did it. You'll be amazed how efficient they were. Seriously, just read their stories. No denial from Germany, the main perpetrator. And, how was my math class? I know. Good night. Oh and btw- you are as white as a KKK hood. But still a hood. You buy the Shmazar story but a person killed wit a box cutter is too much? Come to the hood in NY. You'll see people get killed with bare hands. You must think stewardesses are super human warriors. No, they bleed man. In fact, had these guys not been brainwashed into the 72 hairy virgin theory they would not have fought so 'gallantly'. They are terrorists. They kill people. Then they brag about it. It they heard you say that Jews did it they would be so mad that you stole the credit away from them that they would cut you with box cutters.

[-] 0 points by patriot80 (10) 13 years ago

Judaism, Israel and Zionism - built on lies, murder, killing, stealing, fraud, cheating and nation destruction - you can say this about any core religion but all one does is have to read the TALMUD and see for themselves that it's all true for the Judaic mad men of the world....this sacred jew document is still relevant for the zionists even today, amazing.....By the way, you have not proved anything....no names, no nothing....it's as I expected...no facts, nothing....typical zionazi, promises the world but never comes through..it kills you people to be honest, doesn't it?

You people lie and lie and lie....that's the one thing in this world we can be sure of - the zionist jews will keep lying...and also keep taking from the american tax payers money (they feel it's owed to them - the arrogance!!) whether it be billions for Israel or billions for jewish run banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo etc....

Israel are terrorists...financial and zionism....Israel teaches it's young to kill as soon as they become young adults....they are no more a democracy as Iran or Iraq...jewish only roads, jewish only housing, fenced in Palestinians, mandatory military service etc - they deny this too but ask anyone whose been there and look it up on the internet....karma though...what comes around goes around and you sleazy zionists will get yours.....

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

Sadly for you, every Zionist cry wolf and cry baby fakery are stale and exposed as a baby's bump. Take it easy, dont push, just lie low when the shit hit the fan soon. Please dont make effort to write fantasy stories anymore...i am not impressed.

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

That statement proves you are uneducated. I stated 100% fact that you can look up online or in books. Not Protocols but real factual historical documentation. I can help you get past this but you have to be open to facts. Otherwise you are beyond help and will continue to spew venom and I will continue to respond with fact.

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

My Post states quite clearly- Occupy Aipac-occupied usa. And you get all riled up , So I take it you support Aipac? And you also insinuate that naming Aipac would be antisemitic? Whose venom are you spinning and spitting? You may have think you proved I was uneducated , but sadly you showed how a stupid inbred your are. Now get off my post if you want to behave like Aipac

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Glad to see you've abandoned the sexual references. If I do or do not support AIPAC is so irrelevant. What I am against is the antisemetic sentiment that you spew in a post about economics and OWS. Why would you bring that up, not because it's true. You've just admitted being uneducated.

[-] 0 points by prosemitic (63) 13 years ago

Occupy Aipac-occupied usa. That remains my post and my opinion and no amount of name calling can change that. you'll just have to live with it. sorry

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

I will flourish with it. You were the name caller. I never stooped here. Not once!!! Good luck in your ventures. I mean that.