Forum Post: Occupy Across America--interview ideas
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:24 a.m. EST by occupyacrossamerica
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am beginning work on a blog at and have come here looking for input from you--some of the people I hope will be able to get something out of my writings.
In about a week I will begin a journey across America, from Los Angeles to New York. Along the way I will be stopping at as many Occupy protests as I can.
At each of these demonstrationsI will conduct interviews with a wide variety of people as well as post my own notes about the events transpiring.
I hope to develop a place where people can come to see how Occupiers from all over the nation are thinking.
There should be regular updates beginning Monday night.
In the spirit of the movement, I pose this to you 99%: Do you have any of your own ideas you would like to see me implement? And particular questions you would like me to ask?
See this: for what I'd like to see you champion.
I liked your thoughts. You stated one of the most cogent ideas for student loan assistance that I've seen. I'll def keep these in mind.
This movement should be about boycott!!! Imported goods buy Made in the USA!!!
Thanks for the input!
The whole fractional reserve banking system needs to stop.
Fractional reserve banking works like this: the bank prints paper notes and loans them to government in exchange for government bonds, which are real wealth, as in, peoples' tax dollars. Then the bank charges interest on the funny money they print out of thin air. Not only that, but they only need to keep 10% of the bonds deposited and can loan out the other 90%, so more money is created out of nothing, with interest! This is why President Lincoln was assassinated, because he threatened to overturn the National Banks Act, and return America to their debt free currency, the greenback. The fact is, if the debt was all paid, the money supply would cease to exist. This is why in a fractional reserve system, debt will perpetually exist.
One part of a solution to the problems we are facing is creating a LETSystem. LETSystem uses interest free currency equivalent to the value of the dollar to purchase goods and services from other members of the community. Local Exchange Trading Systems have created prosperity and community in communities in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and L.A. LETS do this! Keith @OccupyChicago