Forum Post: Occupy a job.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 8:05 p.m. EST by jbob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
and dont say that there arent any out there. there is.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 8:05 p.m. EST by jbob
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
and dont say that there arent any out there. there is.
You know most OWS supporters are employed right?
how are they camping out for a month straight??
not every supporter of OWS is camping, or even protesting on the streets.
They go to work during the day and occupy after work. You know, like Scott Olsen.
"Scott Olsen, 24, makes a good living as a network engineer and has a nice apartment overlooking San Francisco Bay. And yet, his friends say, he felt so strongly about economic inequality in the United States that he fought for overseas that he slept at a protest camp after work.
"He felt you shouldn't wait until something is affecting you to get out and do something about it," said friend and roommate Keith Shannon, who served with Olsen in Iraq."
The ones you see camping are only a small fraction of the movement.
like this
And you won't find a job without good grammar!
Living wages?? That's the truth behind the statement, I work..for the broken mental health system. I work with the people you don't wanna see or hear. My hours have been cut, I got laid off from my second job, live on my own with my gf, who lost her job a year ago and took a waitress job which didn't pay enough which got us evicted. I've gone weeks with out having food in my apt. And had ppl help by giving me bread and peanut butter. Oh and I'm 22 years old and cannot go back home. My mother lives in a one bedroom apt. My father is dead, my gfs father is a drunk. So please tell me a place that is looking to hire a selfsustaining fulltime college student. That will keep my electic on, my rent paid, my heat on, and food in my stomach?
Wal Mart is hiring. So is Target. In fact, everyone is this time of years. Great time to make some bucks! Resturant pay is a lot more than min wage because of tips. Go for it!
Yes, I have a job. I work 6 days a week and go to school full time. But yet I still have time to tell you to not get into something you know nothing about.
I think you need to have a BBQ this weekend and just relax a bit. Maybe wash the car. Autozone has the stuff you need.
Can I get a tax refund for the money used to allow you to camp?
If your post had read "OccupyYOURjob"... if only. Now THAT would have been a good concept, and it would have really resonated with the people who support OWS, as most of us are employed (and also ironically grateful for those who have given up hope on employment and decided to go on this permanent urban camping expedition instead).
There are indeed jobs out there. Sadly, the number of jobs is smaller than the number of people. This results in people without jobs.
Math, y'see. Always useful for understanding these really, really complex socioeconomic problems.
What job?
can it dweeb sack, I tried working once but I didn't like being a slave to the man. It was bad enough that they wanted me to show up sober at SEVEN STINKING AM, but I put my hemp clog clad foot down when they asked me to bathe regularly.
Don't you have better things to do then tell silly lies on the internet?
It's not even as though you're going to succeed in deceiving anyone, now, is it?
You're right, I never applied for a job. I just complain about the man instead.
Don't you have better things to do then tell silly lies on the internet?
It's not even as though you're going to succeed in deceiving anyone, now, is it?
No, to be honest not really. I'm wasting your time and that's what I came here to do.
I enjoy mocking liars and fools; but unless you enjoy being mocked, I would suggest that you are in fact wasting your time.
I enjoy wasting your time. See? I already got you to reply to me three times. W00t XD
I enjoy mocking liars and fools; but unless you enjoy being mocked, I would suggest that you are in fact wasting your time.
I enjoy wasting your time. See? I already got you to reply to me FOUR YEAH!!! times. W00t XD
one job could start with correcting someone's grammar
Little news for ya, "There is" does not constitute a full frakking sentence. Just because you like shoveling garbage all day, doesn't mean the world should aspire to be an idiot like you.
Most of us don't care to move to China right now.
Sure are, lots, just missed one because the computer software they used saw a typo and kicked the app out.....Maybe if a real person was reviewing that wouldnt have happened
First, as others have pointed out, most OWS folks are employed.
Second, I have a master's degree - I earned a 3.8 GPA in my master's program, have great references, am a capable adult with lots of skills, great at interviewing, and after a full year of applying, JUST found a job making $11.25 an hour. This job is part time because my employer has split it between two people in order to avoid paying for ANY benefits, sick time, or vacation. Luckily, I am married and my husband works full time, so we've been getting by. But I have no health insurance because my husband is already paying $150 a month for his, and if he adds me the cost goes up to $585 a month. My husband works around 45 hours a week AND goes to college at night and cannot earn a single paid sick day. He goes to work with a temperature of 102 because he is afraid he'll be fired (it's happened to other guys). Oh, and because unions are all but destroyed, he also is forced to do unsafe things at work and has no real recourse. If he calls OSHA and anyone finds out, he's fired. If they don't find out and OSHA comes out and suspends work, he won't get paid. So he keeps working and HOPES he won't get hurt.
I say all of this because it is THIS type of ridiculous situation that we are protesting. What kind of culture do we have? People who work their asses off can't get decent health care for their families. Are threatened with layoff or the ax if they get sick or refuse to work in an unsafe or unethical manner. Employers are cutting full time jobs and replacing them with part time or temp work so that they can cut benefits. On top of all of this, if you examine any statistics from any organization you like, you will find that the vast majority of jobs created for around the last 10 years or so have been low-wage service jobs. Living wage jobs are being shipped off to third world countries every single day. And no one is doing anything about it. Then the supposed "job creators" want to whine about the percentage of taxes they pay. Well, stop shipping away the jobs! Raise wages! Create a situation where someone other than YOU - the top 10% of the nation - can afford to pay taxes.
First, as others have pointed out, most OWS folks are employed.
Second, I have a master's degree - I earned a 3.8 GPA in my master's program, have great references, am a capable adult with lots of skills, great at interviewing, and after a full year of applying, JUST found a job making $11.25 an hour. This job is part time because my employer has split it between two people in order to avoid paying for ANY benefits, sick time, or vacation. Luckily, I am married and my husband works full time, so we've been getting by. But I have no health insurance because my husband is already paying $150 a month for his, and if he adds me the cost goes up to $585 a month. My husband works around 45 hours a week AND goes to college at night and cannot earn a single paid sick day. He goes to work with a temperature of 102 because he is afraid he'll be fired (it's happened to other guys). Oh, and because unions are all but destroyed, he also is forced to do unsafe things at work and has no real recourse. If he calls OSHA and anyone finds out, he's fired. If they don't find out and OSHA comes out and suspends work, he won't get paid. So he keeps working and HOPES he won't get hurt.
I say all of this because it is THIS type of ridiculous situation that we are protesting. What kind of culture do we have? People who work their asses off can't get decent health care for their families. Are threatened with layoff or the ax if they get sick or refuse to work in an unsafe or unethical manner. Employers are cutting full time jobs and replacing them with part time or temp work so that they can cut benefits. On top of all of this, if you examine any statistics from any organization you like, you will find that the vast majority of jobs created for around the last 10 years or so have been low-wage service jobs. Living wage jobs are being shipped off to third world countries every single day. And no one is doing anything about it. Then the supposed "job creators" want to whine about the percentage of taxes they pay. Well, stop shipping away the jobs! Raise wages! Create a situation where someone other than YOU - the top 10% of the nation - can afford to pay taxes.
Having a college degree does not guarantee a job.
You don't understand. It isn't that I feel like I should be "guaranteed" a job, no matter what. Like, "oh, I'm a shoddy worker and a bad student and drink too much, I deserve a really great job with super benefits!" No. That isn't it. I think the question is, what kind of society do you really want to have? Do you want a society where the middle class shrinks every year, where 20% of the population own 80% of the wealth, where hard work and determination really don't mean much anymore? Where tens of thousands die every year because they lack basic medical care? With a crappy ecosystem, crappy school system, crappy food protections? The largest prison population on earth at any time in recorded history? Is this the society we want?
According to you post, you should have a job with benefits, vacation, and sick time. That is what your post says. You say it is too expensive for benefits. Yet my family of four does it on one paycheck. That paycheck is for 13.25 an hour. If he gets fired for pointing out unsafe working conditions, then he has recourse.
I quote "Second, I have a master's degree - I earned a 3.8 GPA in my master's program, have great references, am a capable adult with lots of skills, great at interviewing, and after a full year of applying, JUST found a job making $11.25 an hour. " That quote right there tells me that you think that you should have a job paying more just because you have a MS degree. It partly depends on what your degree is in and what kind of experience you have.
Let's follow up on the above post. I like most parts of the society we have. No one lacks basic medical care. Go to the doctor. You do not have to have insurance to go to the doctor. Most doctors give a hefty discount for cash paying customers. So don't go with the lack of medical care.
Show me a country where a large percentage of the wealth is not controlled by a smaller subset of the population.
Crappy ecosystem? I agree that we, as humans, have wrecked havoc on the ecosystem. Stand up and do something about it. I be you could even find a job where you could put your particular talents to good use helping to solve some of the problems that we have.
Crappy school system? Get the government out of it. I homeschooled mine for 2 years and would happily do it again. We found a charter school that they love and does an excellent job of teaching them how to think.
Crappy food protections? We buy from local farmers as much as we can. The problem with the protections that you put on stuff, like food, is you can put so much red tape on top that the cost of the item goes up, sometimes many times more than what it should. I am not saying that I want all food protections to go away, just that there should be a balance.
Quit breaking laws and you won't get arrested and spend time in prison. That seems simple to me. If you think that part of our large prison population is because of drugs, then work on changing that.
I like the country I live in and will defend her to the end. I like the constitution. It needs to be defended and read on a narrow basis, unlike it currently the last century. It currently is read on a broad basis.
You're telling people to get off their ass and do something about the stuff I just referred to, but that is exactly what occupy is about! We're getting off our asses and trying to make change.
If you are able to pay a doctor $100 for a basic visit (ignoring any need for labs/follow up/medicine/etc etc), good for you. Many people, however, have to choose between going to the doctor and covering basic needs.
For the record, I don't get arrested. The point here is that we have funnelled billions into an illegitimate, unethical, oppressive prison industrial complex. It is a patent absurdity for the wealthiest and so-called "freest" society on the planet to have the largest prison population. It is also obscene that prison corporations have a right to lobby politicians for anything - or that for-profit prison corporations even exist.
I do not like the country I live in and will not defend her to the end. Ever. Patriotism is idiotic. The constitution might be fine if it were followed in any way, shape, or form. But since we have permitted a tiny minority of parasites to control our government, any rule of supposed "law" is really irrelevant anyway. Law only applies to those who can't afford to buy off the lawmakers.
Paragraph by paragraph.
Exactly. Do something about it. But don't change the constitution and bring poor laws in to place.
I don't pay $100 for doc visits. We have health insurance. That is one benefit of working for a company that has insurance.
I never said "you" were arrested. You said we have the largest prison population in the world. Allow me to rephrase. Quit breaking laws and people will not be arrested, convicted, and spend time in jail.
As for that last statement. Allow me to give you my personal sentiment. If you do not like the country you live in and don't want to defend it from both inside and outside threats, LEAVE. I am sure the UK or Australia would love to have you.
good post !