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Forum Post: OCCUPY 2012 Presidential Inauguration we are the 99%!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 11:29 a.m. EST by Occupythepresident (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I Propose Occupy 2012 Presidency, when the new President (Puppet) is Announced to the world be there stand up make our voices heard on a global scale across all media use their media against them, The whole world will literally be watching! They cant cut to commercial break Mic check!! the new president make our voices heard to the people that matter the other 99%! When Obama was elected the world worshiped him praising him the whole world was watching cheering, Its time for the rest of the people in the world to wake up on a Global Scale to see the corruption All at the same time lets make It happen! OccupyPresidency2012 show up as Anonymous NO SIGNS!!! No Guy fawkes mask No Violence they wont allow it and wont expect it! SHOW UP as NORMAL civilians plain clothes and surprise them and LETS MIC CHECK the 2012 President of the united states during his acceptance speech! Its time to take back our freedom for too long have we allowed the 1% to control our government and lives lets make history a moment the world will never forget. Mic check presidency2012!



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[-] 3 points by veejayel (6) from Wenonah, NJ 13 years ago

sounds like a good idea to me. we'll need alot of people to mic check the 2012 presidential inauguration though

[-] 3 points by jaktober (286) from Sonoma, CA 13 years ago

You have a few options right now to make sure the next President is not a 1% Candidate:

Green: http://www.jillstein.org/ http://www.mesplay.org/

GOP: http://ronpaul2012.org

And there is always: http://americanselect.org

No need to wait and protest, you can act now and reform.

[-] 2 points by veejayel (6) from Wenonah, NJ 13 years ago

it is a good idea, showing up in the entire world. that would give occupy alot of new supporters and push the message pretty well

[-] 2 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

Bushes re election was rigged what makes you think this years wont be? Whoever you vote for it wont matter again this goes back to Lobbyist who ever the TOP 1% want to win they will win. Its an investment, the only way to make a change is for everyone to see and hear the movement what better way then to use the mainstream media who demean the OCCUPY movement time and time again. to show the other 99% what OCCUPY is really about for us to speak our own message and to not have the media paint a image in peoples minds what occupy is about lying to the people, and lets say the president isnt a 1% candidate so what? speaking out against him and telling him what we the people of the united states want, what is the harm in that?

[-] -1 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

But what happens if the president is Occupythepresident himself should we still protest you? Let me guess you probably would make exceptions for yourself?

[-] 2 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

that makes no sense at all why the hell would i propose to occupy the president and then be the president im not running for president...troll

[-] -1 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Have you ever heard of Write in Ballots? What would you do if you get elected, still call for a protest of yourself, now if you say no you are not true to your beleifs and your a selfish greedy capitalist after all, if you say yes than you have proven that you have no reason to protest except for the sake of protesting itself and you really stand for nothing.

[-] 2 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

so basically the way you see it either way i lose? i don't see it that way at all the president isn't the problem its the FED its the lobbyist the big bankers making more in a day then most civilians make in a yearly salary so your logic does not serve here the point is not to protest the presidency the point is to make the message heard to gain more supporters for OCCUPY when the whole world is watching.

[-] -1 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Why do you care what other people make? Actors who do absolutely nothing except act make more than those bankers.

[-] 1 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

You are misinformed if you think that actors make more than bankers and when the rest of the world is suffering people are homeless certain people are making 4-5 figures a day while these selected few people rob the country through bail outs and trillions of dollars that just disappears and create a designed economic collapse you sit back and ask why do i or anyone else care?

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

You know you just rambled incoherently. I don't care about the homeless and I don't care about super rich people, yes A list actors make more than most bankers. Do you even know what a bailout is, or how trillions of dollars disappear, it has nothing to do with thievery its called economic reality. A house that sells for $500k one day and a year later is worth 250k today is only worth 250k, the bank that gave the loan to an individual for 500k is never going to get repaid. Therefore, since the individual is not responsible for the 500k loan, then the bank takes a loss, half of the loss is coverered by the sale of the foreclosed asset. The other half is not covered, resulting in a failed bank considering we are talking about millions of failed risk. This would in turn make it almost impossible to finance anyone buying a home, so the bank would be out the foreclosed asset as well resulting in a 500k loss, assuming all banks are equal. At this point the only people who could buy houses would be the literal super rich who would be able to buy the 250k house for less than 50k considering they are the only demand, and the whole economy would be owned by an aristocracy. That is why the bailouts were necessary, they did more to help the American people than the alternative. This explanation will be completely lost on you, but hey it doesn't hurt to try to educate.

[-] 1 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

well thats your problem then your inhumane to not care about things that are happening around you to care about yourself their is a word for that you are selfish. You are the one rambling incoherently like you know what you are talking about you are severely misinformed the dollar is nothing more than paper with numbers on it the $1 bill and the $100 bill are made of the same damn paper its only numbers that makes it different and if you think nothings going on i just got to say you are blind and being so easily fooled by the 1% of the world, people on the streets aren't out there for nothing,the people sitting in jail aren't there for nothing, the people marching. why are you even on these forums? these forums are for people who want to make a change to the world and better it. the bankers didn't spend $850,000 to smear OCCUPY movement for nothing, or the feds get involved and home land security for nothing, you are so blind to whats about to happen in America, what about the SOPA bill do you believe in censoring the internet too? They want to censor the internet and regulate it, goodbye freedom of speech. you say something wrong you can go to jail, they are expanding the patriot act through a different name. Some people will never see they want to believe their government is GOOD but ask yourself what about all of the revolutions we had in history french revolution, etc. why is it that its so hard to believe that something like that couldn't happen again today? i hope that you see the light and start caring about the other people around you because you will realize we are one this is our planet our earth and everyone of us deserves the same basic human rights as the person next to us we all deserve happiness and wealth not just a select few the system is very flawed and needs to be rewritten do your research before siding with the 1% Just do a simple google search for FDR qutoes, google when the fed started and see we didnt always have it, stop ruining a good idea post with your rubbish information you are starting to sound like a agent do you work for michael bloomberg has he sent you to spy on 99% because hes scared?

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

I stopped reading halfway through your rambling. Conspiracy theories, and moronic assumptions about the value of currency are not going to build you any credibility. You represent the majority of OWS I assume, paranoid, with not an original thought in your head. All you can do is blame other people and institutions that you don't even have a basic understanding of how or why they work or exist. Laughable at best.

[-] 1 points by Occupythepresident (9) 13 years ago

I blame the only people responsible since day 1 and thats the BANKERS wall st and the FEDRESERVE its not really being paranoid ask yourself why the bankers and lobbyist would pay 850,000 to smear OCCUPY movements across the US? Original thought? Im pretty sure its the opposite way around OWS has the original thoughts you follow what you are told and don't investigate I recommend you watch a short cartoon called The American dream so you understand what the FEDERAL RESERVE is and how our system works. when shit hits the fan everyone will be laughing at you,ill say it again if you look back at history and revolutions you will see the corrupt governments that people rebelled from just because we are in 2011 doesn't mean it couldn't happen now. The agent spy thing was a joke.
